Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?


that's #1 and #6

Which are the only identifiable things about them unless they signaled something else about them before the confrontation.

no, they were waiting by the bus stop for their bus after having participated in a pro-life rally

With Maga hats.

No vulgates or crucifixims, no Marias or votives.
Not even a meatball and spaghett?

I give it a 2 out of 10

or the lying indians

I don't see how he 'lied'- it's apparent to me that the Catholic kids started having a political dispute with the liberals and the Native man felt it was also directed at him. Seems to me like he was diffusing the situation by drumming some sort of aura.
They're into that kind of thing you know.


Well-known member
Which are the only identifiable things about them unless they signaled something else about them before the confrontation.

With Maga hats.

No vulgates or crucifixims, no Marias or votives.
Not even a meatball and spaghett?

I give it a 2 out of 10

I don't see how he 'lied'- it's apparent to me that the Catholic kids started having a political dispute with the liberals and the Native man felt it was also directed at him. Seems to me like he was diffusing the situation by drumming some sort of aura.
They're into that kind of thing you know.

So you haven't seen this same American Indian Activist before? I have. This is not his first rodeo.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Which are the only identifiable things about them unless they signaled something else about them before the confrontation.

well, it's obvious that they're young and male, probably heterosexual

that's plenty of reason for many on the left to hate them

I don't see how he 'lied'

he's changed his story many times in the past couple days

he still claims that the boy (Sandmann) came and stood in front of him, blocked his path, when the video clearly shows the boy standing motionless, against the steps, as the toothless old fool walks up to him and stands inches away

- it's apparent to me that the Catholic kids started having a political dispute with the liberals

which liberals? :idunno:

there were three groups involved - the disgusting racist foul-mouthed negro "black israelites", the lying indians and the Covington High kids

and the Native man felt it was also directed at him.

not an excuse for his behavior and actions and not in accordance with the reasons he's given

Seems to me like he was diffusing the situation by drumming some sort of aura.
They're into that kind of thing you know.

its possible (fool made the same suggestion)

but again, he's changed his story so many times it's difficult to believe anything he says

which really has the guys over at stolen valor's spidey senses tingling - they smell blood and if they can prove he's lying about his service, they'll rip him to shreds (figuratively speaking)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
gonna move the nathan phillips/Nick Sandmann issue over here, return this thread to the previously scheduled programming about the wall - i expect it will be newsworthy this week


“ '...liberals' and they're all okay with women and children being abused...”

Arthur, your post is just as ignorantly silly as claiming that conservatives are all okay with women and children being abused!


Kit the Coyote

New member
Democrats working on their proposal for border security.

The proposal, which Democrats are drafting into a formal letter to Trump, will include border security improvements such as retrofitting ports of entry, new sensors and drones, more immigration judges and border patrol agents, and additional technology, among other measures.

The letter was not final, and the exact figure Democrats will suggest was not yet determined, but lawmakers and aides said it would be higher than the levels Democrats have supported in the past, which have ranged from $1.3 billion to $1.6 billion.

“We are going to be talking about substantial sums of additional moneys to be invested to secure the borders,” said House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.). “And it will be a substantial figure.”

Some Democrats suggested they would even be willing to meet Trump’s request for $5.7 billion — as long as it goes for technology and other improvements, not the physical wall the president is seeking.

“If you look at all of the things that we’re proposing — more judges, more border patrol, this new technology — these are the kinds of things that we are going to be putting forward, and I think that they can be done using the figure that the president has put on the table,” House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) told reporters Wednesday.

“If his $5.7 billion is about border security, then we see ourselves fulfilling that request, only doing it through what I like to call using a ‘smart wall’,” Clyburn said.


This actually seems to me to be a better use of $5.7 billion for border security than what amounts to a down payment on a wall that will take years to build and have little immediate impact on the current crisis.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Democrats working on their proposal for border security.

The proposal, which Democrats are drafting into a formal letter to Trump, will include border security improvements such as retrofitting ports of entry, new sensors and drones, more immigration judges and border patrol agents, and additional technology, among other measures.

The letter was not final, and the exact figure Democrats will suggest was not yet determined, but lawmakers and aides said it would be higher than the levels Democrats have supported in the past, which have ranged from $1.3 billion to $1.6 billion.

“We are going to be talking about substantial sums of additional moneys to be invested to secure the borders,” said House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.). “And it will be a substantial figure.”

Some Democrats suggested they would even be willing to meet Trump’s request for $5.7 billion — as long as it goes for technology and other improvements, not the physical wall the president is seeking.

“If you look at all of the things that we’re proposing — more judges, more border patrol, this new technology — these are the kinds of things that we are going to be putting forward, and I think that they can be done using the figure that the president has put on the table,” House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) told reporters Wednesday.

“If his $5.7 billion is about border security, then we see ourselves fulfilling that request, only doing it through what I like to call using a ‘smart wall’,” Clyburn said.


This actually seems to me to be a better use of $5.7 billion for border security than what amounts to a down payment on a wall that will take years to build and have little immediate impact on the current crisis.

if it is designed to apply to the whole length of the border, i could see it work, politically :idunno:



Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?

Democrats would probably have no objection if Mexico were to finance "THE WALL" as this President had promised repeatedly!

Strange as to how Trump supporters are critical of those less gullible Democrats who realized from DAY 1 that Mexico was never going to pay for "THE WALL!"

If "The Donald" could be so wrong concerning as to who was going to pay for "THE WALL," doesn't that also bring into question his assertion that the nation actually needs "THE WALL?"

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
“ '...liberals' and they're all okay with women and children being abused...”

Arthur, your post is just as ignorantly silly as claiming that conservatives are all okay with women and children being abused!


Um, which "Arthur" are you referring to here?



“...But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, 'Raca,' is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.
--Matthew 5:22

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
“...But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, 'Raca,' is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.
--Matthew 5:22

not sure who you were posting to, but this scripture is often misused by people who deliberately ignore the following key phrase:

"anyone who says to a brother or sister"

this scripture is written specifically to deal with interactions between followers of Christ


“...this scripture is written specifically to deal with interactions between followers of Christ.”

I tend to think that Jesus’ message was more universal, but nevertheless you may be right.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Why didn't Thump get funding for the wall during the first 2 years of his administration when he had a Republican-led House of Representatives to work with???


Why didn't Thump get funding for the wall during the first 2 years of his administration when he had a Republican-led House of Representatives to work with???
The only plausible answer is that behind closed doors most Republicans in Congress are no more convinced concerning the need for "THE WALL" than their Democratic counterparts!

Wlll Hurd who currently represents the Texas 23rd Congressional District that is located along the US/Mexico border sees no crisis nor the pressing need for "THE WALL" - and he's a Republican!