God's Truth

New member
Paul had in mind the Corinthians were COMMONLY practicing first-degree, son-mother, incest (1Corinthians 5:1 KJV). My 85 year-old mother even knows her jack-russell terrior suffers seizures being the progeny of inbreeding! You ever heard of Starbucks?


Again, that scripture does not say the man is sleeping with his father's wife meaning that without doubt it is the man's mother. Why wouldn't Paul plainly say he is sleeping with his mother?

In addition, you are trying to make it as if this is a common practice, but Paul SAYS this kind of immorality does NOT exist even among the Gentiles. See 1 Corinthians 5:1. Therefore, your insistence that men inbreeding with their mothers is a common practice is false, even if the man in 1 Corinthians did that. The statement "even among Gentiles" tells us that the Israelites had the law and knew not to do such things but even the Gentiles did not do such. Paul is writing to Corinthians BELIEVERS and saying this act is not to be accepted among believers.

You keep bringing up Ham and what he did as if this is connected to the Corinthians. You also keep bringing up Japheth, from whom the Gentiles come. What does Japheth have to do with this?

You keep repeating your same false theory, even after you have been shown with scripture that you are wrong.
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God's Truth

New member
1 Corinthians 5:1 It is actually reported that there is immorality among you, and immorality of such a kind as does not exist even among the Gentiles, that someone has his father's wife.

Paul was speaking about hearing that there was immorality among them, the saved believers. It is not about what you call fake Jews.
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Cross Reference

New member
Wow. I had to look this up and when I did, I found this explanation:

"Receptive aphasia, also known as Wernicke’s aphasia, fluent aphasia, or sensory aphasia, is a type of aphasia in which people with the condition are unable to understand language in its written or spoken form, and even though they can speak with normal grammar, syntax, rate, and intonation, they cannot express themselves meaningfully using language. People with Wernicke's aphasia are typically unaware of how they are speaking and do not realize it may lack meaning. [1] Having a deficit and not knowing it exists or denying it exists is called anosognosia. People with Wernicke's Aphasia typically remain unaware of even their most profound language deficits."

I know you are going to take this as an insult, but, if this statement was a definition of "intellectual Receptive aphasia, " well, I could argue that it is talking about you.

I must say, you and "God's Truth" way over think your arguments, and in the end, present conclusion that often have nothing to do with actual disagreement at hand.

Understand this, or, figure out what I am saying: Tongues speaking is a gift from God, not a pathology.

The problem as I see it is, God is knowable and wants to be known. How can one say they love Him if they do not seek to know Him? It is not an intellectual but a heart, pursuit. Pentecost was for that reason, i.e., heart, not head. Relationship with the eternal substance of God not born of the mind.

Cross Reference

New member
it is called hope
just ask an atheist
they want God to exist
watch them run

Hope?? Is that all?? Though I do hope in Him, you are desperately lacking in you understanding of what "knowing" God is all about if that is how the end of matter concludes in your thinking. Even the desire to know Him will profit you more than, hope.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Hope?? Is that all?? Though I do hope in Him, you are desperately lacking in you understanding of what "knowing" of God is all about if that is how the end of matter concludes in you thinking. Even the desire to know Him will profit you more than, hope.

it all starts with hope
do you know what that means?
want, desire

Cross Reference

New member
it all starts with hope
do you know what that means?
want, desire

Give it up, will ya?

Here's something to chew on:
"The LORD preserveth all them that love him":. . . . .Psalm 145:20 (KJV)

"Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;" Deuteronomy 7:9 (KJV)

Neh.1:5 KJV.
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New member
The problem as I see it is, God is knowable and wants to be known. How can one say they love Him if they do not seek to know Him? It is not an intellectual but a heart, pursuit. Pentecost was for that reason, i.e., heart, not head. Relationship with the eternal substance of God not born of the mind.

We know God through Christ, right? But, you are clueless to Jesus' and His Father's explicit and succinct testimonies (John 8:17, 18) found in John 8:38 KJV, John 8:40 KJV. Don't feel alone, CR. I can't find an Mdiv or PhD theologian to answer that one... so much for God or His Son being known.

As far as the intellectual aspect... CR... try using the left side of your brain studying the sciences as a Christian. Do you think all scientists are atheists? Who do you think stands behind dumbing-down God's children??? I am in awe at the magnificence of His creation. Just under two gallons of blood circulates through out bodies like a typhoon tsunami! If you could capture the blood pumped through the heart of a marathon running for 72 consecutive hours... God's magnificently created heart has pumped enough blood to fill an average, backyard IN-GROUND swimming pool! Try that one with a garden hose.

