Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that we've established what YOU need to do (you will vote for God-fearing men and women into political office won't you Doc?)

And who are they?

Anyone that promotes traditional family values and doesn't promote perversion (perverts should be in jail, NOT holding public office).

Someone like YOU perhaps? Someone like YOU who have no problem with legalized theft? Sounds like a deal breaker there pal.

I have a HUGE problem with perverts "stealing" the innocence of youth, don't you Doc?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
tough laws need to be enacted to deal with those who are behind the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist agenda while at the same time showing compassion for those youth who have been tricked into believing that they were 'born' with homosexual desires or in the body of the opposite gender that they currently identify with.

Give me some laws to deal with.

There are many laws that are still on the legislative books but randomly enforced.

Lewd act in a public place/public indecency laws:

Gay pride parades (i.e. the march of the moral degenerates) would be shut down as would gay bars and bathhouses and anywhere that perverts gather to celebrate perversion.

Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor (CDOM):

People like Art Brain who indoctrinate children's minds to the ways of perversion (i.e. telling them that homosexuality is fine "as long as the people involved love each other") would be where perverts belong (jail). This would put a stop to the indoctrination of children in the education system.

Pretty simple stuff ey Doc?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Right now we're only dealing with the source that I made two posts about and you referred to above (creator.org.) If these footnotes aren't reliable, let me know:

I didn't ask for a copy/paste job of the footnotes. I asked for links that are verified by proper academic research - especially in relation to the accusations you make against King sourced from a neo-Nazi nutcase organization. Now how about you link to some articles that you've personally read and cross checked for veracity to fulfil the above criteria? Or shall I wait while you deflect and flail away and for that not to happen?

I take that as a "Yes, if you identified with a political party whose platform and elected officials were inseparable with a racist organization that went into black neighborhoods and murdered 10 million innocent black children, you would consider me a racist."

Then we can both agree that TOLers like zoo22, Town Heretic and GFR7 who voted for Barack Hussein Obama who ran on a political party platform that was pro abortion which had inseparable ties with Planned Parenthood which goes into black neighborhoods and is responsible for the deaths of 10 million black unborn babies are racists.

Of course we can't agree on your silly little lies and slurs Connie. TH has taken you apart on the abortion issue time and time again as much you like to pretend otherwise with bluster and hot air.

AND, we can agree that the LGBTQueer movement which you defend is a huge part of the abortion movement as well, hence that would make you a racist as well.

Isn't it fun to finally agree on something Art?

'As well'? Does that mean you're actually admitting to being a racist now? And of course I'm not part of any agenda unless being part of the collective 'aCW is a complete crank' club counts.

Well Art, it finally came to me. The hater of the Jews and the State of Israel is none other than the same Barack Hussein Obama that has inseparable ties with Planned Parenthood (B. Hussein is racist AND anti-Semitic, go figure).

Jewish Lobby: Obama hates Israel | Rehmat's World

Obama Enables Anti-Semitism, Racism, Hatred of Israel | The ...

Rabbi: Obama Breeds Climate of Hate Against Jews

Etc. etc. etc.

Hmm, how many of these links have you cross checked for validity and accuracy? You do know how to do that right?

So it goes without saying that your buddies zoo22, Town Heretic and GFR7 who voted for Barack Hussein Obama are anti Semitic as well as racists, not to mention the LGBTQueer movement that you so ardently defend.

As usual Art, it's been fun chatting with you.

And of course they aren't but it goes without saying that you know that anyway.


After that amazing come from behind victory over the Green Bay Packers that gave the Seattle Seahawks their 2nd consecutive NFC championship, I wanted to share an article about some of the players Christian faith.

The article is a year old but it still is as true today.

Faith and Football in Seattle
By Tom Buehring
The 700 Club

CBN.com -The newly crowned NFC Champion Seattle Seahawks are the second youngest team ever to play in the Super Bowl. They are competitive. They are confident. They are all in. The organization’s values headline their walls. And for some Seahawk teammates and coaches, an impassioned belief is branded in their hearts.

“We’re not just Seahawk players. We’re not just football players, we’re here for much more than that, Pro Bowl Offensive Tackle Russell Okung says. “We’re followers of Christ and its important for people to know this about us.”

