Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
Why conservatives put themselves into some victimhood stance when confronting facts, history and evidence that contradict their thinking still remains surprising to me.
aCW is a bigot about anyone who is not a right wing Christian conservative bigot.:hammer:


New member
Fixed that for ya.

Now run along Abdul as I believe it's bomb making hour at your local mosque.
Once you've got rid of homosexuals aCW presumably you could go back to hunting down witches and having inquisitions just like Christians typically did in the good ol' days?


aCW is a bigot about anyone who is not a right wing Christian conservative bigot.:hammer:

You left out the word "homophobe" evil Al.

Homophobe Bigot

A derogatory term used by perverts to describe persons who believe homosexual practices are perversions.

Evolutionist: I believe homosexual perversion is unnatural and against survival of our culture as strongest and fittest.

Christian: I believe any sexual activity outside of holy matrimony (opposite sex marriage) is sin.

Muslim: Allah requires submission of all persons to heterosexual lifestyles
. [unless a 10 year old boy happens to catch the eye of an adult male muzzie].

Sexual Pervert to Evolutionist: It is perfectly natural that homosexual genes should expand exponentially in culture. You are just a homophobe bigot.

Sexual pervert to Christian: Just because every previous western empire was destroyed from within by rampant sexual perversion is no reason not to make practicers of sexual perversions a specially protected class of citizens. You are just a homophobe bigot.

Sexual pervert to Muslim: Please don't kill me, I will be GLAD to go back in the closet. I would never call you a homophobe bigot.



New member
You left out the word "homophobe" evil Al.

Homophobe Bigot

A derogatory term used by perverts to describe persons who believe homosexual practices are perversions.

Evolutionist: I believe homosexual perversion is unnatural and against survival of our culture as strongest and fittest.

Christian: I believe any sexual activity outside of holy matrimony (opposite sex marriage) is sin.

Muslim: Allah requires submission of all persons to heterosexual lifestyles
. [unless a 10 year old boy happens to catch the eye of an adult male muzzie].

Sexual Pervert to Evolutionist: It is perfectly natural that homosexual genes should expand exponentially in culture. You are just a homophobe bigot.

Sexual pervert to Christian: Just because every previous western empire was destroyed from within by rampant sexual perversion is no reason not to make practicers of sexual perversions a specially protected class of citizens. You are just a homophobe bigot.

Sexual pervert to Muslim: Please don't kill me, I will be GLAD to go back in the closet. I would never call you a homophobe bigot.

Your bigotry rather goes beyond mere homophobia aCW.


Once you've got rid of homosexuals aCW presumably you could go back to hunting down witches and having inquisitions just like Christians typically did in the good ol' days?

Speaking of inquistions:




The LGBTQueer movement has made gruesome methods (torture) part of their "culture".

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Threads like these are all about Shari'a Law, the Christian version.

OK, let's be fair. Sharia law is stil worse.

Speaking of inquistions:




The LGBTQueer movement has made gruesome methods (torture) part of their "culture".

Yep, right along with the CIA. Both can go to Hell.
@Christian Liberty:

Now that I've digested your points, a couple of remarks:

1. It is true that Christianity itself (or those who use its name) can promote immorality, and I hold to the Kantian and Kierkegaardian views that organized Christendom itself can tend toward evil (Jesus himself warned of this). There have been cases of promotion of immorality by Christians too numerous to mention here.

Force-feeding school children the idea that bisexuality and transgenderism are normal I would call 'evil', certainly.

2. Recall that aCW posts his thread not in the religious section, but rather in the political section. He is making a political statement and thus waging a political campaign.

Ergo, the feasibility of his goal in this context certainly would seem relevant.

Very best wishes;

I agree for the most part. My only point was that the question of whether it would be moral to recriminalize homosexuality should be based off Biblical standards, not chances for success. I hope that makes sense.

And, I don't think we'll have real liberty in my lifetime, but I still try, if only because I feel it to be my duty.


New member
I agree for the most part. My only point was that the question of whether it would be moral to recriminalize homosexuality should be based off Biblical standards, not chances for success. I hope that makes sense.

And, I don't think we'll have real liberty in my lifetime, but I still try, if only because I feel it to be my duty.
Of course it makes sense. In fact, if Biblical law and scripture were adhered to, things would not be in the state of disarray in which we now find them.

