Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
but facts don't matter to leftists, even when they're willing to acknowledge them - why let facts stand in the way of a soul filled with hate:

As Details Emerge, Covington Catholic Kids STILL Are Entitled, Racist White Boys

White teenaged boys in MAGA hats are still bigoted, entitled little jerks.


there's more, much more - i won't cut and paste it and only take a look if you want to be discouraged at the future of humanity with people like this allowed to roam free and spread their diseased ideas and hate

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I would agree from what all I've been piecing together the school group is largely an innocent party here that got caught up in the mess. The Hebrew Israelites (I gather their belief is that blacks are the real Israelites chosen by God) were provoking the situation. And much as I keep trying to give them the benefit of the doubt as to their motivations, Phillips and his group are presenting the most inconsistent stories of what happened with the visual evidence, so their actions are becoming more and more questionable.

The media and public all seem to be looking at parts of it that supports their viewpoints and seeing what they want to see.

if the stolen valor guys prove his military identification a lie, all of it will come crumbling down


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I do not think the cheers helped and there were other activities that could have been given to pull the students together and move them away. I do agree as I said that the 'elder's' decision to move into the group was a critical mistake.

I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that maybe the elder saw a different outcome possible.
I read somewhere else that he was singing a song that is supposed to calm spirits, and that in native culture having an elder come up to you playing a drum was a huge honor.
So, just maybe he thought he would drown out the street preachers with his drum and the group of kids would settle down and listen to him.
But it had the opposite effect, they thought he was beating to their cheer and they were energized by it. Then things got weird.

Kit the Coyote

New member
on the internet, yes

but the majors?



There is still some integrity in the major sources but even they are not immune from getting caught up in the hype. Particularly in the 24/7 news cycle that they have to compete in these days. This story is a classic example of why initial reports of an event should be taken with a grain of salt.

Kit the Coyote

New member
I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that maybe the elder saw a different outcome possible.
I read somewhere else that he was singing a song that is supposed to calm spirits, and that in native culture having an elder come up to you playing a drum was a huge honor.
So, just maybe he thought he would drown out the street preachers with his drum and the group of kids would settle down and listen to him.
But it had the opposite effect, they thought he was beating to their cheer and they were energized by it. Then things got weird.

This was something I was thinking too when I read something along those lines. It was part of the reason I've been trying to give them the benefit of the doubt since it is possible it was all a big misunderstanding that got out of hand. But if that is the case, the changing stories he has been giving the press is not helping his case.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that maybe the elder saw a different outcome possible.
I read somewhere else that he was singing a song that is supposed to calm spirits, and that in native culture having an elder come up to you playing a drum was a huge honor.
So, just maybe he thought he would drown out the street preachers with his drum and the group of kids would settle down and listen to him.
But it had the opposite effect, they thought he was beating to their cheer and they were energized by it. Then things got weird.

the reason (lies) he gave today (which is/are different from yesterday):

Phillips: it escalated into an ugly situation that I found myself in the middle of. Yeah, I found myself in the middle of it, sort of woke up to it.

CNN: You just sort of decided to try and stop this or at least have an impact on it, calm the waters. Is that right?

Phillips: Yes, that's the impression that everybody has, and I guess that's what I was doing. I didn't realize that's what I was doing.

CNN: Were you trying to calm the situation down basically when you saw kind of things seemed to spiral out of control?

Phillips: I think so. I think that was the push, that we need to use the drum, use our prayer and bring a balance, bring a calming to the situation. I didn't assume that I had any kind of power to do that, but at the same time, I didn't feel that I could just stand there anymore and not do something.

The song I was singing, the reason for it, was to bring unity and to bring love and compassion back into our minds and our beings as men and as protector of what is right.

I felt like I denied them their prey. I felt like I denied them their prey and so they were going to take it out on me.

CNN: Were they being hateful, just bottom line? Did you feel hate from this group of people? Did it feel like they were being aggressive?

Phillips: I do believe that's all I could feel

they were very aggressive and they were very ready to hurt somebody.


golly, doesn't that make him look like the hero?

aren't we all happy that he kept that pack of rabid animal students from tearing apart those poor innocent peaceful religious black people, who it was obvious the boys wanted to lynch?


and still CNN isn't questioning his story, pointing out the outright discrepancies

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
stay tuned tomorrow to hear his latest lies

that CNN will eagerly lap up like a dog returning to his vomit

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
NPR interviews Phillips, falls flat on its face :doh:

Phillips: In his (Sandmann's) statement, he said he - he talked to his teacher, who was acting as a chaperone, to lead the chants to taunt the black guys. So he was one of the leaders of the chants of the taunting. So...

