Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by GFR7
Speaking only for myself here:
How does my being for traditional marriage, and believing the gay marriage trend should be reversed, have anything to do with some twisted, evil pedophile in the UK?

It's a pretty standard, idiotic, and thoroughly debunked talking point by the most vicious of anti-equality bigots to conflate child molestation with consensual adult sexual relationships.

Oh my, I do believe we're beginning to see the real Caledvwlch here (those just trolling a thread don't use words like "anti equality bigots" and "consensual adult sexual relationships", Caldevwlch has had some professional training in this subject).


New member
Oh my, I do believe we're beginning to see the real Caledvwlch here (those just trolling a thread don't use words like "anti equality bigots" and "consensual adult sexual relationships", Caldevwlch has had some professional training in this subject).

And he's back! Still can't figure out the QUOTE feature, but at least he's not lost his charm.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Oh my, I do believe we're beginning to see the real Caledvwlch here (those just trolling a thread don't use words like "anti equality bigots" and "consensual adult sexual relationships", Caldevwlch has had some professional training in this subject).

And he's back! Still can't figure out the QUOTE feature, but at least he's not lost his charm.

No one ever said that atheists are smart, but here's your opportunity to be honest:

What 'stake' do you have in this subject?


New member
No one ever said that atheists are smart, but here's your opportunity to be honest:

What 'stake' do you have in this subject?

Personally? My stake is minimal, beyond my desire to see my fellow human beings treated with dignity.

But in regards to this thread, I'm just trying to combat the evil of your posts. It is evil to conflate child sexual abuse with consensual adult relationships. You use the pain of children to dehumanize an entire subset of the human population. That, aCW is evil. It must be fought, without hesitation. Your vicious and senseless attacks do your cause no favors, convert no unbelievers to your side. It is sad that you seem so motivated by hate, but my pity for you personally does not extend to the disgusting things you say.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
...here's your opportunity to be honest:

What 'stake' do you have in this subject?

Personally? My stake is minimal, beyond my desire to see my fellow human beings treated with dignity.

An atheist's and a Christian's definition of the word "dignity" are worlds apart.

But in regards to this thread, I'm just trying to combat the evil of your posts. It is evil to conflate child sexual abuse with consensual adult relationships.

Question: Who coined the term "gay youth"? Who were the "founding fathers" of the homosexual movement who marched with NAMBLA yet are heralded by today's homosexual movement as "great men"? (Harry Hay and Frank Kameny amongst others).

You use the pain of children to dehumanize an entire subset of the human population.

You mean a small population that engages in a behavior, a behavior that can be changed with spiritual and sometimes psychological help?

That, aCW is evil. It must be fought, without hesitation. Your vicious and senseless attacks do your cause no favors, convert no unbelievers to your side. It is sad that you seem so motivated by hate, but my pity for you personally does not extend to the disgusting things you say.

(It's my....


not my message).

Welcome to the culture war. Now that you've decided to quit trolling and actively defend homosexual behavior and it's child molesting-iron fisted agenda, make your case as to why this 'deathstyle' that has changed and will eventually destroy invaluable institutions should remain decriminalized.


New member
Personally? My stake is minimal, beyond my desire to see my fellow human beings treated with dignity.

But in regards to this thread, I'm just trying to combat the evil of your posts. It is evil to conflate child sexual abuse with consensual adult relationships. You use the pain of children to dehumanize an entire subset of the human population. That, aCW is evil. It must be fought, without hesitation. Your vicious and senseless attacks do your cause no favors, convert no unbelievers to your side. It is sad that you seem so motivated by hate, but my pity for you personally does not extend to the disgusting things you say.
Careful else all of aCW's supporters will be here to give us a piece of their minds, ...oh wait, there are none. :carryon:


New member
Welcome to the culture war. Now that you've decided to quit trolling and actively defend homosexual behavior and it's child molesting-iron fisted agenda, make your case as to why this 'deathstyle' that has changed and will eventually destroy invaluable institutions should remain decriminalized.

Not until you stop talking about homosexuality and child molestation as if they are the same thing.


New member
Newsflash: This thread isn't solely about you, it's about the homosexual movement, and amongst other things how pedophilia/pederasty is a HUGE part of it.

Regarding you supposedly being against sodomites 'marrying':

I'll point out soon enough that many who proudly and unrepentantly partake in homosexual behavior are against SSM.

(Just when GFR7 thought that he'd had everyone fooled).
Why would you think I would have to fool anyone? :think: I'm a free agent and free citizen in a free country: If I were gay, I certainly wouldn't need to hide the fact. Please stop looking a gift horse in the mouth: I am the only one on this entire TOL forum who even remotely comes to your defense, as alwight aptly noted.


New member
Why would you think I would have to fool anyone? :think: I'm a free agent and free citizen in a free country: If I were gay, I certainly wouldn't need to hide the fact. Please stop looking a gift horse in the mouth: I am the only one on this entire TOL forum who even remotely comes to your defense, as alwight aptly noted.

It's a thankless job, apparently.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Welcome to the culture war. Now that you've decided to quit trolling and actively defend homosexual behavior and it's child molesting-iron fisted agenda, make your case as to why this 'deathstyle' that has changed and will eventually destroy invaluable institutions should remain decriminalized.

Not until you stop talking about homosexuality and child molestation as if they are the same thing.

Don't get me wrong Caledvwlch, not every person that engages in homosexual behavior is "into" having sex with children. Sure, some like 8 year olds, others prefer 12 year olds, and some even prefer them to be old and decrepit 16 year olds (I believe the late Harvey Milk was into the latter). It all depends on what your "thing" is.