Rocky Seto is the Seahawks Defensive Passing Game Coordinator, ”No matter what happens in this game coming up, it’ll be nice – you know you wake up happy if you win, you wake up kind of disappointed if you lose, but ultimately you’re still the same. Jesus changes us forever. Jesus is the greatest treasure of all!”

Dr. Karl Payne has been the Seattle Seahawks Chaplain for 20 years. He’s at the 30-yard sideline on game days. During the week, he meets with team members and is a fulltime pastor at a local Seattle Church. He says, “There’s too much of an image that if you love Jesus your soft. And our players are far from soft, and our team is far from soft, but we have a core of people that love Jesus dearly.”
Regardless of a player’s chapel attendance, Karl commonly serves as confidant and inspiration.

Seahawks Safety Kam Chancellor says, “It’s good to know a guy like Karl, he keeps me going, he keeps pushing me and he just motivates me every week.”

NFL players, coaches and staff work in a unique profession. As Chaplain, Karl is player-appointed, required to give discreet, pastoral care.
Dr. Payne says, “Encourager, trainer. Somebody who tries to give the players tools they can work with. There to serve them. When you’re dealing with athletes they assume everyone is trying to use them. If you do not develop trust you will not work with athletes. It’s everything.”

This season, Karl has watched players mature deeply in their faith, several who are team leaders and many who have become outspoken in their convictions.

“They have been willing to stick their neck out from the get go. They want to be at bible study whether people approve or disapprove, like it, don’t like it, convenient, not convenient. Sticking their name out, their reputation out, saying we’re gonna do this to let people know this is a platform God has given us we’re going to use if for His glory”, says Dr. Payne.

Read more: http://www.cbn.com/700club/features/amazing/TOM28_Seattle_Seahawks.aspx


Arthur Brain

Well-known member

I could return the 'favour' with the myriad posts that sum you up and are actually accurate to boot, but I'll just satisfy myself with the knowledge that the vast majority from left to right see you as nowt more than a joke, a pompous egotistical windbag also but a joke nonetheless. Have fun with your laughable little 'crusade' Connie and learn how to vet your sources properly so you don't make a complete embarrassment of yourself.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Ahhhh, that felt good.

I could return the 'favour' with the myriad posts that sum you up and are actually accurate to boot, but I'll just satisfy myself with the knowledge that the vast majority from left to right see you as nowt more than a joke, a pompous egotistical windbag also but a joke nonetheless. Have fun with your laughable little 'crusade' Connie and learn how to vet your sources properly so you don't make a complete embarrassment of yourself.

It isn't "fun" to talk about mentally and spiritually sick people Art, but it's necessary, as righteous laws is part of the cure for them.

You're always welcome to post your degenerate thoughts in this thread Art because good people need to know the different faces of evil, just try to leave your drama queen wardrobe at the door next time (like that could ever happen).


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It isn't "fun" to talk about mentally and spiritually sick people Art, but it's necessary, as righteous laws is part of the cure for them.

You're always welcome to post your degenerate thoughts in this thread Art because good people need to know the different faces of evil, just try to leave your drama queen wardrobe at the door next time (like that could ever happen).

'Degenerate thoughts' like condemning white supremacist websites and the idiocy of posters who lap such links up as 'proof', without even apparently vetting the source? Or is that a bit too 'drama queenish'? I must remember to reign in the use of 'all caps' and an abundance of exclamation marks...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It isn't "fun" to talk about mentally and spiritually sick people Art, but it's necessary, as righteous laws is part of the cure for them.

You're always welcome to post your degenerate thoughts in this thread Art because good people need to know the different faces of evil, just try to leave your drama queen wardrobe at the door next time (like that could ever happen).

'Degenerate thoughts' like condemning white supremacist websites and the idiocy of posters who lap such links up as 'proof', without even apparently vetting the source? Or is that a bit too 'drama queenish'? I must remember to reign in the use of 'all caps' and an abundance of exclamation marks...

(Save your drama for yo mama Art).

I was referring to the indoctrination of small children to the ways of perversion, which I've shown throughout this 3 part thread that your allies in the LGBTQueer movement are notorious for doing.


On that note: I'm all drama queened out. How about you join homosexualist GFR7's boycott of the thread?


