Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Your next assignment:
Prove that they wrote the article exposing Martin Luther King Jr. and if so, prove that any of the information that they documented is incorrect. (i.e. that many black pastors despised King and that there was a dope smoking party and wild orgies at hotels King and his group stayed at, etc.).
Er, no. The onus is on you to provide actual proof that any of this actually took place after having linked to sources that are laughable in the first place. Provide source material that isn't mired in nutty sites and blogs and can be verified via proper academic research and you'll have something to bring to the table. That's your assignment dude.
Right now we're only dealing with the source that I made two posts about and you referred to above (creator.org.) If these footnotes aren't reliable, let me know:
1 Louise Quayle et al., Martin Luther King, Jr.: Dreams for a Nation (New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1989), p.9.
2 Congressional Record (May 16, 1968), p.E4309.
3 Quayle et al., Martin Luther King, Jr., p.12. Little Mike’s family obtained their wealth by selling stock in a Mexican mine that
was reportedly “fake, pure and simple,” said a writer for the Black newspaper Atlanta Independent in 1909. The Independent’s
writer suggested that “many thousands of poor Negroes are being defrauded throughout the state” by Daddy. Theodore Pappas,
“A Houdini of Time,” Chronicles (November 1992), p.27.
4 Quayle et al., Martin Luther King, Jr., p.12.
5 Quayle et al., Martin Luther King, Jr., p.14.
6 Quayle et al., Martin Luther King, Jr., p.14.
7 Quayle et al., Martin Luther King, Jr., p.16. Some people still continued to address Martin Luther King, Jr., as “Mike” into the
latter part of the 1950s. Keith D. Miller, Voice of Deliverance: The Language of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Its Sources (New
York: Free Press, 1992), p.175.
8 Clayborne Carson, Malcolm X: The F.B.I. File (New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc., 1991), p.22.
9 Congressional Record (May 16, 1968), p.E4309. Although King was intelligent for his age, the scores he attained on the
Graduate Record Exam were— to put it mildly— not too good. King’s scores were below average in English and vocabulary.
His other scores were similar: King scored in the bottom 33 percent on his advanced philosophy test; and his score in
quantitative analysis was even lower, being in the lowest 10 percent. Theodore Pappas, “A Houdini of Time,” Chronicles
(November 1992), p.28.
10 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), p.E4783.
11 Congressional Record (May 16, 1968), p.E4309.
12 Congressional Record (May 16, 1968), p.E4309.
13 Chronicles of the 20th Century (Prentice Hall Trade, 1987), p.780. At another time, King reportedly suggested that parts of
plantations that were owned by whites should be given to blacks by the government. Armando B. Rendon, Chicano Manifesto:
The History and Aspirations of the Second Largest Minority in America (New York: Collier Books, 1971), pp.160-161.
14 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008.
15 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13007. The late Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter said, “If one man can be
allowed to determine for himself what is law, every man can. That means first chaos, then tyranny. One cannot preach
nonviolence and, at the same time, advocate defiance of the law, whether it be a court order, a municipal ordinance, or a state or
federal statute. For to defy the law is to invite violence, especially in a tense atmosphere involving many hundreds or thousands
of people. To invite violence is to endanger one’s own life. And one cannot live dangerously always.” Congressional Record
(April 18, 1968), p.E3062.
16 Congressional Record (October 12, 1965), p.A5739.
17 Congressional Record (April 11, 1967), p.A1743.
18 The Cincinnati Post (January 30, 1993), p.2A
19 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13009, citing the Chicago Tribune (June 30, 1967).
20 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008.
21 Congressional Record (August 22, 1966), p.A4416.
22 Congressional Record (August 22, 1966), p.A4416.
23 Congressional Record (August 22, 1966), p.A4416.
24 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008.
25 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008— Congressman John Ashbrook of Ohio, citing the Baltimore Sun (July 10,
26 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008.
27 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008.
28 Congressional Record (May 16, 1968), p.E4312.
29 Congressional Record (May 16, 1968), p.E4311.
30 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13009.
31 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), p.E4786.
32 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), p.E4786.
33 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), p.E4786.
34 Congressional Record (November 17, 1967), p.H15539.
35 Congressional Record (November 17, 1967), p.H15539.
36 Congressional Record (November 17, 1967), p.H15539.
37 Congressional Record (November 17, 1967), p.H15539.
38 Congressional Record (November 17, 1967), p.H15539.
39 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008.
