You are lying.
I asked the question first, and CR merely evaded to answering with a question.
It is your dishonesty that is the question, here. I don't care who asked who first. All I know is that CR asked you a question, a rather uninvolved question that should have been easy to answer, and what did you do? You avoided his question and asked him something that had nothing to do with anything. Just answer the question without regard as to who asked who, first. You never answered by my question about your gk sources. It is something you do.
Your comment to me: "How about you hard hearted jsjohnnt? Would you like to answer the question, or would you rather continue to insult me?" The question for which you demand an answer, was this, "Would Jesus have remained in God's love if he did not obey God, His Father?"
Such a silly question, and proves nothing. The fact of the matter is this: Jesus as Son of God/Son of Man, is not our example for sinless activity, He is the solution for our sinful activity. He was sinless as to the Law AND and his very nature, as a human. To be sure, he had the capacity for sin at any level, but was perfect in every way.
For me, the fact that he was perfect AND human, destroys my claim, when I sin or am convicted of my sinful nature ---- when I say, "I am only human" as an excuse. He was "only human" as Son of Man, and did not sin, and in that fact, I am condemned. On the Cross/Resurrection, he solved that problem.
At any rate, to ask your (extremely) rhetorical question is an insult to the Christ of God. To reduce His life to something that is on a par with your existence, is heresy, and in your question, that is exactly what I see you doing. He was human, but he was and is God, as well, and that is what makes your question, so misguided.