GREENE (NPR interviewer): And I mean, it - of course, his statement, it sounds like a different picture. It's just so complicated...

PHILLIPS: So that is the statement. That came from - right - his statement.

GREENE: Yeah. There's so much more that we could talk about here. I wish we had more time. Nathan Phillips is co-founder of the Native Youth Alliance. Thank you so much. We really appreciate it.

PHILLIPS: You bet.


well, no, Greene - it isn't complicated to point out to the idiot that you're interviewing that he's lying :doh:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"on Tuesday local Indian group and Antifa are planning a protest at the school"

bummer - the forecast is for clear and (relatively) warm

stayed tuned for more numbnuttery!


Never mind all of the follow-up video....

... the Women’s March – Indiana is going ahead with a protest at the school Tuesday morning.

The event itself is being hosted by the American Indian Movement Chapter of Indiana and Kentucky, but the Women’s March is hoping to swell the numbers of the protest against “racism against American Indians by Catholic students.”


because white people = racism!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
why the left hates these children and wants them to suffer

1. they are white
2. they are male
3. they are perceived to be well off
4. they are Christian
5. they are pro-life
6. they are trump supporters

these reasons are sufficient for many on the left to ignore the emerging evidence that Phillips' narrative is false

these reasons are sufficient for many on the left to feel justified in continuing the attacks against Sandmann specifically and the rest of the kids in general

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

We’re well past the point of urging the press to do better. Something is seriously wrong

The news media in the United States is horribly, perhaps irrevocably, broken.

In the past 72 hours, there have been two major, all-consuming news cycles based on either inaccurate or outright false allegations. Almost as distressing as the fact that the press ignored obvious red flags in promoting these stories is that some in the news media continue to cling to the original bogus narratives. Because when it comes to accusations leveled against President Trump and conservatives, the nation’s largest and most powerful newsrooms are less arbiters of truth and more actively hostile culture warriors.

(first half of the story is the buzzfeed hoax about Mueller)

... newsrooms were at it again less than 24 hours after the Mueller statement, eagerly propping up an obviously dubious story alleging several white teenagers at the March for Life had harassed Nathan Phillips, an elderly Native American protester. There have been calls for boycotts of the teens’ school. Some of the students seen in the video have also been "doxed" and threatened with physical violence, all based on a single, incomplete video and Phillips' say-so.

“Boys in ‘Make America Great Again’ Hats Mob Native Elder at Indigenous Peoples March,” reported the New York Times this weekend.

The Washington Post reported in a headline, “‘It was getting ugly’: Native American drummer speaks on his encounter with MAGA-hat-wearing teens.”

“Viral video of Catholic school teens in 'MAGA' caps taunting Native Americans draws widespread condemnation; prompts a school investigation,” reported ABC News.

The New Republic’s Jeet Heer called the teens in the video “ racists.” CNN’s Ana Navarro claimed the teens’ “ ***wipe” parents had taught them “bigotry” and “racism.” Others uncritically repeated Phillips' charge that the teens had chanted “ Build the wall” at him while blocking him from ascending the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

As it turns out, however, more complete footage of the incident tells an entirely different story. The longer tapes are so revealing, in fact, that it seems clear Phillips' account in the Washington Post and elsewhere was deliberately misleading. The teens perhaps did not behave as well as one would hope for, but there is nothing to show that they “mobbed” Phillips — he approached them. There is nothing to corroborate Phillips’ claim they chanted “Build the wall.” In short, there is nothing to show the incident played out the way newsrooms claimed it did.

Several of the media commentators who had originally called for the boys’ destruction have since deleted their initial remarks, which, again, were based solely on a contextless video and the say-so of one person. Others, however, clung to the narrative that racist, white teenagers from a school in Kentucky had tormented a Native American. New York magazine even published a supposed first-hand account Monday, which a Vanity Fair staff writer claims refutes the complete footage of the incident.

All of this because newsrooms were willing to bet everything on one brief, contextless video and the allegation of a single source.

Neither the BuzzFeed story nor the MAGA-teens story should’ve been treated as anything other than thinly sourced allegations requiring a healthy dose of skepticism and further corroboration. But the news media can’t help itself, especially if it sees red.