I've pointed out in Part 1 of the thread that all major homosexual organizations talk about "educating" children in their website Missions Statement.

Be it indoctrinating children just to accept homosexuality as something normal, or "grooming" them for future "use", the homosexual movement without a doubt has children in their scope.


New member
Don't get me wrong Caledvwlch, not every person that engages in homosexual behavior is "into" having sex with children. Sure, some like 8 year olds, others prefer 12 year olds, and some even prefer them to be old and decrepit 16 year olds (I believe the late Harvey Milk was into the latter). It all depends on what your "thing" is.

I've pointed out in Part 1 of the thread that all major homosexual organizations talk about "educating" children in their website Missions Statement.

Be it indoctrinating children just to accept homosexuality as something normal, or "grooming" them for future "use", the homosexual movement without a doubt has children in their scope.

K. Have fun. :wave:


K. Have fun. :wave:

I guess that means that you're not going to defend homosexual behavior and attempt to show that children and young people aren't a part of the movement's agenda?

I just ran across this article from early on in this thread:

Why Gay Pride Is Still Needed, According To LGBT Rights Advocate Alan Reif


For LGBT rights advocate Alan Reif, it's not even a question.

"Before you can hope for any type of human rights activism or any type of public outreach, first you have to embrace yourself in a pluralistic society where everybody is welcome and then you fight for what you want," Reif, who is the co-chair of the World Pride Committee of InterPride, told HuffPost Live in an interview this week.

Pointing to the fact that many states are still lacking same-sex marriage legislation and anti-discrimination laws that apply to LGBT people, he added, "We really haven't achieved as many rights as many people feel."

In addition, Pride events can still have a profound impact on LGBT teens and young adults who may be struggling to come to terms with their sexuality.

"If you're 16 or 17 and this is your first opportunity to be in an environment where people who identify as you are...it could save your life," he said


By golly if the sodomite movement hasn't yet convinced sexually confused children that they're 'gay', a public parade full of exhibitionists, dykes on motorcycles, S&M'ers and drag queens should do the trick.


Originally Posted by Caledvwlch
Not until you stop talking about homosexuality and child molestation as if they are the same thing.

He's had this explained to him before and to be honest, he isn't the only TOLer to hold this opinion.

Welcome back to the thread TM. You haven't contributed lately, but to show how profound TM is when it comes to defending homosexual behavior and it's child-molesting iron fisted agenda, I think we should view her first post from Part 1:

I think you need to get a life.

Again, I never said that all of those that partake in homosexual behavior have a "thing" for kiddy sex. I'm, saying that kiddy sex is part of the homosexual movement's agenda (as seen in the original 1972 gay agenda). But to make your point and prove me wrong, why don't you have a proud and unrepentant homosexual come forward and tell me so?

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Welcome back to the thread TM. You haven't contributed lately,

It has been a while but I was really just continuing a conversation I'd been having with Caledvwlch.

but to show how profound TM is when it comes to defending homosexual behavior and it's child-molesting iron fisted agenda, I think we should view her first post from Part 1:

Is that the only post you could find? I'm disappointed.

Again, I never said that all of those that partake in homosexual behavior has a "thing" for kiddy sex. I'm, saying that kiddy sex is part of the homosexual movement's agenda (as seen in the original 1972 gay agenda).

Actually, 'kiddy sex' would be the agenda of pedophiles and the like.

But to make your point and prove me wrong, why don't you have a proud and unrepentant homosexual come forward and tell me so?

Something tells me you know more homosexuals than I do.


Again, I never said that all of those that partake in homosexual behavior has a "thing" for kiddy sex. I'm, saying that kiddy sex is part of the homosexual movement's agenda (as seen in the original 1972 gay agenda).

Actually, 'kiddy sex' would be the agenda of pedophiles and the like.

Exactly. If you'd been following this close to 2 1/2 year 3 part thread, you'd know that indoctrinating and "grooming" children as young as kindergarteners (and even younger) is part of the homosexual agenda.

But to make your point and prove me wrong, why don't you have a proud and unrepentant homosexual come forward and tell me so?

Something tells me you know more homosexuals than I do.

If I had your knowledge about this subject, this thread would have died long ago.

While I won't delve into your past, I would like to talk about (as delicately as possible) how women (little girls) that are victims of sexual abuse seem to fair better than men (little boys).

Are you ok with that?


New member
Something tells me you know more homosexuals than I do.

...starting with the police force.

RCMP officer accused of sex assault against 9-year-old child

CBC News Posted: Sep 30, 2014 11:21 AM CT Last Updated: Sep 30, 2014 1:13 PM CT

A 26-year veteran officer in Manitoba is facing charges of sexual assault and sexual interference involving a nine-year-old victim.

A veteran RCMP officer in Manitoba was arrested on the weekend in connection to the sexual assault of a nine-year-old child.
The 55-year-old officer, who has 26 years of service with the RCMP, was arrested Sunday and has been charged with sexual assault and sexual interference.
The Brandon Police Service is conducting the investigation into the allegations.
They said RCMP asked them to take over the investigation, but they are being assisted by the RCMP Winnipeg Major Crimes Unit.
The incident reportedly occurred Sept. 26 near the town of Ashern, located about 165 kilometres north of Winnipeg.
The officer, who is from the Arborg area, was not on duty at the time.
He has been charged with sexual assault and sexual interference and released on what Brandon police describe as "appropriate, police-imposed conditions."
He is to appear in provincial court in Ashern Nov. 19.
Police are not releasing the suspect's name.

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