Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm curious about something Art:
Should you get lucky and live past the average age of 46.6* and see the day when laws against sexual anarchy (homosexuality, abortion, pornography) are once again enforced, will you join many of your fellow sexual anarchists who will undoubtedly take to the streets and riot (because perversion and murder are a "right" don't cha know) or will you slittttther back underneath that rock whence you came and be a silent little wallflower?
Inquiring minds needz sta know.
(Art acts as if there is something wrong with the behavior he defends..."telling").
History isn't on your side Art, i.e. societies that embrace perversion never last long.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm curious about something Art:
Should you get lucky and live past the average age of 46.6* and see the day when laws against sexual anarchy (homosexuality, abortion, pornography) are once again enforced, will you join many of your fellow sexual anarchists who will undoubtedly take to the streets and riot (because perversion and murder are a "right" don't cha know) or will you slittttther back underneath that rock whence you came and be a silent little wallflower?
Inquiring minds needz sta know.
Straights have an average life expectancy of 46.6? News to me...
(Art acts as if there is something wrong with the behavior he defends..."telling").
I think you mean 'if, not 'when' and short of some cataclysmic event that sends society back to the dark ages then there's no 'if' even...
In any case I wouldn't find a rock to live under because I'd probably find you already there...
History isn't on your side Art, i.e. societies that embrace perversion never last long.