Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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...starting with the police force.

I often ask people that identify as being Christian "What happened in your life to cause you to..." (in the case of the Jr. Libertarian, to embrace God-hating Libertarianism).

While I simply ignore most of your cop hating rants Naz,

What happened in your life that caused you to have such a HATRED of law enforcement, an institution that was ordained by God to "do good"?

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Exactly. If you'd been following this close to 2 1/2 year 3 part thread, you'd know that indoctrinating and "grooming" children as young as kindergarteners (and even younger) is part of the homosexual agenda.

I think you might need glasses.

If I had your knowledge about this subject, this thread would have died long ago.

That's funny.

While I won't delve into your past, I would like to talk about (as delicately as possible) how women that are victims of sexual abuse seem to fair better than men.

Are you ok with that?

Go for your life, ACW. I forgave my abuser, so I have no issue with my sexual abuse.


New member
Go for your life, ACW. I forgave my abuser, so I have no issue with my sexual abuse.
It is a horrid, dreadful, method of his, to throw one's personal pain back at them, out of context, from another thread. He's done this to me as well. Part of his meanness. I feel for you. :nono:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
While I won't delve into your past, I would like to talk about (as delicately as possible) how women that are victims of sexual abuse seem to fair better than men.

Are you ok with that?

Go for your life, ACW. I forgave my abuser, so I have no issue with my sexual abuse.

Again, I wasn't personally attacking you but this thread talks about how devastating child molestation can be.

I know several women that were molested as a child, and all but one (who turned to homosexuality) turned out fine (edit, after years of therapy).

Eventually I will talk about those little boys that didn't.

God bless and thanks for contributing to the thread.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Again, I wasn't personally attacking you but this thread talks about how devastating child molestation can be.

I didn't take it personally :)

I know several women that were molested as a child, and all but one (who turned to homosexuality) turned out fine.

Eventually I will talk about those little boys that didn't.

I actually agree with you. It depends on how traumatic the abuse was, of course but I do think boys that are molested have a harder time of it than females.

God bless and thanks for contributing to the thread.

God bless you too :)


actually agree with you. It depends on how traumatic the abuse was, of course but I do think boys that are molested have a harder time of it than females.

Please view with an open mind the things that I'm showing that the homosexual movement is doing to innocent children of both genders. As Dr. Judith Reisman talked about in an article earlier in Part 3 of this thread (and I've highlighted it in the upcoming table of contents), many of these boys that have been sexually molested are turning into "walking time bombs".


New member
While I simply ignore most of your cop hating rants Naz,

What happened in your life that caused you to have such a HATRED of law enforcement, an institution that was ordained by God to "do good"?

Again you mis-identify the problem.

I have no 'hatred' for law enforcement.

I'm 100% in favour of law enforcement.

But once again we differ on critically important fundamentals:

(1) By 'law enforcement' we can only mean and should only mean
the enforcement of God's laws, enforced according to how God has commanded
that they be enforced.

(2) While God did ordain law enforcement, for instance under the
theocracy of Moses and the legal code built upon God's Commandments,
God did not ordain modern police states.

(a) Modern police states invent their own laws, contrary to God's laws.

(b) Modern police states enforce their invented laws according to arbitrary
rules and procedures which are contrary to God's instructions on
how His Law should be enforced.

(c) Modern police states don't enforce their own laws in any way
that resembles equity, fairness, justice and common human rights.
Instead they enforce them intermittently, unfairly, with obvious bias
and prejudice, that results in a multi-tier legal system that favours
the rich, the priviledged, and especially clever criminals,
which is precisely AGAINST the specific instructions of God in regard
to law enforcement.

(d) Modern police states, given they openly, actively, and consciously
contradict God's instructions on law enforcement, including but not
limited to
(i) failing to enforce the right laws, namely God's laws, and
(ii) failing to enforce any laws according to God's instructions, and
(iii) failing to enforce laws equitably without partiality as God commands, and
(iv) actually endorsing, supporting, joining and becoming criminals,
against God's law and God's people,
...prove by their own behaviour that

(e) Modern police states don't engage in law enforcement by any definition
that could possibly fit a law enforcement system which God would, could,
should, or by His own word, actually does, in fact ordain and endorse.
You criminals are a sad joke.

Your uniforms and badges only identify you as the largest criminal operation
on planet Earth.

But I have no special hatred against law enforcement at all,
in fact I would immediately hail such a striking event as God-sent,
if ever it were to occur.

I have no special hatred at all against (self proclaimed) law enforcement officers,
except in so far as I have a natural Godly spiritual hatred for all sin,
all crime, and all fraud.
Thus I hold corrupt cops under no more contempt nor any lower
that I would hold other gangsters, mobsters, and criminally insane
psychopaths and sociopaths who possess firearms,
and use such weapons against a hapless and vulnerable public.