And now a few words from the next sexual anarchist frontier:

What we have come to: teenager announces plans to marry her father

Jan. 18, 2015

A teenager has revealed in an interview that she plans to marry her father and have children after dating for two years.

The unnamed 18-year-old revealed in an interview with New York Magazine her romantic relationship of almost two years with her biological father after being estranged from him for 12 years.

In the interview, the girl also said the two also plan on having children.

The teenager said her father reached out to her on Facebook when she was in high school and soon after, she went to stay with him for a week.

After the week together, the 18-year-old said they had sex and then started dating.

“Everyone on my mom’s side of the family sees us as father and daughter,” she told the magazine. “Those who know that he’s my dad, and that we are engaged, include my father’s parents (they can see we are happy together and they can’t wait for us to have babies...

Read more: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/deacon...nces-plans-to-marry-her-father/#ixzz3PEor5ZgT


Hey, as long as it's consensual.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
(Save your drama for yo mama Art).

I was referring to the indoctrination of small children to the ways of perversion, which I've shown throughout this 3 part thread that your allies in the LGBTQueer movement are notorious for doing.

On that note: I'm all drama queened out. How about you join homosexualist GFR7's boycott of the thread?

Connie, the day you get all 'drama queened out' will be the day this train wreck of a thread ends. If it's not 'mother's basements', Ovaltine, bizarre innuendo about posters and toilet stalls or their being several incarnations of the same person under different names it's drama all the way with you. Not very good drama to be fair but still...


Connie, the day you get all 'drama queened out' will be the day this train wreck of a thread ends. If it's not 'mother's basements', Ovaltine, bizarre innuendo about posters and toilet stalls or their being several incarnations of the same person under different names it's drama all the way with you. Not very good drama to be fair but still...

(Does his drama EVER stop?).


Well-known member
And now a few words from the next sexual anarchist frontier:

What we have come to: teenager announces plans to marry her father

Jan. 18, 2015

A teenager has revealed in an interview that she plans to marry her father and have children after dating for two years.

The unnamed 18-year-old revealed in an interview with New York Magazine her romantic relationship of almost two years with her biological father after being estranged from him for 12 years.

In the interview, the girl also said the two also plan on having children.

The teenager said her father reached out to her on Facebook when she was in high school and soon after, she went to stay with him for a week.

After the week together, the 18-year-old said they had sex and then started dating.

“Everyone on my mom’s side of the family sees us as father and daughter,” she told the magazine. “Those who know that he’s my dad, and that we are engaged, include my father’s parents (they can see we are happy together and they can’t wait for us to have babies...

Read more: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/deacon...nces-plans-to-marry-her-father/#ixzz3PEor5ZgT


Hey, as long as it's consensual.

This story is a fake.


Hmm, maybe I can try and match yours by starting an ongoing thread and constantly bumping it, boasting about the views that it's bound to get just by 'virtue' of its longevity due to the former etc? Else nice projection going on there again Connie. :)

I'm curious about something Art:

Should you get lucky and live past the average age of 46.6* and see the day when laws against sexual anarchy (homosexuality, abortion, pornography) are once again enforced, will you join many of your fellow sexual anarchists who will undoubtedly take to the streets and riot (because perversion and murder are a "right" don't cha know) or will you slittttther back underneath that rock whence you came and be a silent little wallflower?

Inquiring minds needz sta know.




aCW putting up a fake story? What are the odds????

You mean that incestuous relationships really aren't openly taking place in the US and that there isn't a movement to legalize incest since homosexuality was decriminalized?

Oh and Doc, I must have missed your reply to this post:


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm curious about something Art:

Should you get lucky and live past the average age of 46.6* and see the day when laws against sexual anarchy (homosexuality, abortion, pornography) are once again enforced, will you join many of your fellow sexual anarchists who will undoubtedly take to the streets and riot (because perversion and murder are a "right" don't cha know) or will you slittttther back underneath that rock whence you came and be a silent little wallflower?

Inquiring minds needz sta know.

Straights have an average life expectancy of 46.6? News to me...

I think you mean 'if, not 'when' and short of some cataclysmic event that sends society back to the dark ages then there's no 'if' even...

In any case I wouldn't find a rock to live under because I'd probably find you already there...
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