40 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008.
41 Carson, Malcolm X, p.26.
42 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13005.
43 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), p.E4786.
44 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13015, citing Chicago Tribune (September 6, 1967).
45 Congressional Record, October 4, 1967, p.H13007.
46 Congressional Record, October 4, 1967, p.H13007.
47 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), pp.E4786, E4788; citing Louisiana Legislative Committee Hearings, Part II (March 6-9,
1957), pp.203-208.
48 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13006. In one of King’s works, he went to the extent of using Lenin’s rhetoric:
“We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, lawbreaking…” Keith D. Miller, Voice of Deliverance: The Language of Martin
Luther King, Jr. and Its Sources (New York: Free Press, 1992), p.102.
49 Congressional Record (June 15, 1967), p.S8277.
50 Congressional Record (July 12, 1967), p.H8580.
51 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13007.
52 Congressional Record (September 13, 1965), p.
22708.Subcommittee on Appropriations, February 10, 1966, p.46. The New York City police commissioner said that when the
“police try to stop” riots, the rioters “just yell ‘brutality.’ This is the pattern.” Edward Banfield, The Un-Heavenly City
Revisited (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1974), p.220.
53 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), p.E4784.
54 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), p.E4784.
55 Congressional Record (May 28, 1968), citing Newsweek (March 22, 1965).
56 Congressional Record (May 28, 1968), citing the New York Times (February 24, 1964).
57 Congressional Record (May 28, 1968), p.E4750, citing Saturday Review (April 3, 1965).
58 U.S. News & World Report (May 11, 1992), p.36.
59 Congressional Record (May 28, 1968), p.E4751.
60 Congressional Record (April 11, 1968), p.E3005.
61 Ralph Abernathy, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down (New York: Harper & Row, 1989).
62 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13014.
(There's a couple of more pages like this Art, but I think you get the picture on footnotes).
Now that you've gotten yet another one of your anal retentive smokescreens out of the way, it's my turn to ask some questions.
If I identified with a political party whose platform and elected officials were inseparable with a racist organization that went into black neighborhoods and murdered 10 million innocent black children, would you consider me a racist?
It's a pretty straight forward question that even a morally confused gimp from Great Britain like you should be able to answer.
I'll look forward to your answer soon.
So you mean like 'creativitymovement.net' then? You identified with them long enough until you actually 'read' what they stand for - and just what are these 'pro-white' groups that actually espouse good ole Christian values called exactly - as you claimed to know?
Otherwise you're in no credible position to speak about voting.
I take that as a "Yes, if you identified with a political party whose platform and elected officials were inseparable with a racist organization that went into black neighborhoods and murdered 10 million innocent black children, you would consider me a racist."
Then we can both agree that TOLers like zoo22, Town Heretic and GFR7 who voted for Barack Hussein Obama who ran on a political party platform that was pro abortion which had inseparable ties with Planned Parenthood which goes into black neighborhoods and is responsible for the deaths of 10 million black unborn babies are racists.
Sharpton and Obama Ignore Planned Parenthood's Racist Underbelly
Obama’s Planned Parenthood Love Fest Forgets Sanger’s Racist Ties
Etc. etc. etc.
AND, we can agree that the LGBTQueer movement which you defend is a huge part of the abortion movement as well, hence that would make you a racist as well.
Isn't it fun to finally agree on something Art?
Regarding my last post where I stated:
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Boy Art, I just can't get over the hatred of the Jews that this organization has. They remind me so much of a political figure and the Party that he associates with here in the US whose name is at the tip of my tongue (it'll come to me soon).
Well Art, it finally came to me. The hater of the Jews and the State of Israel is none other than the same Barack Hussein Obama that has inseparable ties with Planned Parenthood (B. Hussein is racist AND anti-Semitic, go figure).
Jewish Lobby: Obama hates Israel | Rehmat's World
Obama Enables Anti-Semitism, Racism, Hatred of Israel | The ...
Rabbi: Obama Breeds Climate of Hate Against Jews
Etc. etc. etc.
So it goes without saying that your buddies zoo22, Town Heretic and GFR7 who voted for Barack Hussein Obama are anti Semitic as well as racists, not to mention the LGBTQueer movement that you so ardently defend.
As usual Art, it's been fun chatting with you.