
New member
You have never told me where you got your gk information? Not once. It really is simple, just give me a name instead of telling me you already did. Did your info come from a gk grammar? What grammar? Or did it come from your schooling, if so, where and who was your first year gk teacher.
Since you go by the moniker , "God's Truth, why not share your greek source(s). I want to compare your source with my several sources. Otherwise, how can I not think your are being dishonest in your teachings?


New member
As I already said before that the 'us' is a general us.

God so loved the world...but I gave you scripture that God does not know or love you personally unless you love Him by obeying Him.

All we have to do is obey Him.
Another silly interpretation. The truth: God so loved every individual in the world (i.e. "God loved us"). He actually died for us while we were sinners and sinning (Rom 5:8 where the impact of "yet" has to do with our continue sin). Further, If we ever say that we are without sin, we make ourselves to be liars (I Jo 1:7-9). In terms of obedience, which is another way of talking about our "righteousness," our righteousness is as filthy rags before the Lord (Is 64:6). In the end, we serve the law of sin with our flesh, and the law of God with our hearts (Ro 7:25).

God's Truth

New member
Since you go by the moniker , "God's Truth, why not share your greek source(s). I want to compare your source with my several sources. Otherwise, how can I not think your are being dishonest in your teachings?

I told you where you have to go and what you have to do.

God's Truth

New member
Another silly interpretation. The truth: God so loved every individual in the world (i.e. "God loved us"). He actually died for us while we were sinners and sinning (Rom 5:8 where the impact of "yet" has to do with our continue sin).

You do not understand that scripture. Paul is speaking about Jesus not making the Gentiles get circumcised before being saved. The Gentiles were dead in their sins and the UN circumcision of their FLESH.

Colossians 2:13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,

Further, If we ever say that we are without sin, we make ourselves to be liars (I Jo 1:7-9).
That scripture is about being saved in the first place.

We must admit we are sinners and repent of our sins to be saved. If we say are without sin, you were never saved.

In terms of obedience, which is another way of talking about our "righteousness," our righteousness is as filthy rags before the Lord (Is 64:6).

It is never ever wrong in any way to obey God. God does not tell us our righteous acts are as filthy rags when we do what He says.
God was speaking to the Jews WHO WOULD NOT STOP SINNING. For instance, in the old law, the Jews would sin, then they had to give a sin offering as a righteous act, they had to give sin offerings just to worship God. God did not like it that they would sin then give a sin offering and not really be sorry for their sins.

Your false teachers taught you wrong about the filthy rags scripture.

Your righteous act of FAITH in Jesus is a filthy rag if you do not OBEY HIM.

In the end, we serve the law of sin with our flesh,

You are badly mistaken. I can hardly believe that you say such evil things. If you serve the law of sin in your flesh, then you are not saved.

and the law of God with our hearts (Ro 7:25).

You misunderstand Paul in Romans 7. Paul was speaking of a person trying to obey THE OLD LAW WITHOUT FAITH.

I can hardly believe how people misunderstand Paul to say he sins in his flesh...Paul who says he beats his body to make it a slave so he will not be disqualified while he preaches to others TO OBEY AND NOT SIN.


New member
You do not understand that scripture. Paul is speaking about Jesus not making the Gentiles get circumcised before being saved. The Gentiles were dead in their sins and the UN circumcision of their FLESH.

Colossians 2:13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,

That scripture is about being saved in the first place.

We must admit we are sinners and repent of our sins to be saved. If we say are without sin, you were never saved.

It is never ever wrong in any way to obey God. God does not tell us our righteous acts are as filthy rags when we do what He says.
God was speaking to the Jews WHO WOULD NOT STOP SINNING. For instance, in the old law, the Jews would sin, then they had to give a sin offering as a righteous act, they had to give sin offerings just to worship God. God did not like it that they would sin then give a sin offering and not really be sorry for their sins.

Your false teachers taught you wrong about the filthy rags scripture.

Your righteous act of FAITH in Jesus is a filthy rag if you do not OBEY HIM.

You are badly mistaken. I can hardly believe that you say such evil things. If you serve the law of sin in your flesh, then you are not saved.

You misunderstand Paul in Romans 7. Paul was speaking of a person trying to obey THE OLD LAW WITHOUT FAITH.