In fact, I especially value cops who, through ignorance of their own profession,
actually are deluded into thinking they are doing God a service,

in the same way I would encourage any child who thinks they are
doing good, when in actual fact they are doing nothing, or something harmful,
so as not to discourage them too much in their efforts at being good,
even if their perception of good is so ignorant and far off,
and inaccurate and useless as to impede truth, progress and justice.

Cops can be educated, although its a tedious, thankless, and frustrating job.
They can even be led to Christ and saved.

I certainly encourage all cops to try to become Christians,
and all Christians to try to convert cops.

There is no hatred involved, or required, in recognizing sinful men
in the bonds of sin.


New member
I actually agree with you. It depends on how traumatic the abuse was, of course but I do think boys that are molested have a harder time of it than females.
It is true that boys fare worse than girls do, and this is often because when a minor male (age 12-15) is seduced by an older woman in authority, society often takes the view that it was a "lucky break" for the boy, not taking into account (or allowing him to voice) the amount and degree of betrayal, manipulation, and harm which was concurrent with the supposed "fun" of the experience. It is most definitely not only male-on-male abuse which is detrimental to a minor male.


New member
Again you mis-identify the problem.

I have no 'hatred' for law enforcement.

I'm 100% in favour of law enforcement.

But once again we differ on critically important fundamentals:

(1) By 'law enforcement' we can only mean and should only mean
the enforcement of God's laws, enforced according to how God has commanded
that they be enforced.

(2) While God did ordain law enforcement, for instance under the
theocracy of Moses and the legal code built upon God's Commandments,
God did not ordain modern police states.

(a) Modern police states invent their own laws, contrary to God's laws.

(b) Modern police states enforce their invented laws according to arbitrary
rules and procedures which are contrary to God's instructions on
how His Law should be enforced.

(c) Modern police states don't enforce their own laws in any way
that resembles equity, fairness, justice and common human rights.
Instead they enforce them intermittently, unfairly, with obvious bias
and prejudice, that results in a multi-tier legal system that favours
the rich, the priviledged, and especially clever criminals,
which is precisely AGAINST the specific instructions of God in regard
to law enforcement.

(d) Modern police states, given they openly, actively, and consciously
contradict God's instructions on law enforcement, including but not
limited to
(i) failing to enforce the right laws, namely God's laws, and
(ii) failing to enforce any laws according to God's instructions, and
(iii) failing to enforce laws equitably without partiality as God commands, and
(iv) actually endorsing, supporting, joining and becoming criminals,
against God's law and God's people,
...prove by their own behaviour that

(e) Modern police states don't engage in law enforcement by any definition
that could possibly fit a law enforcement system which God would, could,
should, or by His own word, actually does, in fact ordain and endorse.
You criminals are a sad joke.

Your uniforms and badges only identify you as the largest criminal operation
on planet Earth.

But I have no special hatred against law enforcement at all,
in fact I would immediately hail such a striking event as God-sent,
if ever it were to occur.

I have no special hatred at all against (self proclaimed) law enforcement officers,
except in so far as I have a natural Godly spiritual hatred for all sin,
all crime, and all fraud.
Thus I hold corrupt cops under no more contempt nor any lower
that I would hold other gangsters, mobsters, and criminally insane
psychopaths and sociopaths who possess firearms,
and use such weapons against a hapless and vulnerable public.

In fact, I especially value cops who, through ignorance of their own profession,
actually are deluded into thinking they are doing God a service,

in the same way I would encourage any child who thinks they are
doing good, when in actual fact they are doing nothing, or something harmful,
so as not to discourage them too much in their efforts at being good,
even if their perception of good is so ignorant and far off,
and inaccurate and useless as to impede truth, progress and justice.

Cops can be educated, although its a tedious, thankless, and frustrating job.
They can even be led to Christ and saved.

I certainly encourage all cops to try to become Christians,
and all Christians to try to convert cops.

There is no hatred involved, or required, in recognizing sinful men
in the bonds of sin.
He doesn't want to, or cannot, understand your distinctions. I do, though. ;)


New member
Why haven't you spoken out against NABA??? :think: ........ :AMR1:

Now the North American Bathhouse Association (NABA) is using a combination of awareness-building, steep discounts, and social media outreach to entice a new generation of young dudes to put down Grindr and Scruff (the apps that are basically a bathhouse in every gay’s pocket), pick up a towel, and channel the 70s spirit of cavorting with the hottest bods in town.


Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
It is true that boys fare worse than girls do, and this is often because when a minor male (age 12-15) is seduced by an older woman in authority, society often takes the view that it was a "lucky break" for the boy, not taking into account (or allowing him to voice) the amount and degree of betrayal, manipulation, and harm which was concurrent with the supposed "fun" of the experience. It is most definitely not only male-on-male abuse which is detrimental to a minor male.

That's right.

Boys generally don't speak up and try to deal with it alone...even when/if they do speak up, there are false judgements (as you said above) or outright accusations of homosexuality (in the event of a male abuser). Often the boy won't have people in his social circle that he can talk to about it (unlike girls, who generally talk everything through).