I’ve spent the last two years urging the press to do better, arguing that every misstep and face-plant feeds the president’s claim that the news media is an unreliable narrator. To a degree, he’s right. If there’s one takeaway from this weekend of clown-shoe news reporting, it’s that a disproportionate number of reporters care more about sticking it to the Right than they care about facts. The press has long been an unabashedly political machine, its many members leaning hard to the Left. But this weekend signals that things have gone far beyond politics. It's straight-up culture war now in the nation's media, all of it catering to the lowest, meanest common denominator.

Don't expect the reporting to get better. So long as this industry continues its downward spiral into the supremely partisan, with reporters chasing blindly after wins for their respective teams, the reporting is only going to get worse. Much worse.


"CNN’s Ana Navarro claimed the teens’ “ ***wipe” parents had taught them “bigotry” and “racism.”

Will CNN fire her? Publicly reprimand her? Apologize for her statements?

... it seems clear Phillips' account in the Washington Post and elsewhere was deliberately misleading.

"deliberately misleading" ???? :freak:

don't be shy - he lied

he was caught lying

... a disproportionate number of reporters care more about sticking it to the Right than they care about facts.

... regardless of the damage it might do to the reputations or physical well beings of a group of children

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
why the left hates these children and wants them to suffer

1. they are white
2. they are male
3. they are perceived to be well off
4. they are Christian
5. they are pro-life
6. they are trump supporters

these reasons are sufficient for many on the left to ignore the emerging evidence that Phillips' narrative is false

these reasons are sufficient for many on the left to feel justified in continuing the attacks against Sandmann specifically and the rest of the kids in general

for example:

Don't Doubt What You Saw With Your Own Eyes

... the visibly aggressive teens, who were draped in the symbols of white nationalism and misogyny ...

... teens draped in racist, misogynist paraphernalia ...

... the white MAGA-clad students, from a pricey Kentucky private school called Covington Catholic ...

... the writhing mass of sneering young white men ...

... I see a frothing mass of MAGA youth ... frenzied and yelling and out of control....

... the Covington students, and Sandmann in particular, stare at Phillips with such contempt ...

... sh**head MAGA teens ...


these people are insane and should be institutionalized

instead, they're allowed to vote :nono:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Twitter has assured its users that it is cracking down on the distribution of violent threats, but the platform allowed a barrage of attacks on the pro-Trump Kentucky students who were falsely accused of harassing a Native American protester Friday at the Lincoln Memorial.

Among the tweets are calls for posting the addresses of some of the students from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky, Breitbart News reported.

The students were waiting for their buses after participating in the March for Life pro-life event when they were confronted by members of a group called the Black Hebrew Israelites and a number of Native Americans, led by Nathan Phillips. Media, based on a short viral video and Phillips’ claims, reported the students surrounded the activist and chanted racial insults. But longer videos that emerged later showed Phillips was the initiator and the African Americans were shouting racial epithets at the students.

Breitbart said many of the Twitter users who “flooded the platform with disgusting abuse, violent threats, and calls to harass” the students had blue checkmarks next to their names, meaning their messages were endorsed by Twitter.

Most of the tweets remain on the platform by Monday, Breitbart said, which noted Twitter has deverified or banned conservative activists “for far less.”

Actress Kathy Griffin wrote: Ps. The reply from the school was pathetic and impotent. Name these kids. I want NAMES. Shame them. If you think these f—–s wouldn’t dox you in a heartbeat, think again.

Donald Trump Jr. on Monday called on Twitter to ban Griffin calling for “doxing” the teens, the Washington Examiner reported.

Among the Twitter messages allowed to spread widely:

I would put $1000 into a gofundme for someone to punch him right in the f—–g mouth — David Dellanave (@ddn) January 19, 2019

Giving a s–t-eating grin to a Native American’s face isn’t legally violence. But he is smiling *about* the violence. He is saying, “my people hurt you, and you can’t touch me even while I gloat about it.” It is fascism. And you should punch fascists. — Jeffrey Grubb (@JeffGrubb) January 19, 2019

Punch the little mfs in the face. Pain is an excellent teacher. — Simran Jeet Singh

I know he’s like a teen or whatever but I still wanna hit him. Like super hard. Right in that bish *** lookin face. Ya know? — Patton Oswalt