Egocentrism places the created above the Creator... a right-brain kind of experience. Do you think God only favors and reveals Himself to those drunken with emotions? Put the shoe on the other foot, CR. You've been in this arena since age 12... and, you didn't know what went down in Noah's tent (Genesis 9:22 KJV, Leviticus 18:8 KJV)? You ever heard a sermon about what the Corinthians were up to in 1Corinthians 5:1 KJV? Have you ever asked yourself how these heritable genetic afflictions came onto the scene (Genesis 9:22 KJV)? How they were perpetuated through antiquity... contrary to the multiple procreation laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy even today?

Jesus was a genetic healer CR, and you think the rest of us are newbies on the scene? You utterly cannot consider any other rendering of tongue-speak without giving up your entire life. I'm not so obligated. You don't have a choice because you don't have a choice, a choice made when you were a child (1Corinthians 13:11, 12).


Cross Reference

New member
We know God through Christ, right? But, you are clueless to Jesus' and His Father's explicit and succinct testimonies (John 8:17, 18) found in John 8:38 KJV, John 8:40 KJV. Don't feel alone, CR. I can't find an Mdiv or PhD theologian to answer that one... so much for God or His Son being known.

As far as the intellectual aspect... CR... try using the left side of your brain studying the sciences as a Christian. Do you think all scientists are atheists? Who do you think stands behind dumbing-down God's children??? I am in awe at the magnificence of His creation. Just under two gallons of blood circulates through out bodies like a typhoon tsunami! If you could capture the blood pumped through the heart of a marathon running for 72 consecutive hours... God's magnificently created heart has pumped enough blood to fill an average, backyard IN-GROUND swimming pool! Try that one with a garden hose.

Egocentrism places the created above the Creator... a right-brain kind of experience. Do you think God only favors and reveals Himself to those drunken with emotions? Put the shoe on the other foot, CR. You've been in this arena since age 12... and, you didn't know what went down in Noah's tent (Genesis 9:22 KJV, Leviticus 18:8 KJV)? You ever heard a sermon about what the Corinthians were up to in 1Corinthians 5:1 KJV? Have you ever asked yourself how these heritable genetic afflictions came onto the scene (Genesis 9:22 KJV)? How they were perpetuated through antiquity... contrary to the multiple procreation laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy even today?

Jesus was a genetic healer CR, and you think the rest of us are newbies on the scene? You utterly cannot consider any other rendering of tongue-speak without giving up your entire life. I'm not so obligated. You don't have a choice because you don't have a choice, a choice made when you were a child (1Corinthians 13:11, 12).


In that, I can certainly understand __ however, one day soon your knee will be compelled to bow before Him.


New member
In that, I can certainly understand __ however, one day soon your knee will be compelled to bow before Him.

Aren't you being a little presumptuous, CR? Do you think ONLY charismatics bow a knee? Charismatic arrogance precedes you, CR. You've been drinking the kool-aid for so long you can't see it. Only charismatics have a front-row seat in heaven! After the Catholics, of course... and here we go, LOL!


Cross Reference

New member
Aren't you being a little presumptuous, CR? Do you think ONLY charismatics bow a knee? Charismatic arrogance precedes you, CR. You've been drinking the kool-aid for so long you can't see it. Only charismatics have a front-row seat in heaven! After the Catholics, of course... and here we go, LOL!


No. I said you will bow YOUR knee.

This day is for the preparation of that day.
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New member
Hope?? Is that all?? Though I do hope in Him, you are desperately lacking in you understanding of what "knowing" God is all about if that is how the end of matter concludes in your thinking. Even the desire to know Him will profit you more than, hope.
While God is knowable as revealed by His Son, still, we are saved in the hope of our calling, because we cannot think clearly enough to apprehend God, fully and completely, nor can we obey enough to overcome our error, our intentional sin and sinning, and our all those things we refuse to do (sins of omission). If our hope is in Christ, rather than "gee, I hope I am saved," I think hope is all we have going for us.

Cross Reference

New member
While God is knowable as revealed by His Son, still, we are saved in the hope of our calling, because we cannot think clearly enough to apprehend God, fully and completely, nor can we obey enough to overcome our error, our intentional sin and sinning, and our all those things we refuse to do (sins of omission). If our hope is in Christ, rather than "gee, I hope I am saved," I think hope is all we have going for us.

I can't agree with your understanding for reasons of my own life and the new Thread just posted.

Question: If you knew Him, would you sin?


New member
I can't agree with your understanding for reasons of my own life and the new Thread just posted.

Question: If you knew Him, would you sin?
My answer to that last question is this: "If we say that we are currently, without sin, we are liars (I Jo 1:7 -9)."

I do not understand why we fight the continual need for forgiveness. Without it, and I am talking about unmerited favor versus our continual sin, our marriages would not survive, and, we would have no meaningful relationship with our own children. My wife and children anger me, often, but only momentarily . . . . . . . and I them. I "forgive" immediately, because I want to be her husband and their father, and they do the same. It is when the wife says, "I am tired of picking up your socks," that the love affair is over and drudgery, if not divorce, sets in, no? In a "system of grace," our continual sin and selfish activity is not the issue, rather, the continuing desire to forgive and forget (i.e. "grace").