Feelings of isolation, guilt, confusion as well as the trauma itself, often lead to alcohol/drugs or violence.

That's not to say that girls aren't affected at all, I just think the support networks are better for girls.


New member
That's right.

Boys generally don't speak up and try to deal with it alone...even when/if they do speak up, there are false judgements (as you said above) or outright accusations of homosexuality (in the event of a male abuser). Often the boy won't have people in his social circle that he can talk to about it (unlike girls, who generally talk everything through).

Feelings of isolation, guilt, confusion as well as the trauma itself, often lead to alcohol/drugs or violence.

That's not to say that girls aren't affected at all, I just think the support networks are better for girls.
Thank you for acknowledging this. Yes, of course, girls/women are absolutely traumatized, but thankfully, there are networks of support and understanding in place for them. You make a good point: Males do tend to act out as a substitute for talking - and often via violence or drug-fueled crime.

Hopefully, more people with understanding such as yourself will inform others, and the future will have more help available to males.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Thank you for acknowledging this. Yes, of course, girls/women are absolutely traumatized, but thankfully, there are networks of support and understanding in place for them. You make a good point: Males do tend to act out as a substitute for talking - and often via violence or drug-fueled crime.

Hopefully, more people with understanding such as yourself will inform others, and the future will have more help available to males.

It will take time but things are slowly improving.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I know several women that were molested as a child, and all but one (who turned to homosexuality) turned out fine (edit, after years of therapy).

Eventually I will talk about those little boys that didn't.

While I won't link the most important post of Part 3 because it's just too difficult for me to see what child molestation has done to a fellow human being, for those of you that are interested in seeing the devastating effect that child molestation has on a young boy, you can find that post several pages back.

Here's an interesting article on the subject, which I will cover in detail in the "Homosexual pedophilia and pederastry" segment:

Effects of sexual abuse long-lasting, say experts

March, 2000

Leo Clark vividly describes how the sexual abuse he says happened to him as a child tormented him well into adulthood.

At the time of the abuse - and for a while afterward - Clark took three showers a day because he could not make himself feel clean.

For years after the abuse stopped, Clark said he was depressed and had trouble sleeping. He struggled to make decisions and had difficulty maintaining relationships. There were flashbacks. Once, at the mention of his abuser's name, he went into a rage and tipped over a table.

But he never told anyone at the time about the horrible things that he now claims happened during his adolescence.

Clark's descriptions of his efforts to conceal the problem at first, and then to report it as an adult, are not uncommon, experts say, especially for boys. His problems with anxiety and having relationships with other people also are typical for sexual abuse victims.

"I kept this inside me for almost 30 years," said Clark, one of several men who recently came forward to accuse Charles Malia, a former Cheverus High School coach, of molesting him. "I was so ashamed. I didn't even dare tell my parents."

Malia admitted on March 3 that he had sexual contact with some of his students years ago. Malia was responding to allegations that Clark and other men made to police, lawmakers and the media in recent weeks that their former teacher and coach abused them in the 1960s and 1970s.

Boys and girls who are sexually abused during adolescence can experience long-lasting psychological damage that leads to a variety of problems in adulthood. Although sexual abuse is painful no matter who it happens to, adolescent boys who are abused by other males carry a special burden, experts say. They are much less likely than girls to report the abuse.

Sexual abuse is "a horribly sensitive issue for boys, particularly because boys are taught not to talk about their feelings and to feel vulnerable," says Jody Brinser, assistant director of the Spurwink Child Abuse Program

Read more: http://www.snapnetwork.org/psych_effects/effects_longlasting.htm


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While I simply ignore most of your cop hating rants Naz,

What happened in your life that caused you to have such a HATRED of law enforcement, an institution that was ordained by God to "do good"?

Again you mis-identify the problem.

I have no 'hatred' for law enforcement.

I'm 100% in favour of law enforcement.

But once again we differ on critically important fundamentals:

(1) By 'law enforcement' we can only mean and should only mean
the enforcement of God's laws, enforced according to how God has commanded
that they be enforced.

(2) While God did ordain law enforcement, for instance under the
theocracy of Moses and the legal code built upon God's Commandments,
God did not ordain modern police states...

I've pointed out ad nauseum how since the decriminalization of homosexuality, the homosexual movement has permeated every institution, law enforcement included, yet for some reason you continue with your anti-law enforcement rant.

Either tell us what happened in your life that caused you to have such a HATRED of law enforcement, or give it a rest (like that'll happen).


Once again then, child molesting is already a criminal offence aCW. :rolleyes:

Randomly enforced at best (why was Harvey Milk not prosecuted for having sex with underage teens?).

Indoctrinating the minds of innocent children and exposing them to lewd behavior once was illegal too Al (I've shown enough pictures of exhibitionists exposing themselves to children at gay pride parades).

As I've mentioned many times before: Almost every single objective in the original 1972 homosexual agenda has been enacted, except for this one:

7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent. (1972 State-7)
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