“Let Nazi teens have their privacy” is just the most white supremacist, ahistorical horsesh–. Like, there was literally an organization called the Hitler Youth and it served a very deliberate purpose. F— off and read a book
Maybe doxing racist teens is a powerful deterrent against being a racist teen. We all know how much fash love discipline and consequences
If I were in a room with the MAGA Kid, Hitler, and Toby and had three bullets, I’d shoot the MAGA Kid three times — Chad Chamberlain (@ChadChum15) January 20, 2019

I hope all these MAGA kids in the news get cancer and the horrible parents that raised them this way get to suffer alongside them. — Jez Watson (@jezawatson) January 20, 2019

I’m willing to bet that fifty years from now, a defining image of this political era will be that smug white MAGA teen disrespecting a Native elder and veteran. It just captures so much.

Breitbart News said a Twitter spokeswoman acknowledged that the platform initially got its Twitter Moments feature on the incident wrong, falsely accusing the high school kids of “mocking” the native american activist.

“Twitter Curation strives to fairly and accurately contextualize the nature of large conversations on the platform,” said the spokeswoman. “The original Covington video appeared on Friday night. However, the Curation team did not compile a Moment until additional news media reporting emerged to provide context to the video — this included a source video interview with Nathan Phillips, which was featured in the Moment.

“As soon as additional information emerged on Sunday night, including a full video and statement from the Covington high schoolers, we updated the Moment to reflect and focus on the new context.”

However, Breitbart reported the “fake news” version was still trending on Moments as late as 11:53 p.m. on Sunday.

Read more at https://www.wnd.com/2019/01/twitter...lence-on-pro-trump-teens/#bobxhD0TWWSFy9sW.99

the longer you can keep that lie out there, the more idiots will believe it

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i wondered how the canadians were covering this

from rebel media:
Media Party's “high tech lynching” of a Catholic teenager backfires — but you could be their next target
Ezra Levant
Rebel Commander

Over the weekend, I saw a tweet by the CBC. It’s since been deleted, but someone took a screenshot of it.

“U.S. diocese investigating after students mock Indigenous demonstrator — CBC News.”

My first reaction was: Why is Trudeau’s CBC state broadcaster covering a weird U.S. story like this, about some Catholic school kids on a field trip, some of whom where wearing those Trump "MAGA" hats?

The CBC put this "story" on their national news all weekend. Of course they did — because the U.S. media ran the story all weekend, too, including some conservative outlets.

Take the Washington Post, which is owned by Jeff Bezos of Amazon, so you can trust him. (I mean, sure, his wife can’t trust him, his employees can’t trust him, but we can trust him...):

Surrounding him are a throng of young, mostly white teenage boys, several wearing “Make America Great Again” caps. One stood about a foot from the drummer’s face wearing a relentless smirk.

I tell you, smirks are awful, but when they’re "relentless" — that’s the worst!

In an interview Saturday, [Nathan] Phillips, 64, said he felt threatened by the teens and that they swarmed around him as he and other activists were wrapping up the march and preparing to leave.

Being swarmed by young men. That’s awful. And he felt threatened — I bet.

Well, it’s settled. And what’s worse, these kids were white. And Catholic — they were in town for the giant March for Life. There were more than 100,000 people at the March for Life this year. There were fewer than 10,000 people at this year’s feminist “women’s march”. (Funny, you’d think it was the other way around, given how much coverage each protest got.)

But what a great way for the media to end the weekend — the day before, they had all been salivating over a Buzzfeed story that claimed they had seen documentary proof, leaked to them by Robert Mueller’s special counsel team, that Donald Trump asked Michael Cohen his former lawyer to lie to Congress.

They ran with that so hard. But it was all made up, and Mueller’s own office made a rare public statement saying it was false.

So the media had to end a bad week with a great story, about these horrible teens.

But what really happened?

TONIGHT I'll show you a four-minute video of this confrontation. What really happened was that Phillips, the elder, went right up to Nathan Sandmann, the "smirking" teen, so close that the boy could surely feel his breath on his face. Phillips actually touches the boy several times. He’s pushing up against him.

Someone with Phillips swears at the kids. They don’t swear back.

In an interview with a major network, Phillips said the kids had been chanting "Build that wall." He said they taunted him. He said his way was blocked.

That's not in the video I've seen.In another video, we see another group on the scene, allied with Nathan Phillips the “elder.” It’s a group of Black extremists who call themselves “Black Israelites”. They said all kinds of racist anti-white things.

