Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm curious about something Art:

Should you get lucky and live past the average age of 46.6* and see the day when laws against sexual anarchy (homosexuality, abortion, pornography) are once again enforced, will you join many of your fellow sexual anarchists who will undoubtedly take to the streets and riot (because perversion and murder are a "right" don't cha know) or will you slittttther back underneath that rock whence you came and be a silent little wallflower?

Inquiring minds needz sta know.

Straights have an average life expectancy of 46.6? News to me...

(Art acts as if there is something wrong with the behavior he defends..."telling").

I think you mean 'if, not 'when' and short of some cataclysmic event that sends society back to the dark ages then there's no 'if' even...

In any case I wouldn't find a rock to live under because I'd probably find you already there...

History isn't on your side Art, i.e. societies that embrace perversion never last long.


Originally Posted by TracerBullet
aCW putting up a fake story? What are the odds????

Here's one aCW Art, Traci, GFR7 and their fellow sexual anarchists missed


Fixed that for ya Al.


New member
Originally Posted by TracerBullet
aCW putting up a fake story? What are the odds????


Fixed that for ya Al.
Don't you sometimes yearn for some credibility and respect aCW?
Other people might then take what you say seriously, as if you perhaps had something worthwhile to say. :Servent:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
(Art acts as if there is something wrong with the behavior he defends..."telling").

Oh, I don't for a second buy into your whacked out notion that the average age for homosexuals is as you put forth either in case that needed clarification. Paul 'Quack' Cameron is hardly a source to take seriously if you have any sense, which...you don't apparently.

History isn't on your side Art, i.e. societies that embrace perversion never last long.

Society - at least ones that have a semblance of civility about them tend to do away with things as bigotry and prejudice in the main and such are reduced to the side lines, hence why racism, sexism and the like aren't regarded as acceptable. You were born a few hundred years too late for your "ideal" to be in effect. Never mind though eh? :)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by drbrumley
This story is a fake.

How does it feel Doc to be allies with someone like Art Brain? (Come to your senses and drop this Libertarian foolishness that you for some reason embrace).

Uh, we're not "allies" doofus and if the doc is right then it simply shows that once again you are a complete dingbat when it comes to vetting sources. Did you not even check? Again?



New member
Er, excuse me Al but I was under the impression that such actually took place along with the following...:


I was misled, I thought that it was the bus on the moon, but obviously I was wrong, a bus found on the moon would be ridiculous if you think about it, you can't always believe what you read in the papers. :juggle:


Hark, I believe I hear the chirp of the limp wristed drama queen bird posting in the WHMBR! Part 3 thread once again.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
History isn't on your side Art, i.e. societies that embrace perversion never last long.

Society - at least ones that have a semblance of civility about them tend to do away with things as bigotry and prejudice in the main and such are reduced to the side lines, hence why racism, sexism and the like aren't regarded as acceptable. You were born a few hundred years too late for your "ideal" to be in effect. Never mind though eh? :)

No Art, God doesn't bless a nation that doesn't honor Him (remember that drbrumley when you and your fellow Libertarians are counting your money).

Speaking of racism and sexism: As I'd shown in an earlier post, you and your fellow sexual anarchists are responsible for the murder over 10 million unborn black babies over the past 42 years, which is a disproportionate amount considering the US black population is only around 10-11%.

Of course black homosexuals are disproportionately represented when it comes to contracting HIV/AIDS, yet other than lisping "Practice sath sex, wear a condom!" you and your fellow homosexualists do nothing about young black men dying from HIV/AIDS.

When it comes to sexism you sexual anarchists have no problem with the fact that over 1/2 of the unborn babies murdered in the womb are little baby girls. And of course you're mute about the multi billion dollar pornography business where women are seen as a piece of meat and end up dying from drug overdoses or become lesbians because they're so disgusted with perverted males that they turn to other women for what they think is "love".

Speaking of 58 million dead babies in the past 42 years:

To any of you Washingtonians following the thread: Please join me and thousands of others at NOON TODAY at the State Capitol in Olympia for the annual "March for Life" rally.




After that amazing come from behind victory over the Green Bay Packers that gave the Seattle Seahawks their 2nd consecutive NFC championship, I wanted to share an article about some of the players Christian faith.

The article is a year old but it still is as true today.

Faith and Football in Seattle
By Tom Buehring
The 700 Club

CBN.com -The newly crowned NFC Champion Seattle Seahawks are the second youngest team ever to play in the Super Bowl. They are competitive. They are confident. They are all in. The organization’s values headline their walls. And for some Seahawk teammates and coaches, an impassioned belief is branded in their hearts.

“We’re not just Seahawk players. We’re not just football players, we’re here for much more than that, Pro Bowl Offensive Tackle Russell Okung says. “We’re followers of Christ and its important for people to know this about us.”

Rocky Seto is the Seahawks Defensive Passing Game Coordinator, ”No matter what happens in this game coming up, it’ll be nice – you know you wake up happy if you win, you wake up kind of disappointed if you lose, but ultimately you’re still the same. Jesus changes us forever. Jesus is the greatest treasure of all!”

Dr. Karl Payne has been the Seattle Seahawks Chaplain for 20 years. He’s at the 30-yard sideline on game days. During the week, he meets with team members and is a fulltime pastor at a local Seattle Church. He says, “There’s too much of an image that if you love Jesus your soft. And our players are far from soft, and our team is far from soft, but we have a core of people that love Jesus dearly.”
Regardless of a player’s chapel attendance, Karl commonly serves as confidant and inspiration.

