Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
:doh: Vox is still reporting the original story

wiki has vastly modified the "nathan phillips" page, removing much of what had been there yesterday and there's a new page "Indigenous Peoples' March"

the new page is much more extensive and gives voice to both sides, both interpretations - unfortunately they don't qualify as well as they should when a particular interpretation is unsupported (such as the claims that the boys were "taunting" the negroes, or that they were chanting "build that wall")

unfortunately, they do not describe the key incident, the part where phillips stands inches away from Sandmann, backed up against the steps, for, what - two and a half minutes? - banging his silly little drum right next to sandmann's ear and moaning like an ugly toothless sick dog right in sandmanns face - the incident in which sandmann did not respond the way any normal adult would have - by pushing the silly old fool away from him

this is the part that social media reacted to (and wiki covers that) - it seems foolish not to describe it better


Well-known member
Liberals (leftists...same thing) DO want walls. The question is where.

But wait. My Anthem community recently added yet another feature to keep our residents safe. Every vehicle entering our gates must show a government-issued photo ID or they will be denied entry.

Guess who's my neighbor, just steps away from my home? Former Sen. Harry Reid. The one and only. He could have chosen anywhere in Nevada or America to retire. But he didn't. He chose the protection of fortress Anthem for his family.

There are many lessons we can learn from studying Anthem Country Club.

Read the whole thing, it's gold.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Another piece to the puzzle, thank you this helps a lot.

I don't think anyone was thinking deeply enough at the time to get into such deep thoughts as cultural appropriation.

not a normal person, of course not

certainly not those boys

but phillips and the people around him are professional "activists"

of course that's where they'd go to

I think Phillips and his people believed they were being mocked.

by the school spirit dance? it's possible, but they seem to be much further away at that time - the negroes' video shows them coming, slowly, from off to the right, while the kids were quite a ways over to the left

but if you're right, doesn't that cast further doubt on the "wisdom" of this "elder" - to wade into a group of kids he thinks is mocking him and try to provoke a confrontation?

I think the chaperone's move to tell the students to do school songs and cheers was a crucial mistake. Sports cheers are not designed to 'calm things down'. He/She should have told them to move away and not interact with the street preachers at all.

i disagree - i've worked extensively with groups of kids this age, as an educator and as a scout leader - you have to give them something to do, something they want to do

and it worked - it drew the kids who were interacting with the idiot negroes back to the main group, most of them turned away and focused them on something fun and communal

no conflict developed with the idiot negroes, no conflict developed with the lying indians who tried to provoke a reaction for the camera

the only conflict that developed was on the world of social media, home of retards, who really outdid themselves this time

and the media, who should be horsewhipped for failing to do their jobs properly
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I think you're justified in just about anything to avoid having to listen to ABBA. :D

i listen to this once in a while, good memories of high school german class :)

i have got to get me a set of threads like Bjorn's :thumb:
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Well-known member
All this is the same as it ever was and isn't going away just yet.

View attachment 26701

Tell you this, though. When Trump does leave office in 2024 (barring his demise first, he's no spring chicken), the Left will go all out for revenge against anyone they even THINK supported him.

How do I know that?

Because TODAY they don't hesitate to go after children who have done nothing except wear the wrong hat, and dox the wrong people because someone else wore the wrong hat.

Forget proud boys mopping the streets with antifa faggots. At this rate within 10 years we'll be seeing sides drawn in real blood because it's what the Left keeps pushing for.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i love this guy - worth reading his whole article :darwinsm:

Phillips, who claims to be a former Marine and a Vietnam veteran, told the Free Press the Covington kids “were in the process of attacking these four black individuals. I was there and I was witnessing all of this. . . . As this kept on going on and escalating, it just got to a point where you do something or you walk away, you know? You see something that is wrong and you’re faced with that choice of right or wrong.”

