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The pedophile/pederast wing of the LGBTQueer movement speaks for the entire movement:
"Leave me alone to do "my thing". If your "thing" isn't kiddy sex so be it, but don't judge me because your behavior is just as immoral as mine".
I'm honored Al, but sorry, you're once again wrong (why ruin a perfect track record?).
I'm rather more convinced that you're not Dan Savage aCW since you clearly don't give a hoot for other people's preferred lifestyle only the one you would impose. Instead apparently it seems they must be made to conform to your absolutist theocratic diktats or else suffer the criminal consequences that you'd like to impose on them, right?
However, Dan Savage from my "limey" pov seems a more interesting and rational person to come out of Seattle who knows his enemy better than I do at least.
Here he talks about the remarks of Ben Carson that being gay is a choice (Fear not there is no graphic description here that Savage has apparently made elsewhere, it's reasonably safe for all imo):
Dan Savage on "Being Gay is a choice". | |
Give me a break aCW, like you really care.We've seen what happens when man "thinks for himself" and disregards God's Word:
Disease, misery and death.
Of course when certain right wing conservative Christians talk about gay being a choice, what they probably mean is that it is not really about choosing a different sexual orientation at all, they probably do know that it can't be done. :nono:
Instead imo, it is about any sub-group of people seen to be choosing to in their eyes to wilfully disobey the absolutist scripturally based Godly mind control that right wing zealots are famous for and think that they have a God-given right to impose.
A theocratic mind control that they would impose on all, gay or straight, unbelievers, pro-choicers, who dare to do what they want and to actually think for themselves rather than be told. :IA: [/RANT]
It has nothing to do with you caring for the health of those poor lost souls who made bad and unhealthy lifestyle choices aCW, and you know it.