Quote: Orignally posted by aCultureWarrior
As I'd mentioned in other threads: I realize that cross dressing and hence giving women's names to those cross dressers is a huge part of the culture that you and GFR7 proudly identify with
... I always thought that homosexuals and transvestites were different things.
I once knew a guy who claimed that he was married and had a son, yet he wrote for a homosexual publication and took his wife and son to a New England homosexual destination for weeks at a time and exposed them to the moral depravity of the homosexual culture by taking all of their meals in restaurants and bars that the drag queens, fairies and child molesters frequent.
While it is possible that a male who dresses in women's clothing, wears women's makeup and acts like a woman might find the opposite gender sexually attractive, like the guy I described above, it's not likely that either engage in heterosex.
Barbarian observes:
I still don't see a compelling public interest in banning incest between adults.
Quote: Orginally posted by aCultureWarrior
Boy barbarian, that's a tough one. How do you tell someone that having sex with his father, his mother, his brother or sister is wrong?
Hating people is wrong. I can't see a compelling public interest in banning hate, either.
Like homosexuality, incest is a
behavior. While I did show in Part two what causes homosexual desires and that they can be changed, I'm not sure what happened in people's lives that would create the desire to have sex with their father, their mother, their sister or their brother, and their father, mother, sister or brother to have sex with them.
Perhaps you can give us some insight as to the reason these sick degenerates do such things?
While homosexualists like Art Brain would say something like (and undoubtedly has) "Because incestuous relationships often result in children with birth defects", I won't use that lame attempt at an argument because that implies that children with birth defects are sub human.
I see that Arthur has already called you out for that dishonesty.
TOL's "Queen of Denial" wouldn't know the Truth if it hit him in the face with a brick.
how about I go with this simple answer
"Because God says that it's wrong".
God says hating people is wrong, too. So you'd be outlawed if that was the standard.
Unless TOL's expert on the "Pervert gene" (alwight the atheist) can show us that there is some kind of "incest gene", then incest is still a
changeable behavior.
It's not the function of law to force us to be good.
Punishing evil behavior gives those who partake in it the incentive to be good.