Because naturally, when you see a group of individuals “attacking” another group in a public place where there are lots of police, the proper response when you’re a 64-year-old man is not to inform a cop but to take charge of the situation yourself. Go up to the “attackers,” stand toe to toe with one of them and start loudly banging a drum in his face. This is a known mollification technique and it absolutely can never fail to defuse tensions. However, if it does fail, what you should do is move the drum even closer to the other person’s face, so it’s just a few inches from the guy’s ears, and keep banging away for several more minutes.



ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No they didn't. They are leftist crybullies who saw children in red hats and so went looking for an easy fight. End of story.

difficult not to see it that way when you hear one of phillips escorts baiting one of the children by telling them to go back to europe

this was the kid that Sandmann reaches out to, to keep him from taking the bait

bottom line to me:

1. Idiot negroes should be held to account for being racist pieces of crap

2. Idiot indians should be held to account for being lying pieces of crap

3. Catholic kids should be recognized as having handled themselves in an exemplary fashion

4. Criminally negligent journalists in the msm should be censured, fined, horsewhipped

5. idiots on social media who spent two days fantasizing about punching Sandmann in the face (its a meme :dizzy: ) and worse should be ashamed of themselves - but of course they won't be - i'd link to one showing what i mean, but haven't run across one yet that isn't full of obscenities and worse

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
All this is the same as it ever was and isn't going away just yet.

View attachment 26701

Tell you this, though. When Trump does leave office in 2024 (barring his demise first, he's no spring chicken), the Left will go all out for revenge against anyone they even THINK supported him.

How do I know that?

Because TODAY they don't hesitate to go after children who have done nothing except wear the wrong hat, and dox the wrong people because someone else wore the wrong hat.

Forget proud boys mopping the streets with antifa faggots. At this rate within 10 years we'll be seeing sides drawn in real blood because it's what the Left keeps pushing for.

i keep hoping this is an artifact of youth, that, like the evergreen campus riots and caucasian hunting, the influence of adults is minimal

but of course i was wrong wrt evergreen, and i discovered over and over yesterday that i am wrong in this case - i watched so many videos yesterday of adults - in their thirties and older, admitting that the narrative is wrong, but still eager to punish the boys for being white, male, young and trump supporters - openly talking about punching Sandmann in the face because they hate him

they viscerally hate him

oh well - when the culture wars ignite, at least we'll be better armed

punch my sixteen year old boy in the face for no reason other than you hate him and see what happens

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Nathan Phillips - lying about his military service?

It has been reported several times in the media that Nathan Phillips is 63-64 years old. That would have put him at 18 years old in 1973, so he would have graduated high school in either 1972 or 1973. It would have been an extremely tight timeline to have him in the country of Vietnam during the War. This alone has some people raising questions.

So, as we at TAH do the right thing and wait for all the correct facts and documentation to come in, we can watch this story play out in the media as to Nathan Phillips’ military service – what he actually claimed and what the media is claiming.

Maybe some of the TAH ninjas can find other quotes and/or piece together more information from their own experiences?


Nathan Phillips is the Native American Vietnam Vet who many were claiming was attacked and harassed by a bunch of evil, white, Catholic, high school kids in MAGA hats at the March for Life on Saturday. As more information became available it seemed clear (unless you work for CNN) that Phillips was the one who instigated the ordeal and the kids really didn’t do anything.

Good times.

Interestingly enough, a few people on Twitter tried to connect the dots on Phillips’ claims of serving in Vietnam and this thread is especially fascinating. Note, we can neither confirm nor deny any of this is true or correct, but it’s definitely something worth reading through.


from the comments section:

The main thing that makes me distrustful is that Nathan Phillips, at best, completely misconstrued what happened. At worst, he deliberately and willfully lied. Such a person's claims should be scrutinized very carefully.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Despite them doing absolutely nothing wrong, the Covington kids were subjected to a sustained 48 hour barrage of violent abuse, threats and doxxing on Twitter, with the Silicon Valley giant doing little to stem the tide of hatred.

A verified leftist ("Uncle Shoes") on Twitter responded to the media’s fake news demonization campaign against the Covington Catholic High School students by calling for them to be ‘fired on’ and for their school to be burned down with them locked inside.

