Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
Never heard of Dr. Who :AMR1:

You're pulling my leg, right? PBS? The kids science fiction section of your local public library?



Thank you once again for helping me hijack this despicable thread.

It's interesting that you used the word "hijack", as that is exactly what the movement that your fellow atheist alwight and pagans Art Brain and GFR7 represent have done to our societies invaluable institutions:

The Military
Marriage/raising children
The News Media & Entertainment
Youth Mentor Groups
The Church

I can't help but think that you're more than just a casual observer in this aspect of the culture war, as the truth about this absolutely filthy disease-ridden behavior and the child molesting iron-fisted agenda that goes along with it has been clearly explained, yet you call it "despicable"?



In homosexual pedophilia/pederasty news from the UK: A disciple of the UK's leading homosexual activist (Peter "Not all sex involving children is abusive and unwanted" Tatchell) has been arrested (again), this time for creating his own kiddy porn board game:

Paedophile caught with homemade child abuse themed BOARD GAME under his bed

Oct. 11, 2014

A convicted paedphile who was once filmed having sex with a 12-year-old boy has been jailed for a third time after police found a sickening child-abuse themed board game under his bed.

Paul Emsley, 47, was caught when police visiting his home discovered a stash of child porn images along with the game - which involved participants pretending to be children and performing sex acts on each other.

Officers also found drug paraphernalia in every room and a camera and video-enabled mobile phone, which Emsley was barred from possessing under the terms of a lifetime sexual offences prevention order (SOPO).

Emsley, formerly of Padiham, Lancashire, was jailed for 45 months in 1999 after having sex with a young boy before threatening to kill him if he told anyone what happened.

He was jailed again for two-and-a-half years in 2012 for breaching the SOPO, after he was caught downloading hundreds of child porn images at his home.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...memade-child-abuse-themed-board-game-bed.html



New member
It's interesting that you used the word "hijack", as that is exactly what the movement that your fellow atheist alwight and pagans Art Brain and GFR7 represent have done to [for] our societies invaluable institutions:

The Military
Marriage/raising children
The News Media & Entertainment
Youth Mentor Groups
The Church
No need to thank us aCW, making the world a better place is its own reward. :D


New member
Speaking only for myself here:
How does my being for traditional marriage, and believing the gay marriage trend should be reversed, have anything to do with some twisted, evil pedophile in the UK? :think:


New member
Speaking only for myself here:
How does my being for traditional marriage, and believing the gay marriage trend should be reversed, have anything to do with some twisted, evil pedophile in the UK? :think:

It's a pretty standard, idiotic, and thoroughly debunked talking point by the most vicious of anti-equality bigots to conflate child molestation with consensual adult sexual relationships.


New member
It's a pretty standard, idiotic, and thoroughly debunked talking point by the most vicious of anti-equality bigots to conflate child molestation with consensual adult sexual relationships.
I guess so. I just keep trying to give him credit, thinking he must have some unique, rational angle. ........ Why would anyone want to use old, thread-bare, disproven strategies? :think:


New member
I guess so. I just keep trying to give him credit, thinking he must have some unique, rational angle. ........ Why would anyone want to use old, thread-bare, disproven strategies? :think:


Look, I appreciate your soft touch, GFR, I really do. But what aCW is doing here is disgusting and wrong. Even if his motivation is somehow pure, I'm not going to just sit here and take it.


New member

Look, I appreciate your soft touch, GFR, I really do. But what aCW is doing here is disgusting and wrong. Even if his motivation is somehow pure, I'm not going to just sit here and take it.
I understand. Many people feel this way about him. It's no mystery.


New member
I understand. Many people feel this way about him. It's no mystery.

By the way, I realize that my efforts are likely futile. But I get a small amount of satisfaction at poking the bear and seeing what kind of hysterical gibberish I can evoke.


Speaking only for myself here:
How does my being for traditional marriage, and believing the gay marriage trend should be reversed, have anything to do with some twisted, evil pedophile in the UK? :think:

Newsflash: This thread isn't solely about you, it's about the homosexual movement, and amongst other things how pedophilia/pederasty is a HUGE part of it.

Regarding you supposedly being against sodomites 'marrying':

I'll point out soon enough that many who proudly and unrepentantly partake in homosexual behavior are against SSM.

(Just when GFR7 thought that he'd had everyone fooled).


Originally Posted by Caledvwlch

Look, I appreciate your soft touch, GFR, I really do. But what aCW is doing here is disgusting and wrong. Even if his motivation is somehow pure, I'm not going to just sit here and take it.

I understand. Many people feel this way about him. It's no mystery.

Let me fix that for you:

I understand. Many people feel this way about God and His Word. It's no mystery.

There, that's better.
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