Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Without straying off the topic of why homosexuality, incest, pornography, prostitution, adultery and recreational drug use should be legal and sex with children shouldn't, in biblical days people died at much younger ages and because of that, marrying after puberty was common.
Who am I to question someone that represents a bunch of drag queens, bull dykes and fairies when it comes to Biblical history? (Traci has never been wrong before, why would he be wrong now?).
I'd ask you to answer my original question that I asked Jr.
(Go ahead and tell us Jr. when it comes to things like homosexuality, adultery, incest, pornography, prostitution and recreational drug use what the Libertarian definition of "real freedom" is).
but since you only defend homosexuality, never mind.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Without straying off the topic of why homosexuality, incest, pornography, prostitution, adultery and recreational drug use should be legal and sex with children shouldn't, in biblical days people died at much younger ages and because of that, marrying after puberty was common.
that is a misconception based on a misunderstanding of "average life expectancy" of historic eras. We often see that people in a specific era had a life expectancy of whatever. this number was low based on infant and child mortality rates. If you lived in the biblical era and you survived the first few years of life then you would certainly expect to live into or beyond your 60s
Who am I to question someone that represents a bunch of drag queens, bull dykes and fairies when it comes to Biblical history? (Traci has never been wrong before, why would he be wrong now?).
I'd ask you to answer my original question that I asked Jr.
(Go ahead and tell us Jr. when it comes to things like homosexuality, adultery, incest, pornography, prostitution and recreational drug use what the Libertarian definition of "real freedom" is).
but since you only defend homosexuality, never mind.