Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
It should be 1 hundred percent or else it's :down: for it being genetic. "Chances are significantly higher" should say "Chances are 1 hundred percent," otherwise, no dice.
I simply don't agree, and do you really think you could just choose to have a different sexuality?
Whichever genes are actually expressed from the available ones even for "identical" twins still involves a possible degree of variation. The fact that more "identical" twins than non identical ones claim the same orientation imo shows that at least some genetic factors are involved. But clearly for me not everyone, if anyone, has a totally polarised sexuality anyway.

Old man

New member
You really believe you could make the choice to be gay?

I absolutely know I couldn't.

Nor could I, But you sure could make the choice not to be, all it amounts to is as the Apostle Paul wrote in Rom.1:24-28.

And how prevalent sexual perversions are becoming today! (sick!!!)

Probably sex with animals will be coming next and they will say it's genetics therefore I can't help myself.


Now that my life has been totally ruined, would you care to contribute to the thread?

Start by responding to this post.


Originally Posted by intojoy

It [homosexuality] should be condemned but if government doesn't condemn it we have to put up with it. But it should be absolutely presented for what it is - an abomination a sin

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Where is it written that a society has to "put up with" unrighteous laws?


Under the Monarchial kingdom phase homos could be executed. We are under the law of Christ which requires we follow the laws of the land. We can't not condemn the gayists because this would violate that law. We can stand up and vote against gayists but if the rulers make homo livin legal we have to live with it.


New member
It should be 1 hundred percent or else it's :down: for it being genetic. "Chances are significantly higher" should say "Chances are 1 hundred percent," otherwise, no dice.

you might want to do some reading on the basics of genetics because you don't seem to understand the topic very well


New member
Nor could I, But you sure could make the choice not to be, all it amounts to is as the Apostle Paul wrote in Rom.1:24-28.

And how prevalent sexual perversions are becoming today! (sick!!!)

Could you choose to not be straight? No, you could not. No one chooses their orientation any more than they choose their eye color of if they are right or left handed. However people can choose to be honest about their orientation or they can choose to lie about it.

Old man

New member
Could you choose to not be straight? No, you could not. No one chooses their orientation any more than they choose their eye color of if they are right or left handed. However people can choose to be honest about their orientation or they can choose to lie about it.

Animals, birds, fish, etc. all live by instinct not choice, humans were given the ability to live by free will, think, reason and make choices.

More and more in society today personal responsibly is being set aside and excused by such claims as it's a disease, it's genetic, it was abuse as a child, it was environment, etc.

It is true that environment does have some bearing but still does not over ride choice, take for instance as is happening today, a person is born and raised in a Christian society and then chooses to go abroad and join Isis and cut peoples heads off = Choice.

It is said that young girls and boys of high school age today are "experimenting" with homosexuality = Choice.

Amorality is taking over morality, anything goes and is being excused. Homosexuality is one of the most distructive practices to a societies family structure there is, there has to be a father, a mother and children. If everyone were to go down the homo path the human race would die out, it is a perverted un-natural CHOICE.


Hall of Fame
Nor could I, But you sure could make the choice not to be, all it amounts to is as the Apostle Paul wrote in Rom.1:24-28.

No, you couldn't. One is either gay or straight. Deciding to not *act* on one's sexuality does not change it.

And how prevalent sexual perversions are becoming today! (sick!!!)

Probably sex with animals will be coming next and they will say it's genetics therefore I can't help myself.

And when you are capable of showing that animals are capable of consent and such an act is not one of cruelty, your comment might have some merit.


New member
Animals, birds, fish, etc. all live by instinct not choice, humans were given the ability to live by free will, think, reason and make choices.

More and more in society today personal responsibly is being set aside and excused by such claims as it's a disease, it's genetic, it was abuse as a child, it was environment, etc.

It is true that environment does have some bearing but still does not over ride choice, take for instance as is happening today, a person is born and raised in a Christian society and then chooses to go abroad and join Isis and cut peoples heads off = Choice.

It is said that young girls and boys of high school age today are "experimenting" with homosexuality = Choice.
you can no more choose your orientation any more than you can choose your eye color.

Bigotry however is always a choice

Amorality is taking over morality, anything goes and is being excused. Homosexuality is one of the most distructive practices to a societies family structure there is, there has to be a father, a mother and children. If everyone were to go down the homo path the human race would die out, it is a perverted un-natural CHOICE.

If everyone became a doctor there would be no one to pick up the garbage or grow food or keep the power grid functional. By your logic that means being a doctor is a bad thing.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
This just in, compliments of TOL moderator Jefferson:

Mark Ellis of GodReports.com discusses his popular article, Identical twin studies prove homosexuality is not genetic. Eight major studies of identical twins in the U.S., Australia, and Europe all conclude that homosexuals were not born that way. Twin registers are growing from many tens of thousands towards record keeping on hundreds of thousands of siblings. Meanwhile, even studies with pro-homosexual authors show that about 90% of men and 86% of women with a homosexual twin sibling are themselves heterosexual. Regardless, to be a liberal, you have to believe that gender is nurture, that homosexuality is nature, and that lesbianism is a lifestyle choice.

Sorry LGBTQueer'ers, but this is the only kind of "gay Gene" you people will ever find.

What do you mean "just in" aCW?
That blog is two years old, I remember reading it before.

So you've had this information floating around in that wannabe brain of yours for two years and you still hold onto the lies that the LGBTQueer movement told you?

...Btw if Dan Savage's children turn out to be straight then by this score your theories of nurture are shot to hell aCW, right? :plain:

What theory? The evidence has been shown time after time throughout this 3 part thread that negative environmental factors were responsible for a person's same sex desires.

Here's an interesting article from 4 adults who were raised by homosexual 'parents'.

