Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Actually, CL is very conservative in terms of age of consent laws: I have discussed this with him off-forum.

I'll say this much. My idea of "real freedom" does not entail letting grown men/women sleep with children. But of course, aCW will never understand this.


The hysterical fixation on all things homosexual says more about the person who is preoccupied than it says about homosexuals.

It's fairly transparent.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I say I say, pay attention son.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
This proud and unrepentant moral degenerate who will obviously legislate pro homosexual/sexual anarchist laws is the direct result of what happens when a society gives special "rights" to those who proudly engage in abominable behaviors.

Don't call me "son"; you sound like a pimp. :vomit:

How dare you call Foghorn Leghorn a pimp.


I'll say this much. My idea of "real freedom" does not entail letting grown men/women sleep with children. But of course, aCW will never understand this.

He doesn't want to. :nono:

I know exactly what godless Libertarians mean when they bastardize the words "freedom" and "liberty", but others might not.

Go ahead and tell us Jr. when it comes to things like homosexuality, adultery, incest, pornography, prostitution and recreational drug use what the Libertarian definition of "real freedom" is.

Regarding age of consent laws: You do realize that Judeo-Christianized western civilization is responsible for them don't you Jr.?

I will say that again for the Libertarian impaired:

Age of consent laws came about because of Judeo-Christianized western civilization (as shown in earlier posts, your beloved Islam marries off prepubescent little girls and molest little boys if the adult male muzzie so desires).

So without borrowing off Judeo-Christian doctrine, tell us why lowering and eventually abolishing age of consent laws (as seen in the 1972 'Gay Agenda') is wrong.



New member
I know exactly what godless Libertarians mean when they bastardize the words "freedom" and "liberty", but others might not.

Go ahead and tell us Jr. when it comes to things like homosexuality, adultery, incest, pornography, prostitution and recreational drug use what the Libertarian definition of "real freedom" is.

Regarding age of consent laws: You do realize that Judeo-Christianized western civilization is responsible for them don't you Jr.?

I will say that again for the Libertarian impaired:

Age of consent laws came about because of Judeo-Christianized western civilization (as shown in earlier posts, your beloved Islam marries off prepubescent little girls and molest little boys if the adult male muzzie so desires).

So without borrowing off Judeo-Christian doctrine, tell us why lowering and eventually abolishing age of consent laws (as seen in the 1972 'Gay Agenda') is wrong.


In Jesus' day it was nothing for a 13 year old to get married and have kids. In fact, the girl God chose to mother his son was likely that age.

What changed?


New member
So without borrowing off Judeo-Christian doctrine, tell us why lowering and eventually abolishing age of consent laws (as seen in the 1972 'Gay Agenda') is wrong.
Do you mean the agenda supposedly composed by a pen pal club that never had more than a hundred or so members and never gathered in person? The same pen pal club that and disbanded months before they supposed to have written their agenda? The agenda that didn't exist...anywhere....before it was published in 1991 by a Christian hate group? That agenda?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So without borrowing off Judeo-Christian doctrine, tell us why lowering and eventually abolishing age of consent laws (as seen in the 1972 'Gay Agenda') is wrong.

Do you mean the agenda supposedly composed by a pen pal club that never had more than a hundred or so members and never gathered in person? The same pen pal club that and disbanded months before they supposed to have written their agenda? The agenda that didn't exist...anywhere....before it was published in 1991 by a Christian hate group? That agenda?

(Leave it to homosexualist TracerBullet to call a bunch of disease ridden-child molesting moral degenerates who conspired to change a once Judeo-Christianized society a "pen pal club").

Again, where do you get this information that says that the 1972 'Gay Agenda' never existed? Can you provide a link?



(That's an extremely educational book (with pdf links attached) by Pastor Scott Lively. Back later to review much of what Dr. Lively has written on the various aspects of homosexuality and the 'Gay Agenda').


In Jesus' day it was nothing for a 13 year old to get married and have kids....What changed?

Without straying off the topic of why homosexuality, incest, pornography, prostitution, adultery and recreational drug use should be legal and sex with children shouldn't, in biblical days people died at much younger ages and because of that, marrying after puberty was common.


New member
Without straying off the topic of why homosexuality, incest, pornography, prostitution, adultery and recreational drug use should be legal and sex with children shouldn't, in biblical days people died at much younger ages and because of that, marrying after puberty was common.

So if we start living to be 200 you will think the age of consent should be 30?

What other of God's creations waits until several years after puberty to start breeding?


New member
Do you mean the agenda supposedly composed by a pen pal club that never had more than a hundred or so members and never gathered in person? The same pen pal club that and disbanded months before they supposed to have written their agenda? The agenda that didn't exist...anywhere....before it was published in 1991 by a Christian hate group? That agenda?

First:The 1972 Gay Rights Platform really was a text, composed for the National Coalition of Gay Organizations Convention held in Chicago.

Second: If there is any doubt as to the existence of a gay agenda to reshape our culture, one need only read Michelangelo Signorile and other gay advocates who have openly said that "we should fight for gay marriage, and once granted, transform marriage altogether": - or After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the '90s. OR in fact, The Homosexualization of America (1982)


~“People who professionally dislike marriage almost always favor gay marriage.”

Step #1: From Unthinkable to Radical ” The first step is the easiest”provided the issue can become a fetish or the topic of an academic symposium. Since both the professoriate and the perverts have a fascination with the faux-transgressive (the truly transgressive [i.e., Christianity] tends to terrify them) all you need to do is get the attention of one of these groups. It doesn’t matter which you start with since the politics of the bedroom and the classroom inevitably overlap.