If grace keeps us together on the temporal plane, how much more when it is God to man? PTL, right?

Cross Reference

New member
My answer to that last question is this: "If we say that we are currently, without sin, we are liars (I Jo 1:7 -9)."

But that is not an answer. I asked a pointed question that speaks to the way to the "healing of our needs" brought on by our the flesh demanding its rights..

I do not understand why we fight the continual need for forgiveness.
Why?? It is because we don't seek Him to know Him __ to know His eternal Life, have His Mind in living out through our finger tips, His eternal purposes __Now!

Without it, and I am talking about unmerited favor versus our continual sin, our marriages would not survive, and, we would have no meaningful relationship with our own children. My wife and children anger me, often, but only momentarily . . . . . . . and I them. I "forgive" immediately, because I want to be her husband and their father, and they do the same. It is when the wife says, "I am tired of picking up your socks," that the love affair is over and drudgery, if not divorce, sets in, no? In a "system of grace," our continual sin and selfish activity is not the issue, rather, the continuing desire to forgive and forget (i.e. "grace").

No. It is definitely because of our continual sin and selfish activity being the issue, futile thinking that thwarts the Mind of God to our heart.. Overcoming our vain lives is what the teaching by the Holy Spirit is all about.
We can never be givers and will always be takers in such personal matters you speak of absent our continual seeking God to know Him to have His Mind in all matters of our life. That is how Jesus did it and for our example. I know because I wrote the book ,"How to be a taker without trying" ___ and I was a "confessing" Christian. When I was born again was when I would begin a breaking in my life, an understanding of the necessity of the new birth Jesus was attempting to convey to Nicodemus. Jn. 3:3,5 KJV.

If grace keeps us together on the temporal plane, how much more when it is God to man? PTL, right?

You tell me. I asked you and you apparently didn't think it a relevant question. Would you like to try again?


New member
No. I said you will bow YOUR knee.

This day is for the preparation of that day.

Every day is for the preparation of that day. Interestingly, there will be those standing on that day:

Revelation 3:9 KJV "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Sounds like a standing situation, CR. I mourn for His return today, preceding even this day: Matthew 24:30 KJV. Charismatics don't need His return... Charismatics, like many faiths, already have salvation in these flesh bodies. Salvation is through hope and faith until the Big Guy slams the gavel. Salvation is what happens on the other side, not this side, when the corruptible puts on the incorruptible. Charismatics, like many faiths, have salvation gift-wrapped waiting for proselytes to open said gift. For charismatics... it's tongue speak. Does tongue-speak make one incorruptible? Might reflect on Genesis 3:5, 6. Only One was without sin.

Acts 17:29, 30, 31, KJV. Does tongue-speak make one righteous?


Cross Reference

New member
Every day is for the preparation of that day. Interestingly, there will be those standing on that day:

Revelation 3:9 KJV "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Sounds like a standing situation, CR. I mourn for His return today, preceding even this day: Matthew 24:30 KJV. Charismatics don't need His return... Charismatics, like many faiths, already have salvation in these flesh bodies. Salvation is through hope and faith until the Big Guy slams the gavel. Salvation is what happens on the other side, not this side, when the corruptible puts on the incorruptible. Charismatics, like many faiths, have salvation gift-wrapped waiting for proselytes to open said gift. For charismatics... it's tongue speak. Does tongue-speak make one incorruptible? Might reflect on Genesis 3:5, 6. Only One was without sin.

Acts 17:29, 30, 31, KJV. Does tongue-speak make one righteous?


No one will be standing, little man.

Word based mystic

New member
John 17:21 that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us

this is Gods desire and expectation for man both now and in heaven.

also ephesians 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God

this is also a present day expectation that God desire for us. As well as a future reality we may step in.

God desires us to be more and more yielding in every facet so we can be able to be filled with ((all)) the fullness of God.

1 john 2:6 but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him: 6the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked

So even here is an expectation of us yielding ourselves to walking in the Spirit so fully so that we may walk in the same manner as He walked.

all of the above scriptures is not only possibilities but also ((expectations))
He has equipped us so fully with the greatest thing in all existence to accomplish this. His Holy Spirit


New member
John 17:21 that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us

this is Gods desire and expectation for man both now and in heaven.

also ephesians 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God

this is also a present day expectation that God desire for us. As well as a future reality we may step in.

God desires us to be more and more yielding in every facet so we can be able to be filled with ((all)) the fullness of God.

1 john 2:6 but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him: 6the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked

So even here is an expectation of us yielding ourselves to walking in the Spirit so fully so that we may walk in the same manner as He walked.

all of the above scriptures is not only possibilities but also ((expectations))
He has equipped us so fully with the greatest thing in all existence to accomplish this. His Holy Spirit
If you are not talking about a strict, monastic piety, I can say a hardy "Amen."