While the subject title deals with marriage, it really shows what happens when homosexuals are allowed to adopt or mentor innocent children.

In her brief, Dawn Stefanowicz described her experience living in a same-sex household.

“I wasn’t surrounded by average heterosexual couples,” she says in her court brief. “Dad’s partners slept and ate in our home, and they took me along to meeting places in the LGBT communities. I was exposed to overt sexual activities like sodomy, nudity, pornography, group sex, sadomasochism and the ilk.”

"I grew up with a parent and her partner in an atmosphere in which gay ideology was used as a tool of repression, retribution and abuse,” B.N. Klein wrote of her experience with a lesbian mother. “I have seen that children in gay households often become props to be publicly displayed to prove that gay families are just like heterosexual ones.”

Klein said she was taught that “some Jews and most Christians were stupid and hated gays and were violent,” and that homosexuals were “much more creative and artistic” because they were not repressed and were naturally more ‘feeling.’”

“At the same time I was given the message that if I did not agree (which I did not), I was stupid and damned to a life of punishing hostility from my mother and her partner,” she recounts. “They did this with the encouragement of all their gay friends in the community and they were like a cheering squad. I was only allowed out of my room to go to school. This could go on for weeks.”

“I was supposed to hate everyone based on what they thought of my mother and her partner,” said Klein. “People’s accomplishments did not matter, their personal struggles did not matter, and their own histories were of no consequence. The only thing that mattered was what they thought of gays.”

Robert Oscar Lopez...describes experiencing a great deal of sexual confusion due to the lack of a father figure in his life. He turned to a life of prostitution with older men as a teenager.

“I had an inexplicable compulsion to have sex with older males,” he recounted, saying he “wanted to have sex with older men who were my father’s age, though at the time I could scarcely understand what I was doing.”

Read more: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/lau...-speak-out-against-gay-marriage-federal-court

Again: If Dan Savage's little "trophy" comes out his nightmare of a life with normal sexual desires, he'll be lucky. That doesn't mean though that he still won't be one totally messed up adult.



New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
This just in, compliments of TOL moderator Jefferson:

Mark Ellis of GodReports.com discusses his popular article, Identical twin studies prove homosexuality is not genetic. Eight major studies of identical twins in the U.S., Australia, and Europe all conclude that homosexuals were not born that way.
And what eight studies were these? You notice that your "expert" doesn't reference any of them....but if he did that would mean people could read them for themselves and check his claims. But we wouldn't want that now would we.


Originally Posted by Old man
Homosexuality IS a personal choice!

You really believe you could make the choice to be gay?

I absolutely know I couldn't.

Well said Sandy! No one "wants" to have perverted sexual desires, and that's the reason why we as a society should once again make laws that discourage those that act out on those perverted desires and promote counseling so that those who have those desires can escape the living hell that enslaves them.

Also keep in mind Sandy that the LGBTQueer movement pushes experimentation on youth. I've shown this throughout this 3 part thread and somewhat recently in this thread with this post.



And what eight studies were these? You notice that your "expert" doesn't reference any of them....but if he did that would mean people could read them for themselves and check his claims. But we wouldn't want that now would we.

Go debate Jefferson on which studies,

I'm not the least bit interested because I've shown time and time again that same sex desires are caused due to someone's environment (and with the right spiritual and psychological environment can be changed), not because there is some elusive 'gay gene'.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Animals, birds, fish, etc. all live by instinct not choice, humans were given the ability to live by free will, think, reason and make choices.

More and more in society today personal responsibly is being set aside and excused by such claims as it's a disease, it's genetic, it was abuse as a child, it was environment, etc.

It is true that environment does have some bearing but still does not over ride choice, take for instance as is happening today, a person is born and raised in a Christian society and then chooses to go abroad and join Isis and cut peoples heads off = Choice.

It is said that young girls and boys of high school age today are "experimenting" with homosexuality = Choice.

Amorality is taking over morality, anything goes and is being excused. Homosexuality is one of the most distructive practices to a societies family structure there is, there has to be a father, a mother and children. If everyone were to go down the homo path the human race would die out, it is a perverted un-natural CHOICE.

If you're straight then the option to "choose" homosexuality by definition is an impossibility. This argument that people somehow choose their orientation is flat out absurd. If you're honest you'll concede that your own attractions aren't based on choice but simply inherent else do share the time when you 'decided' to find the opposite sex alluring.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Go debate Jefferson on which studies,

I'm not the least bit interested because I've shown time and time again that same sex desires are caused due to someone's environment (and with the right spiritual and psychological environment can be changed), not because there is some elusive 'gay gene'.

You haven't "shown" any such thing. You've linked to several dubious links that support your pet theory but the simple fact of the matter is there are those who are gay who don't come from broken homes, abusive backgrounds or any other form of unstable or unhealthy environment. Only a complete moron would deny that...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...I've shown time and time again that same sex desires are caused due to someone's environment (and with the right spiritual and psychological environment can be changed), not because there is some elusive 'gay gene'.

You haven't "shown" any such thing. You've linked to several dubious links that support your pet theory but the simple fact of the matter is there are those who are gay who don't come from broken homes, abusive backgrounds or any other form of unstable or unhealthy environment. Only a complete moron would deny that...

We could ask lovemeorhateme aka Pete to return to the thread and talk about his childhood and how spiritual counseling (faith in Jesus Christ) has helped him overcome his same sex desires.

OR, if GFR7 were here and actually honest about his past, he'd tell you that losing his father at a young age and then being molested as a child (he's stated both in different posts in this thread) were the major factors behind his homosexuality.

Darn Art, if only a proud and unrepentant homosexual would come forward and refute what I've shown, i.e. nothing happened in his or her life (that he or she can remember) that brought on same sex desires.

Is there anyone that you can think of that can refute the information that's been provided?

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