Step #2: From Radical to Acceptable ” This shift requires the creation and employment of euphemism. Want to kill a child exiting the womb? Call it “dilation and extraction” and infanticide becomes a medical procedure. Want to include sodomitic unions under the banner of “marriage?” Redefine the term “marriage” to mean the state-endorsed copulation of any two(?) people who want to share a bed and a tax form. Be sure to say it is about “love””in our culture, eros excuses everything.

There will naturally be a few holdouts, of course, but those who reject the shift from Radical to Acceptable can be shamed into approving. All that is required is to deploy a stingingly suitable insult. The word “bigot”, for instance, is more effective than a billy club at beating the young into submission. There are few core beliefs they won’t change to avoid being called a bigot. The disapproval of their Creator is unfortunate; enduring the disfavor of their peers is unimaginable.

Step #3: From Acceptable to Sensible ” There is nothing more sensible than to submit to one’s god. And while Americans may profess to worship Allah, Jehovah, or Jesus, we mostly worship an American Idol”ourselves. That is why social libertarianism has become our country’s fastest-growing cult. It has tapped into this self-idolatry by preaching a gospel of the Individual. It’s a pragmatic and accepting message. You were, as its chief evangelist Lady Gaga says, “born this way”: “It doesn’t matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M / Just put your paws up /’Cause you were born this way, baby.”

Step #4: From Sensible to Popular ” This step merely requires personalizing the issue. Do you know someone who is LGBT? Divorced? Had an abortion? Sure you do, they are in your family, in your school, at your church.

Do you hate them? If not, then how can you still disapprove of their actions? (Note: Be sure to talk fast so that no one follows the logic.) As it says in the Good Book (or maybe in a Lady Gaga song), judge not lest God judge you for judging. You want people to like you, don’t you? Then express popular approval for what your cultural betters (e.g., people on reality TV) believe should be popularly approved. Then you’ll be popular and it won’t be necessary to call you a bigot.

Step #5: From Popular to Policy ” Commission a public opinion poll. Show it to a politician. They’ll do the rest.

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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I know exactly what godless Libertarians mean when they bastardize the words "freedom" and "liberty", but others might not.

Go ahead and tell us Jr. when it comes to things like homosexuality, adultery, incest, pornography, prostitution and recreational drug use what the Libertarian definition of "real freedom" is.

Regarding age of consent laws: You do realize that Judeo-Christianized western civilization is responsible for them don't you Jr.?

I will say that again for the Libertarian impaired:

Age of consent laws came about because of Judeo-Christianized western civilization (as shown in earlier posts, your beloved Islam marries off prepubescent little girls and molest little boys if the adult male muzzie so desires).

So without borrowing off Judeo-Christian doctrine, tell us why lowering and eventually abolishing age of consent laws (as seen in the 1972 'Gay Agenda') is wrong.


When did I sa we shouldn't "borrow" from Judeo-Christian doctrine? Maybe ask me what I believe before you assume, perhaps?


I'll say this much. My idea of "real freedom" does not entail letting grown men/women sleep with children. But of course, aCW will never understand this.

I know exactly what godless Libertarians mean when they bastardize the words "freedom" and "liberty", but others might not.

Go ahead and tell us Jr. when it comes to things like homosexuality, adultery, incest, pornography, prostitution and recreational drug use what the Libertarian definition of "real freedom" is.

Regarding age of consent laws: You do realize that Judeo-Christianized western civilization is responsible for them don't you Jr.?

I will say that again for the Libertarian impaired:

Age of consent laws came about because of Judeo-Christianized western civilization (as shown in earlier posts, your beloved Islam marries off prepubescent little girls and molest little boys if the adult male muzzie so desires).

So without borrowing off Judeo-Christian doctrine, tell us why lowering and eventually abolishing age of consent laws (as seen in the 1972 'Gay Agenda') is wrong.

When did I sa we shouldn't "borrow" from Judeo-Christian doctrine? Maybe ask me what I believe before you assume, perhaps?

I'm still waiting for your definition of "real freedom" Jr.


In fact, aCW - CL just told me, in a recent post on this thread, that I should use both OT and NT as a basis for my opining.

(aCW gives homosexualist GFR7 a condescending pat on the head and says) :One should always listen to a 20 year old who belongs to a godless cult that bases it's morality on whether or not 'consent' is used when it comes to opining.


~“People who professionally dislike marriage almost always favor gay marriage.”

....In his book The Future of Marriage , David Blankenhorn, a liberal, gay-rights-supporting Democrat and self-professed “marriage nut,” offers this sociological principle: “People who professionally dislike marriage almost always favor gay marriage.” As a corollary, Blankenhorn adds: “Ideas that have long been used to attack marriage are now commonly used to support same-sex marriage.”

(Sigh, GFR7 tries so hard to pretend that he's conservative).


New member
Without straying off the topic of why homosexuality, incest, pornography, prostitution, adultery and recreational drug use should be legal and sex with children shouldn't, in biblical days people died at much younger ages and because of that, marrying after puberty was common.

that is a misconception based on a misunderstanding of "average life expectancy" of historic eras. We often see that people in a specific era had a life expectancy of whatever. this number was low based on infant and child mortality rates. If you lived in the biblical era and you survived the first few years of life then you would certainly expect to live into or beyond your 60s


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

(Leave it to homosexualist TracerBullet to call a bunch of disease ridden-child molesting moral degenerates who conspired to change a once Judeo-Christianized society a "pen pal club").

That is what it was.

Ya know Traci, I read and re-read your post and I just couldn't seem to find where you linked an article showing that the original 1972 'Gay Agenda" was made up by right wing homophobic bigots circa 1991.

Hold on, in case I missed it I'll ask another person sitting in the room with me to look for it.

.....Nope, that person didn't see it either.

Again, where do you get this information that says that the 1972 'Gay Agenda' never existed? Can you provide a link?
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