I can hardly believe how people misunderstand Paul to say he sins in his flesh...Paul who says he beats his body to make it a slave so he will not be disqualified while he preaches to others TO OBEY AND NOT SIN.
I don't think you intend to be, but you are a false teacher. I have never seen anyone as bias driven as you, as willing to conflate context for personal opinion, or to force the meaning of scripture into the larger context of your own liking. Impossible.

And don't bother with your lies about knowing Greek. When your heart is closed to the truth, there is no point in the continued discussion.

God's Truth

New member
I don't think you intend to be, but you are a false teacher. I have never seen anyone as bias driven as you, as willing to conflate context for personal opinion, or to force the meaning of scripture into the larger context of your own liking. Impossible.

And don't bother with your lies about knowing Greek. When your heart is closed to the truth, there is no point in the continued discussion.

We do not have to learn Greek to know God's Truth. We do not have to learn any other language.

In fact, how many in false denominations have degrees. Think about it.


New member
Now that my "conversation" with "God's Truth" has ended, I leave you all with these words, hopefully, getting this thread back on track.

In the spirit of this thread, my conclusion is this: there is no biblical reason for believing that 21st century Christian do not have access to the same spiritual gifts mentioned in I Corinthians 12:1 thru the 14 th chapter.

I Corin 13 and the phrase “when that is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away (v 10).,” suggest an end to the spiritual gifts when that which is “mature” has come. If we combine this terminology (“perfect or mature”) with Ehp 4 and the reasons for various levels of leadership within the church, we get the sense that we , The Church, will need pastors, teachers and evangelists until the 2nd coming.

To argue for the ending of the gifts with the writing of the letter of Revelations, is to wind up with a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, century church without either a bible or any of the spiritual gifts !!!! How lame is that ?!! There is no reason to believe that the African Christians (the Ethiopian Eunuch and those converted because of him or others) ever read the book of Acts, or the Revelations, or the Gospel of John., etc., etc.

At any rate, there is no exegetical reason to believe that the “perfect” of I Corinthians 13:10 has anything to do with the writing of the Bible.

Update and final word:
the so-called "God's Truth" just wrote: "We do not have to learn Greek to know God's Truth. We do not have to learn any other language.," forgetting that she is the one who first quoted technical language as to "present indicative" and "aorist" and got it all wrong. Of course one does not have to know gk to know God's truth, but the inspired language of the NT is greek, so understanding the language has to help . . . . but, again, she is the one went to the greek to make her point. Anyway, I am done with this person. God bless.

Word based mystic

New member
the main theme in scripture has always been love and relationship

Love is the greatest of these three things Hope, faith, Love

faith is expressed in the action/obedience

We are commanded to LOVE GOD and LOVE our neighbors
all the law is summarized in this

yet how do we know how to Love, How can we love,
God first loves us so we can know what Love is and how it acts.

it is kind, gentle, seeking others first not our ownself, patient, longsuffering, merciful
these are all things the scripture shows that God reveals to and acts towards His Children

in doing so we Like a child experiencing true agape love then can turn around and love God and men correctly

1 john 4:18 But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love

obedience does not drive out fear love does

comprehending Gods depths of His love allows us to be filled with all the fullness of God
not being obedient.

yes obedience comes if we Love Him with Gods imparted agape love

however obedience does not produce Love

Love in action produces obedience

faith and action expressed is a clanging symbol without love

so it is possible to obey without love

Cross Reference

New member
Now that my "conversation" with "God's Truth" has ended, I leave you all with these words, hopefully, getting this thread back on track.

In the spirit of this thread, my conclusion is this: there is no biblical reason for believing that 21st century Christian do not have access to the same spiritual gifts mentioned in I Corinthians 12:1 thru the 14 th chapter.

I Corin 13 and the phrase “when that is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away (v 10).,” suggest an end to the spiritual gifts when that which is “mature” has come. If we combine this terminology (“perfect or mature”) with Ehp 4 and the reasons for various levels of leadership within the church, we get the sense that we , The Church, will need pastors, teachers and evangelists until the 2nd coming.

To argue for the ending of the gifts with the writing of the letter of Revelations, is to wind up with a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, century church without either a bible or any of the spiritual gifts !!!! How lame is that ?!! There is no reason to believe that the African Christians (the Ethiopian Eunuch and those converted because of him or others) ever read the book of Acts, or the Revelations, or the Gospel of John., etc., etc.

At any rate, there is no exegetical reason to believe that the “perfect” of I Corinthians 13:10 has anything to do with the writing of the Bible.