So you’ve got a group of mainly white teenagers just standing there. Being sworn at and abused by some black activists. And then, well, then Mr. Nathan Phillips, walks up to them.

Funny. I thought they swarmed him. I thought they taunted him, goaded him, attacked him. I thought they wouldn’t let him go. I thought they were racist. I thought they shouted about the wall.

But what if all you knew was what the CBC and CNN and Jeff Bezos said? Even the school denounced its own kids — putting up a denunciation on the school’s own home page, saying they tainted the schools’ reputation.

Well, last night, his reputation destroyed, his life threatened, Nick Sandmann and his parents issued a statement, that reads, in part:

When we arrived, we noticed four African American protestors who were also on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. (...)

The protestors said hateful things. They called us "racists," "bigots," "white crackers," "faggots," and "incest kids." They also taunted an African American student from my school by telling him that we would "harvest his organs." (...)

Because we were being loudly attacked and taunted in public, a student in our group asked one of our teacher chaperones for permission to begin our school spirit chants to counter the hateful things that were being shouted at our group. The chants are commonly used at sporting events. They are all positive in nature and sound like what you would hear at any high school. Our chaperone gave us permission to use our school chants. We would not have done that without obtaining permission from the adults in charge of our group. (...)

I never interacted with this protestor. I did not speak to him. I did not make any hand gestures or other aggressive moves. To be honest, I was startled and confused as to why he had approached me. (...)

I believed that by remaining motionless and calm, I was helping to diffuse the situation. I realized everyone had cameras and that perhaps a group of adults was trying to provoke a group of teenagers into a larger conflict. I said a silent prayer that the situation would not get out of hand.

Would you have been so calm if someone walked up to you, within an inch of your face, and banged a drum in your face for five minutes?

I wouldn’t have been so calm; smiling and praying.

This is what they did to Brett Kavanaugh; this is what they did to an anonymous kid from Kentucky. This is what they will do to you.

And by “they”, I don’t just mean the lying thugs on the street.

I mean the lying thugs in the media. Including the lying thugs in our own Canadian media, especially the CBC.




why the left hates these children and wants them to suffer

1. they are white
2. they are male
3. they are perceived to be well off
4. they are Christian
5. they are pro-life
6. they are trump supporters

these reasons are sufficient for many on the left to ignore the emerging evidence that Phillips' narrative is false

these reasons are sufficient for many on the left to feel justified in continuing the attacks against Sandmann specifically and the rest of the kids in general

It's simply because they're outside of a minority march with Maga hats on which, to say the least, gets zero points for originality.

Come on now- during a time when people are demanding a wall to keep out a whole continent of non-whites? Also when Republicans are doing what is probably the worst quality about them and blaming minorities for every ill of the country?
Those hats serve no purpose other than to provoke and everyone knows it.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's simply because ... Maga hats ...

that's #6

If it's not intentionally to provoke than it's by sheer negligence that the kids were out there as they were.

you're insane and should be institutionalized

Which fortunately is likely the latter but it's not like you can act surprised that the Left took a swing at them ...

luckily the left, like a fat, retarded ballerina, was off balance and fell flat on its face with this one

:mock:the retarded left
Last edited:


that's #6

They were a bunch of white kids with Maga hats on- doubt anything more was really considered.

you're insane and should be institutionalized

They weren't out there with Bibles and crosses. They were out there politicizing (and polarizing) a minority march.
I mean let's be real- you're the insane one here :chuckle:
I see the whole thing for what it is. As soon as I really looked into it I immediately saw that both sides are just being petty. Nobody was being a saint in that incident.

(By the way the post you responded to was edited a good bit before you finished; I was looking into it as I made it so my conclusion changed a bit)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
They were a bunch of white kids with Maga hats on..

that's #1 and #6

They were out there politicizing (and polarizing) a minority march.

no, they were waiting by the bus stop for their bus after having participated in a pro-life rally when a minority march deliberately walked into the middle of their group

Nobody was being a saint in that incident.

nobody's making that claim

i would make the claim that those kids were better behaved than the racist "black israelites"

or the lying indians

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Those hats serve no purpose other than to provoke and everyone knows it.

#6 again

so you think those kids wore the MAGA hats with the deliberate intention of provoking the racist negroes or the lying indians?

you're insane and should be institutionalized