Hurricane Sandy? Obama did it:
Seriously zoo, does this look like someone that could start a hurricane?

Now if you said that his husband Mike started one...

Hurricane Sandy? Obama did it:
Art Brain seems to be the only homosexualist holding out on the legalization of incest, because if a brother should impregnate his sister, there would be a "cancer" growing in her stomach that must be...
Joe Cocker, May 20, 1944-Dec. 22 2014 | |
I support eradicating disease where possible, not terminating those suffering from it or those diagnosed with defects or syndromes either in or outside of the womb.
God doesn't make mistakes | |
This particular "disease" that you're talking about Art (birth defects) all depends on who is considering it to be one.
If a husband and wife are told by their doctor that it's likely that they'll have a child with Down Syndrome, is that a good reason for a law to be passed prohibiting them from conceiving?
Relax aCW whatever two brothers at least may do together in private does not need to concern you. :thumb:That makes two homosexualist's (the barbarian and alwight the atheist) that have no problem with incestuous relationships.
Now if you said that his husband Mike started one...
Barbarian thought that homosexuals and transvestites were different groups.
Connie demonstrates his gender confusion:
OK, you could be an exception, Connie. Maybe sometimes, that's not true.
Of course it wouldn't be which should have been self evident already if you could actually read. I'd sooner see an advance in medical research where a couple don't even need to be informed of such a likelihood (Do you even think they should be?) as I'd rather all children are born free of debilitating diseases/ailments/conditions but that simply isn't possible and the chances are there'll always be disease. That doesn't remotely equate to thinking those that aren't - either inside or outside of the womb - should be terminated or regarded as in any way subhuman.
Now how about you put your money where your mouth is for once. Would you rather have a healthy child free of debilitating disease or one born unhealthy and sickly? I reckon any honest person would answer in regards to the former as I doubt many parents would relish the prospect of their child being born with sickle cell leukemia, but a loving one would certainly do all they could and raise and care for their child regardless.
Sometimes things are very complex:
There is a couple in the area who were told that their unborn son would be born with a rare and serious heart defect, causing him severe pain, poor quality of life, and a very shortened life-span. Their physician urged them to terminate the pregnancy, but as they were devout Catholics, abortion was not an option for them.
The child is now 2 1/2 years old and has had 12 open heart surgeries, including one just hours after his birth. They have extreme medical bills, and I cannot imagine being 2 years old and undergoing 12 open-heart surgeries (one is devastating for many adults). His life will be a short one, filled with trauma and pain. I wish there were some real solution, but I don't know what it would be.
I wonder why such pain has to come into the life of a poor infant,
You are an absolute moron. I know I married and I know I live with my adult son. He is here with me now. I don't lie. Moreover: I am not YOUR brand of Christian, of course. How could I be, coming from the kind of educated family I come from.Yet another reason I'm convinced that you never married nor fathered (and was a dad to) a child, and definitely aren't a Christian: You think of all the financial expense that came with the baby's birth and what you would feel if you were in the same position.
God doesn't make mistakes, He has a reason for everything.
Non-believers always question God.
You are an absolute moron. I know I married and I know I live with my adult son. He is here with me now.
I posed serious questions and you reply like a savage or a juvenile. Brilliant.
I do believe some kind of in vitro medical help may be done in the future. Or doesn't God allow any medical help? If he has a reason for everything, should they stop with the surgeries? It's not they who have to suffer through them: It's the child.
Don't speak to me about my faith...
And I don't want to believe you exist.aCultureWarrior said:I not only don't believe that you were ever married nor fathered a child, I don't want to believe it.
You mean his summers spent exploring Provincetown, Boston, Concord, and Salem? He loved them, especially the whale watches we went on; and our exursions around Walden Pond, the Thoreau cabin, and Louisa May Alcott's house (our New England ancestors). If he had to lose a parent, he is at least happy to have a father who loves him and is dedicated to him.Since your "son" is handy, have him tell the readers of this thread what it was like growing up with a father that wrote for a homosexual publication and took he and his mom to homosexual destinations where he spent weeks at a time around drag queens, fairies, bull dykes and pedophiles.
Nope. :chuckle:Of course God gave man the intelligence to deal with medical issues, but once again this subject is about the legalization of incest and not medical technology.
Care to take a side on the issue that we were originally talking about?
You mean YOUR hatred of God and all that is decent, you big, blabbering moron??? :wave2::rip:You've shown your "faith" each and every day that you've posted in this thread GFR7. Your HATRED of God and everything good and decent is quite evident in your words.
You mean his summers spent exploring Provincetown, Boston, Concord, and Salem? He loved them, especially the whale watches we went on; and our exursions around Walden Pond, the Thoreau cabin, and Louisa May Alcott's house (our New England ancestors)...
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since your "son" is handy, have him tell the readers of this thread what it was like growing up with a father that wrote for a homosexual publication and took he and his mom to homosexual destinations where he spent weeks at a time around drag queens, fairies, bull dykes and pedophiles.
Have him tell us what it was like to take all of his meals in restaurants and bars where drag queens, dykes, fairies and pedophiles frequented.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Care to take a side on the issue that we were originally talking about? [the legalization of incest]
It's amazing how one word can speak volumes.
You are such an ignoramus, I am embarrassed for you. You say some truly cringeworthy stuff.
Why don't you take your big, fat turnip head over to your pre-historic landline phone..........
..... and call the Provincetown chamber of commerce or dept. of Tourism/Business Guild?
Ask them how many heterosexual families with children come and vacation there,
or stay there for academic research?
They will hear the stupidity in your nasal, Kentucky twang and suppress their laughter. :chuckle:
Or here - take your big, fat, Neanderthal paw and look at this link:
Taking the Kids to Provincetown:
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Care to take a side on the issue that we were originally talking about? [the legalization of incest]
Quote: Originally posted by GFR7
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
It's amazing how one word can speak volumes.
I can imagine that recriminalizing a perversion that currently allows people of the same gender to engage in disease-ridden deviant sex does make you and your fellow sexual anarchists crinnnnnge GFR7.
I can also imagine that wanting to keep laws on the books that prohibit a son from having sex with his mother, father, sister or brother makes sexual anarchists like you crinnnnnnge as well GFR7.
(GFR7 hung out in bars and restaurants where moral degenerates frequent for weeks at a time, done all in the name of "academic research").
"Taking the Kids to Provincetown...
Not Just for Gay and Lesbian Couples"
For anyone that has an ounce of decency in their body, that 2nd sentence just might bring up a big red flag (or I should say a big rainbow colored flag).
I was there sporadically, and yes, for RESEARCH, you big dummy.