Hollywood producer Jack Morrissey expressed his desire to see the kids “go screaming, hats first, into the woodchipper.”

Comedian Kathy Griffin was accused of orchestrating a doxxing campaign of the kids after demanding to know their identities.

CNN contributor Reza Aslan tweeted that the main student seen during the confrontation had a “punchable face”.

Musician Wheeler Walker called on his fans to “punch him in the nuts and send me the video of it.”

terrific response from one commenter:

Hi @WheelerWalkerJr, you know you solicited sexual violence against a teen, right?

You’re going to prison.

Also you’re facing lifetime registration as a sex offender.

And if he’s under 16, this would classify you as violent sexual predator.


It appears that Twitter has failed to take any action against any of these threats, with no news of any of the individuals in question being suspended by the social media giant.
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Well-known member
i love this guy - worth reading his whole article :darwinsm:

Phillips, who claims to be a former Marine and a Vietnam veteran, told the Free Press the Covington kids “were in the process of attacking these four black individuals. I was there and I was witnessing all of this. . . . As this kept on going on and escalating, it just got to a point where you do something or you walk away, you know? You see something that is wrong and you’re faced with that choice of right or wrong.”

Because naturally, when you see a group of individuals “attacking” another group in a public place where there are lots of police, the proper response when you’re a 64-year-old man is not to inform a cop but to take charge of the situation yourself. Go up to the “attackers,” stand toe to toe with one of them and start loudly banging a drum in his face. This is a known mollification technique and it absolutely can never fail to defuse tensions. However, if it does fail, what you should do is move the drum even closer to the other person’s face, so it’s just a few inches from the guy’s ears, and keep banging away for several more minutes.


The more I see, and the more I hear, the angrier I get. I hear the parents are standing up for their kids, and this isn't over yet.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Los Angeles DJ Calls For Covington Catholic School to be Burned Down – With Kids Locked Inside – TWITTER SAYS HE DIDN’T VIOLATE RULES

Michael Buchanan, who goes by the stage name ‘House Shoes,’ is a Detroit-born hip hop producer and DJ working and living in Los Angeles who made a series of terrorist threats from his bluecheck, verified Twitter account over the weekend.

Mr. Buchanan, 45, took to his Twitter account this weekend and called for the Covington Catholic children to be burned alive: “LOCK THE KIDS IN THE SCHOOL AND BURN THAT ***** TO THE GROUND.”

Buchanan also called for mass shootings of Trump supporters in a series of tweets: “If you are a true fan of Shoes I want you to fired on any of these red hat bitches when you see them. On sight.”

The ‘House Shoes’ Twitter account was reported by hundreds of people after a huge backlash, however; Twitter responded to the reports and said his Tweets do not violate their ‘Terms of Service.’

At the time of this publication, the Twitter account and threatening tweets are still up.

“Thank you for your recent report. We have reviewed your report carefully and found that there was no violation of the Twitter Rules against abusive behavior,” Twitter said in responses to reports against the ‘House Shoes’ account"

The Los Angeles Police Department and the FBI were flooded with phone calls and emails from people reporting Mr. Buchanan’s terroristic threats.

Mike Cernovich confirmed the LAPD is investigating the death and arson threats Mr. Buchanan made against young children.

(it has also been reported to the FBI)

Twitter is allowing verified, blue checkmark accounts to call for the murder, targeted harassment and violent assault of these minor high school children.

Twitter took no action against Jack Morrissey, a Hollywood Producer who took to his Twitter account and called for the Catholic teens to be murdered in a violent, gruesome manner by being thrown into a woodchipper.

Failed actor and ‘comedian’ Ben Hoffman, who goes by the stage name ‘Wheeler Walker Jr.,’ called for violent sexual crimes to be committed against the minor teens and even offered a reward to whoever can stalk and find the minor child and “punch him in the nuts.”

The Gateway Pundit reached out to Kentucky Prosecutor Rob Sanders about Mr. Buchanan’s terrorist threat towards children and will update if a we receive a response.