Update and final word:
the so-called "God's Truth" just wrote: "We do not have to learn Greek to know God's Truth. We do not have to learn any other language.," forgetting that she is the one who first quoted technical language as to "present indicative" and "aorist" and got it all wrong. Of course one does not have to know gk to know God's truth, but the inspired language of the NT is greek, so understanding the language has to help . . . . but, again, she is the one went to the greek to make her point. Anyway, I am done with this person. God bless.

Question out of curiousity: Why are you so adversesarial with me since I hold the same position as you in this?

Cross Reference

New member
the main theme in scripture has always been love and relationship

Love is the greatest of these three things Hope, faith, Love

faith is expressed in the action/obedience

We are commanded to LOVE GOD and LOVE our neighbors
all the law is summarized in this

yet how do we know how to Love, How can we love,
God first loves us so we can know what Love is and how it acts.

it is kind, gentle, seeking others first not our ownself, patient, longsuffering, merciful
these are all things the scripture shows that God reveals to and acts towards His Children

in doing so we Like a child experiencing true agape love then can turn around and love God and men correctly

1 john 4:18 But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love

obedience does not drive out fear love does

comprehending Gods depths of His love allows us to be filled with all the fullness of God
not being obedient.

yes obedience comes if we Love Him with Gods imparted agape love

however obedience does not produce Love

Love in action produces obedience

Good word W! And if I might add a little furtherance of it I believed for myself:

. . . . the result of an intimacy seeking relationship with God. I use the word "seeking" because we are not yet filled with all "grace and truth" which, as it must sound impossible, must be our goal. In this, as progress in the process of becoming, is that which is judged by God.
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God's Truth

New member
the main theme in scripture has always been love and relationship

Do you think that Jesus would have remained in His Father's love if he did not obey? PLEASE ANSWER THAT QUESTION.

Love is the greatest of these three things Hope, faith, Love

faith is expressed in the action/obedience

We are commanded to LOVE GOD and LOVE our neighbors
all the law is summarized in this

yet how do we know how to Love, How can we love,
God first loves us so we can know what Love is and how it acts.

it is kind, gentle, seeking others first not our ownself, patient, longsuffering, merciful
these are all things the scripture shows that God reveals to and acts towards His Children


in doing so we Like a child experiencing true agape love then can turn around and love God and men correctly

1 john 4:18 But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love

obedience does not drive out fear love does

You are badly mistaken. Obedience does drive out fear. If you do not obey Jesus, how do you think your fears will be driven out?

comprehending Gods depths of His love allows us to be filled with all the fullness of God
not being obedient.

I can hardly believe that you said that. How can you not see what you said and not understand how wrong it is? If you are not obedient, then how are you feeling love?

yes obedience comes if we Love Him with Gods imparted agape love

however obedience does not produce Love

Love in action produces obedience

faith and action expressed is a clanging symbol without love

so it is possible to obey without love

You are trying to make love and obedience separate, and that goes against the scriptures.

God's Truth

New member
Good word W! And if I might a little furtherance of it I believed for myself:

. . . . the result of an intimacy seeking relationship with God. I use the word "seeking" because we are not yet filled with all "grace and truth" which, as it must sound impossible, must be our goal. In this is progress in the process of becoming, that which is judged by God.

I can hardly believe that you are still seeking to be saved, and you act as if this is normal to always only be seeking.

Cross Reference

New member
I can hardly believe that you are still seeking to be saved, and you act as if this is normal to always only be seeking.

Where am I alluding to salvation in what I wrote??

You, who profess to know so much, are revealing you can't even read. What is more, if you declare you can, then what is your motive for mis-representing my? Do you believe that is the Christian way?

God's Truth

New member
Where am I alluding to salvation in what I wrote??

You, who profess to know so much, are revealing you can't even read. What is more, if you declare you can, then what is your motive for mis-representing my? Do you believe that is the Christian way?

What is in you that does not want to admit that you needed to be corrected but act like you don't? Do not twist things around. You said plainly that you are still seeking.

Cross Reference

New member
What is in you that does not want to admit that you needed to be corrected but act like you don't? Do not twist things around. You said plainly that you are still seeking.

Seeking what, you now do not say. However, in your last, you said I was seeking salvation. That is a mispresentation of my words. What I plainly wrote, you twisted, was with regards to "seeking intimacy" with God.

How come you have such a hard being honest? What can you hope to accomplish by being dishonest?