Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
#1) Terry Bean will will be acquitted (if it ever goes to trial due to his political connections, as shown in the picture above) or at worst be given community service if convicted and be forced to hand out towels in the shower room at summer Cub Scout camp.
I would sincerely hope not if he's actually guilty of such despicable crimes. As I pointed out to you before the law has tightened up to a zero tolerance policy in regards to the abuse of children - at least here in the UK. This is evidenced by crackdowns on internet 'child porn' rings along with celebrities being prosecuted and convicted of offences going back decades.
As I've pointed out (and you seem to ignore...refer to my see nor hear no evil post above) that child sex is not only a huge part of the homosexual lifestyle, indoctrination and grooming children for future sex is a huge part of the homosexual agenda.
2). I'm certain that Terry Bean 'groomed' the children that he molested by telling them that "As long as two people love each other, then sex between them is ok". (Refer to the table of contents for a TOL'er who used those exact words).
I didn't use those 'exact words' at all and the context of which was exclusively regarding adults also. Why do you need to lie and distort?
I apologize, I probably misplaced a comma or a period in your remark.
That being said: Due to the fact that Terry Bean "murdered" the innocence of countless children through not only the physical molestation of those boys that he sexually molested, but through the indoctrination that he and the HRC has done for decades, Terry Bean should be executed for his crimes.
Wouldn't you agree Art?
If he's guilty of actual child rape then I'd lose no sleep over his demise for sure. Your melodrama in regards to the rest is something else entirely.
As Dr. Judith Reisman wrote in her article entitled
Gay on Gay Hate Crimes"
"Violence is part of any transient, chemically abusing, lust-based culture, and it is only natural that the homosexual movement strives to hide the truth. However, data from the mainstream homosexual weekly the Advocate, confirms the findings of Charles B Johnson and myself in “Partner Solicitation Characteristics as an Expression of Male Sexual Orientation.”
That is, once sexually violated by men, boys often grow up to retaliate against men, even if they “sleep with the enemy.”
The Advocate reports 21 percent of its upscale, largely white, male respondents were sex abuse victims by age 15. Since a large number of boys are victimized between age 15 and 18, this brings the angry boy victim population into the millions. In fact, with roughly a 17 percent boy sex abuse population, the estimates of boy victims are between 6 and 8 million, some might say, walking time bombs...
There is a very good reason that I call this post
"Part 3's most imporant post", as it shows what kind of "walking time bomb" a young boy that has been sexually molested by a homosexual elder has become.
Oh, and btw, you "forgot" to answer this:
"Then why don't you have an equally long running 'companion thread' on why all sexual activity outside of wedlock should be criminal?"
Again, the promotion of out of wedlock sex is all part of your sexual anarchist movement.
While the act of out of wedlock sex between a man and a woman is not inherently perverted as is homosexuality, it is immoral.
Since laws decriminalizing co-habitation happened, of course along with the decriminalization of abortion, out of wedlock sex is largely responsible for 58 million unborn babies murdered in the womb, fatherless homes, drug abuse, crime, etc. etc.
Righteous laws and cultural mores can change an immoral behavior, but a perverted behavior (such as homosexuality) can never be acceptable no matter what laws or cultural mores a nation has.