Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Paul mentions pagans throughout his letters.


"[Paganism] doesn't have the same kind of associations of what you can't do sexually -- what is sinful, what is inappropriate -- as some other religions seem to reference, and many people like the notion that all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals, one of the things that we attribute to the great goddess. And if people are doing ethical sexuality, no matter what kind of sex acts are being engaged in, many, many pagans would find that completely acceptable. Consent, ethics -- go for it."
Right - and the Greeks and Romans could not have cared less about Paul's judgments.
But how does this change Christianity?


Right - and the Greeks and Romans could not have cared less about Paul's judgments.
But how does this change Christianity?
I have found out that Christianity is a developing tradition.

This means clear "abominations" like eating shellfish, having sexual relations between men and men, and having sexual relations with a menstruating woman, meant something very different than how we live out our faith and culture today.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Is it my imagination, or is the Jr. Libertarian ignoring this post?

Originally Posted by Christian Liberty
I'll say this much. My idea of "real freedom" does not entail letting grown men/women sleep with children. But of course, aCW will never understand this.

Originally Posted by GFR7
He doesn't want to.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I know exactly what godless Libertarians mean when they bastardize the words "freedom" and "liberty", but others might not.

Go ahead and tell us Jr. when it comes to things like homosexuality, adultery, incest, pornography, prostitution and recreational drug use what the Libertarian definition of "real freedom" is.

Regarding age of consent laws: You do realize that Judeo-Christianized western civilization is responsible for them don't you Jr.?

I will say that again for the Libertarian impaired:

Age of consent laws came about because of Judeo-Christianized western civilization (as shown in earlier posts, your beloved Islam marries off prepubescent little girls and molest little boys if the adult male muzzie so desires).

So without borrowing off Judeo-Christian doctrine, tell us why lowering and eventually abolishing age of consent laws (as seen in the 1972 'Gay Agenda') is wrong.

The problem is that you don't understand my positions. My libertarianism is based on Christian principles. I have too much compassion on my neighbors to use the force of law to make them comply with Christian standards. I am willing to use force of law to require them to respect the rights of their neighbors. Thus, my opinion on the things you mention above is that they are morally wrong but shouldn't be banned unless you can name a victim.


New member
I have found out that Christianity is a developing tradition.

This means clear "abominations" like eating shellfish, having sexual relations between men and men, and having sexual relations with a menstruating woman, meant something very different than how we live out our faith and culture today.
I understand this purview: It has given rise to liberal and gay churches. It is a matter of faith, how we interpret things such as tradition, conservatism, the Constitution, Christianity - this is why there are so many competing denominations and interpretations of all these things.


I have found out that Christianity is a developing tradition.

This means clear "abominations" like eating shellfish, having sexual relations between men and men, and having sexual relations with a menstruating woman, meant something very different than how we live out our faith and culture today.

I understand this purview: It has given rise to liberal and gay churches. It is a matter of faith, how we interpret things such as tradition, conservatism, the Constitution, Christianity - this is why there are so many competing denominations and interpretations of all these things.

Yes folks, sodomizing "what'shisname" in a public restroom toilet stall is now (according to Abdul and his pet flea GFR7) a "Christian tradition."

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New member
The problem is that you don't understand my positions. My libertarianism is based on Christian principles. I have too much compassion on my neighbors to use the force of law to make them comply with Christian standards. I am willing to use force of law to require them to respect the rights of their neighbors. Thus, my opinion on the things you mention above is that they are morally wrong but shouldn't be banned unless you can name a victim.
You are speaking honestly and in a forthright manner - a HUGE mistake with this brute. I too have compassion but he views this as being a "homosexualist". Can you image aCW in a graduate class? He would bring down the house. :chuckle:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Is it my imagination, or is the Jr. Libertarian ignoring this post?

Originally Posted by Christian Liberty
I'll say this much. My idea of "real freedom" does not entail letting grown men/women sleep with children. But of course, aCW will never understand this.

Originally Posted by GFR7
He doesn't want to.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I know exactly what godless Libertarians mean when they bastardize the words "freedom" and "liberty", but others might not.

Go ahead and tell us Jr. when it comes to things like homosexuality, adultery, incest, pornography, prostitution and recreational drug use what the Libertarian definition of "real freedom" is.

Regarding age of consent laws: You do realize that Judeo-Christianized western civilization is responsible for them don't you Jr.?

I will say that again for the Libertarian impaired:

Age of consent laws came about because of Judeo-Christianized western civilization (as shown in earlier posts, your beloved Islam marries off prepubescent little girls and molest little boys if the adult male muzzie so desires).

So without borrowing off Judeo-Christian doctrine, tell us why lowering and eventually abolishing age of consent laws (as seen in the 1972 'Gay Agenda') is wrong.

The problem is that you don't understand my positions. My libertarianism is based on Christian principles. I have too much compassion on my neighbors to use the force of law to make them comply with Christian standards. I am willing to use force of law to require them to respect the rights of their neighbors. Thus, my opinion on the things you mention above is that they are morally wrong but shouldn't be banned unless you can name a victim.

No victim here:


or here:


or here: WARNING...realities of pornography


I think I'm beginning to understand what Libertarian "freedom" really means Jr.:

The "freedom" to kill yourself, family and marital relationships and society in general (aCW slaps himself on the forehead and says: "And here I thought that was slavery...silly me.").

Now that I understand what "Libertarian freedom" really means, can we talk about those pesky age of consent laws, as children have every right to be "free" as well.



Are You Saying "Libertarian Freedom" would be Lawless and Immoral ?