Your sense of duty is noble in one so young, and will certainly stand you in good stead; I have every confidence. :e4e:
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The LGBTQueer movement has made gruesome methods (torture) part of their "culture".

Yep, right along with the CIA. Both can go to Hell.

That's not very Libertarian of you ole "noble one", as 'consent' is used when one queer bounds, gags and whips another queer (and if there in one thing we've learned from Jr. and his little cult is that if 'consent' is used, it can never be a bad thing).

And, I don't think we'll have real liberty in my lifetime, but I still try, if only because I feel it to be my duty

Don't give up hope Jr., as your comrades in the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement are working very hard on abolishing those pesky age of consents laws, so "real liberty" could happen while you're still a frisky young lad.

Your sense of duty is noble in one so you, and will certainly stand you in good stead; I have every confidence. :e4e:



New member
Actually, CL is very conservative in terms of age of consent laws: I have discussed this with him off-forum.

Stop assuming things; he is a very Christian-principled youth and you ought to be encouraging him rather than denigrating him.

You pick the most unwarranted posters to pick on. For crying out loud.


Actually, CL is very conservative in terms of age of consent laws: I have discussed this with him off-forum.

Stop assuming things; he is a very Christian-principled youth and you ought to be encouraging him rather than denigrating him.

You pick the most unwarranted posters to pick on. For crying out loud.

Refer to the table of contents (it tells no lies); much of Part 2 was dedicated to Jr. and his cult of perverts.


New member
And actually, aCW, your Table of Contents DO lie--

You catch people making off the cuff remarks, and then hold them to it.

Just like when you said women with man-sized hands and feet are feminine. Remember? :chuckle:


New member
Even though I am so angry at aCW that I could spit nails (and I do not condone 'gay' churches; if you do not apologize to me we are through :AMR1: and I mean it)---

I must say this woman looks gross and I find the whole bisexual thing immoral and revolting, UGH - what a pig :vomit: But it is the "B" in their LGBTQQI and how can anyone be surprised?

I'm sure a few people find you physically repulsive as well. I hope they don't stoop as low as to judge your character based on how you look, I mean what sort of person would do such a thing?


And actually, aCW, your Table of Contents DO lie--

You catch people making off the cuff remarks, and then hold them to it.

Just like when you said women with man-sized hands and feet are feminine. Remember? :chuckle:

All of my lies (and there are so many that the moral degenerates attempting to keep track of them haven't been able to do so), need to be referred to the thread's "Czar of Truth" (aka Captain Obvious), as Aaron's done a super dooper fantastic job of keeping track of what I've said :

while another 1.2 million unborn babies are murdered in the womb each year...

while children are being infected with AIDS and taught that sexual degeneracy is perfectly healthy...

while people of faith are getting death threats, fired from their jobs and made to pay huge fines...


Originally Posted by GFR7
Even though I am so angry at aCW that I could spit nails (and I do not condone 'gay' churches; if you do not apologize to me we are through and I mean it)---

I must say this woman looks gross and I find the whole bisexual thing immoral and revolting, UGH - what a pig But it is the "B" in their LGBTQQI and how can anyone be surprised?

I'm sure a few people find you physically repulsive as well. I hope they don't stoop as low as to judge your character based on how you look, I mean what sort of person would do such a thing?

Go easy on your fellow homosexualist Traci, as it's been shown that GFR7 has a bad case of misogyny (which seems to run rampant amongst male homosexuals).



New member
I'm sure a few people find you physically repulsive as well. I hope they don't stoop as low as to judge your character based on how you look, I mean what sort of person would do such a thing?
No one has ever found me physically repulsive: I'm too darned beautiful. :AMR1:
OK, i really was mad at aCW and took it out on her........:nono:


New member
Originally Posted by GFR7
Even though I am so angry at aCW that I could spit nails (and I do not condone 'gay' churches; if you do not apologize to me we are through and I mean it)---

I must say this woman looks gross and I find the whole bisexual thing immoral and revolting, UGH - what a pig But it is the "B" in their LGBTQQI and how can anyone be surprised?

Go easy on your fellow homosexualist Traci, as it's been shown that GFR7 has a bad case of misogyny (which seems to run rampant amongst male homosexuals).


I'm not gay. And I am not a woman hater. Oh, so you like this bisexual Governor? Why'd you post her?


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