Seahawks Safety Kam Chancellor says, “It’s good to know a guy like Karl, he keeps me going, he keeps pushing me and he just motivates me every week.”

NFL players, coaches and staff work in a unique profession. As Chaplain, Karl is player-appointed, required to give discreet, pastoral care.
Dr. Payne says, “Encourager, trainer. Somebody who tries to give the players tools they can work with. There to serve them. When you’re dealing with athletes they assume everyone is trying to use them. If you do not develop trust you will not work with athletes. It’s everything.”

This season, Karl has watched players mature deeply in their faith, several who are team leaders and many who have become outspoken in their convictions.

“They have been willing to stick their neck out from the get go. They want to be at bible study whether people approve or disapprove, like it, don’t like it, convenient, not convenient. Sticking their name out, their reputation out, saying we’re gonna do this to let people know this is a platform God has given us we’re going to use if for His glory”, says Dr. Payne.

Read more: http://www.cbn.com/700club/features/amazing/TOM28_Seattle_Seahawks.aspx

"Followers of Christ"? Give me a break.

Anyone who focuses on Jesus is mocked and insulted, just as Meshak on these boards has been.

Jesus could have cared less about Heaven. It was in great shape and could do just fine, thank you. It's the EARTH where the problems are! And what I have seen of many of today's Christians as well as the football player culture, I can dispense with this elitist bragging from a Seattle Seahawk.

"Pray to the Father in secret." --Jesus of Nazareth


New member
Hark, I believe I hear the chirp of the limp wristed drama queen bird posting in the WHMBR! Part 3 thread once again.
Fortunately you being so butch and manly aCW rather helps to make up for other people's shortcomings.:rolleyes:
However I suspect that you are rather more afraid of your feminine side than the average male is, and thus you protest so much in order to keep it from taking you over. :idea:

History isn't on your side Art, i.e. societies that embrace perversion never last long.
No Art, God doesn't bless a nation that doesn't honor Him (remember that drbrumley when you and your fellow Libertarians are counting your money).
Nonsense, most successful and enduring societies of the past had a whole variety of supposed deities. I gather that the Greeks were successful because they left their women at home when they went to war.

Speaking of racism and sexism: As I'd shown in an earlier post, you and your fellow sexual anarchists are responsible for the murder over 10 million unborn black babies over the past 42 years, which is a disproportionate amount considering the US black population is only around 10-11%.
I'm not sure you actually understand what is racism and sexism aCW. You seem to think that not imposing an abortion ban and being pro-choice for all is somehow sexist and racist? :liberals:

Of course black homosexuals are disproportionately represented when it comes to contracting HIV/AIDS, yet other than lisping "Practice sath sex, wear a condom!" you and your fellow homosexualists do nothing about young black men dying from HIV/AIDS.
Imagining lisping is probably your feminine side trying to take over your mind aCW, you might want to watch that. :plain:

When it comes to sexism you sexual anarchists have no problem with the fact that over 1/2 of the unborn babies murdered in the womb are little baby girls. And of course you're mute about the multi billion dollar pornography business where women are seen as a piece of meat and end up dying from drug overdoses or become lesbians because they're so disgusted with perverted males that they turn to other women for what they think is "love".
What would be sexist aCW would be to prevent women from making their own choices about their bodies and preventing them from making a living by whatever means they deem fit, using whatever talents they have. :plain:


New member
I just ran across this sickening article, which shows 26 year old actor Shia LaBeouf dancing in a music video with 12 year old Maddie Ziegler, which reeks of pedophilia. Unbelievable how some people find this sort of thing entertaining, and as seen by the woman who produced it, defend it.
What is rather unbelievable is that despite the number of times you are told, any actual paedophilia is already criminalised.
The only paedophilia going on here imo seems to be mainly about what is going on in your head.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Hark, I believe I hear the chirp of the limp wristed drama queen bird posting in the WHMBR! Part 3 thread once again.

There's no need to insult yourself like that Connie. There are plenty others who can do that job. :)

As to the rest of your nonsense then Al has pretty much covered it.


Don't you EVER post another picture of two women together.
It makes me puke.

Whatsamatta aikido7, can't you deal with the realities of sexual perversion?

(Al, is this guy a homophobic bigot or what?)

Regarding GFR7: You'll have to go to another thread to see GFR7 flaunting the homosexual lifestyle as he's boycotted this thread (good things do happen to those who patiently wait).


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I just ran across this sickening article, which shows 26 year old actor Shia LaBeouf dancing in a music video with 12 year old Maddie Ziegler, which reeks of pedophilia. Unbelievable how some people find this sort of thing entertaining, and as seen by the woman who produced it, defend it.

What is rather unbelievable is that despite the number of times you are told, any actual paedophilia is already criminalised.
The only paedophilia going on here imo seems to be mainly about what is going on in your head.

I realize that you took no interest in the video since it wasn't a 12 year old boy involved Al, but the so-called entertainment industry continues to push the moral limits to see what they can get away with.


I just ran across this sickening article, which shows 26 year old actor Shia LaBeouf dancing in a music video with 12 year old Maddie Ziegler, which reeks of pedophilia. Unbelievable how some people find this sort of thing entertaining, and as seen by the woman who produced it, defend it.


Once I started recognizing how we sexualize our children in this country, it was eye-opening!

...and who names their kid "Shia," anyway?
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