Welcome to the WHMBR! thread Simon. I spent a good deal of time exposing Jr. (aka Christian Liberty) and his Libertarian movement in Part 2 of this 3 part thread. Go to page 1 of this thread and look for the table of contents for Part 2 to review the absolute lunacy of the godless Libertarian movement.

Now to your question:

The words "Libertarian" and "Freedom" are oxymorons, as Libertarian doctrine enslaves people, it doesn't free them (only God through His grace and wisdom can free us).

Complete Chaos and Perversion ? Look at America Now!

Exactly. Abortion, homosexuality, pornography, recreational (and prescription) drug abuse. We're a real mess.


New member
Why are you ignoring this, aCW? :think:

New Aggressive HIV Strain Detected In Cuba

Could New HIV Strain Cross the Atlantic? Fears of the Spread of Aggressive HIV from Cuba


According to the recent reports revealed, a new strain of HIV (Human Imunodeficiency Virus) recognized in Cuba can transmute into AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) after just three years.

Medicinal experience with HIV demonstrates this collection of diseases usually mutates into HIV anywhere from 6 to 10 years without proper treatment. The Cuban HIV can speed up this change into AIDS much faster, thus the distress among the medical community.

As indicated by scientists from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, this strain of HIV advances so quickly that those infected by the transformation won’t have sufficient time to look for antiretroviral treatment until it becomes full blown AIDS.

AIDS scientists from the U.S. are frightened by this new finding since the mutated HIV viruses are harder to identify and diagnose. The strain can even get to be impervious to treatment and can prove challenging to the development of a proper vaccine to counter it.

The HIV research group has known about the capability of this strain to transform quickly for quite a while, as indicated by Hector Bolivar, an infectious disease expert from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. There are presently 60 strains of HIV type 1 caused by transformations.

Anne-Mieke Vandamme, a professor from the Catholic University of Leuven, said she and her group set out to Cuba after they became aware of reports of rising HIV cases that all of a sudden mutated into AIDS.

For the study, Vandamme and her group enlisted patients from the Institute for Tropical Medicine Pedro Kouri in Havana who tested negative for HIV three years preceding diagnosis and treatment. After examining the blood of 73 patients lately infected with HIV, 52 were diagnosed with AIDS and 21 without AIDS.

These outcomes were then contrasted with blood samples from 22 patients now suffering from AIDS in the wake of harboring HIV for more than three years. The patients never got treatment before this study though.

Those infected with the HIV mutation progressed into AIDS in three years. Patients infected with HIV typically develop AIDS in 6 to 10 years.

Scientists also warn that the individuals who take part in unprotected sex with various accomplices have an increased risk of infection from numerous strains of HIV. Once contracted, the mutation can coalesce with the host and develop and recombine into another new strain.

This study was published in the EBioMedicine journal.



Why are you ignoring this, aCW? :think:

According to the recent reports revealed, a new strain of HIV (Human Imunodeficiency Virus) recognized in Cuba can transmute into AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) after just three years.

Medicinal experience with HIV demonstrates this collection of diseases usually mutates into HIV anywhere from 6 to 10 years without proper treatment. The Cuban HIV can speed up this change into AIDS much faster, thus the distress among the medical community.

There's nothing to see here folks, homosexualist GFR7 is once again guilty of "fear mongering" as it's been established that his LGBTQueer movement has indeed outsmarted God with the invention of drugs like HAART,


and PrEP,

which means you can sodomize what's-his-name without any physical reprecussions.

Oh and GFR7:



New member
There's nothing to see here folks, homosexualist GFR7 is once again guilty of "fear mongering" as it's been established that his LGBTQueer movement has indeed outsmarted God with the invention of drugs like HAART,


and PrEP,

which means you can sodomize what's-his-name without any physical reprecussions.

Oh and GFR7:


Let me tell you something straight:

I neither fear-monger, nor mock.

It is not my movement.

You are really and truly out of your mind - you do see that, don't you? :think:

And that also will have bad effects. You WILL reap the whirlwind. So look to yourself,

and stop projecting onto me and abusing your own friend and ally you first class idiot. I am so tired of your abuse.


New member
No man can jump over his own shadow: aCW, you'd better look to it.

And keep thy foot when you enter the House of the Lord.


New member
Read Kierkegaard, Karl:

Edifying Christian Discourses
by Soren Kierkegaard, 1848

"Thoughts which wound from behind"

Keep thy foot when Thou goest to the House of the Lord


Let me tell you something straight:

I neither fear-monger, nor mock.

It is not my movement.

You are really and truly out of your mind - you do see that, don't you? :think:

And that also will have bad effects. You WILL reap the whirlwind. So look to yourself,

and stop projecting onto me and abusing your own friend and ally you first class idiot. I am so tired of your abuse.

(Sigh, so many personalities, so little memory).

You are as bad as aCW in your mistrust of me. OMGGGGGGGGGGG why me?

There are many, many straight aspects of culture which to me are worse than pushing gay culture. I don't believe in Valentine's Day, period.

On my soul and honor: I AM NOT EXPRESSING HATRED FOR YOU OR GAYS WITH THESE WORDS. I can believe in rights without supporting a false cultural agenda.

stop being mean to me traci

What I meant was this:

On the one hand:
I am against same sex marriage.
I am against the promotion and celebration of things gay in schools and media.

On the other: I do not hate people like Tracer.

I believe in rights to privacy, dignity, employment, housing. I do not like to choose for people, or to humiliate people.

You're very sick GFR7, seek help.
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