Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?


Well-known member
Another piece to the puzzle, thank you this helps a lot.

I don't think anyone was thinking deeply enough at the time to get into such deep thoughts as cultural appropriation. I think Phillips and his people believed they were being mocked. Nothing more intense than that.

I think the chaperone's move to tell the students to do school songs and cheers was a crucial mistake. Sports cheers are not designed to 'calm things down'. He/She should have told them to move away and not interact with the street preachers at all.

Phillips didn't think he was being mocked at all. He went straight to the Maga hat looking to intimidate. Phillips has priors.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Vietnam Vet Says He Doesn't Believe Teen Was Saying Prayer During Standoff

(why identify him as a Vietnam vet?)

A Vietnam veteran is standing his ground after a recorded interaction with a Kentucky teen wearing a Make America Great Again hat in Washington D.C.

The viral video has sparked outrage aimed at the teenager seen smiling at Nathan Phillips, 64, who was singing and beating a drum in front of the Lincoln Memorial. The teen, Nick Sandmann, was in D.C. Friday for the March for Life and Phillips was participating in the Indigenous People's March.

"I was not intentionally making faces at the protestor,” Nick Sandmann said in a statement released Sunday. I did smile at one point because I wanted him to know that I was not going to become angry, intimidated or be provoked into a larger confrontation."

Inside Edition spoke to 64-year-old Nathan Phillips, a Marine Corps vet, about how the high school junior defended himself.

"He put out a statement which flips the narrative, it says he was the one who was there to try and be peaceful. It says he was the one who was there in prayer," Phillips said.

(Sandmann's behavior was decidedly peaceful, more so than the toothless old fool banging a drum inches from Sandmann's face)

Sandmann also said in his statement that he remained "motionless and calm" to help defuse the situation, saying a " silent prayer that the situation would not get out of hand.”

Phillips told Inside Edition that he doesn’t believe Sandmann was the in prayer. He added that Sandmann had been the one to block his path, forcing the standoff.

(this has been proven to be a lie - why on earth wouldn't the interviewer call him on it?)

However, Sandmann said in his statement that it was Phillips who "singled me out for a confrontation, although I am not sure why."



ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
the liar changes his story again :doh:

"There was no intention of getting in between those two groups" at the Lincoln Memorial, Phillips told NPR on Monday.


"Sandmann said when he heard someone yell that the students "stole our land" and should "go back to Europe," "I motioned to my classmate and tried to get him to stop engaging with the protestor, as I was still in the mindset that we needed to calm down tensions.""

this is verified by the video

more from the lying old toothless fool:
Phillips said he had just been trying to move past the students and finish his song atop the Lincoln Memorial's stairs when he walked up to Sandmann.

"I started going that way, and that guy in the hat stood in my way, and we were at an impasse. He just blocked my way and wouldn't allow me to retreat," he told The Washington Post.

But Sandmann said he "never felt like I was blocking" Phillips, adding, "He did not make any attempt to go around me. It was clear to me that he had singled me out for a confrontation, although I am not sure why."

again, the video confirms that Sandmann is correct and that the liar is lying

kinda unfortunate that NPR didn't point that out


Well-known member
the liar changes his story again :doh:

"There was no intention of getting in between those two groups" at the Lincoln Memorial, Phillips told NPR on Monday.


"Sandmann said when he heard someone yell that the students "stole our land" and should "go back to Europe," "I motioned to my classmate and tried to get him to stop engaging with the protestor, as I was still in the mindset that we needed to calm down tensions.""

this is verified by the video

more from the lying old toothless fool:
Phillips said he had just been trying to move past the students and finish his song atop the Lincoln Memorial's stairs when he walked up to Sandmann.

"I started going that way, and that guy in the hat stood in my way, and we were at an impasse. He just blocked my way and wouldn't allow me to retreat," he told The Washington Post.

But Sandmann said he "never felt like I was blocking" Phillips, adding, "He did not make any attempt to go around me. It was clear to me that he had singled me out for a confrontation, although I am not sure why."

again, the video confirms that Sandmann is correct and that the liar is lying

kinda unfortunate that NPR didn't point that out

Did you notice this article?



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
from the Noq report:

4) That's it. The end. The kids did not instigate anything, did not harass anyone, did not insult anyone, did not do anything wrong. The Black Israelites are obnoxious racists. Nathan Phillips was clearly trying to provoke something and when he didn't succeed he just lied instead


is that you?

I don't work at the Noq, I don't even know what the Noq is.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I don't work at the Noq, I don't even know what the Noq is.

i'd never heard of it before either, but last night and today have taken me into parts of the internet i didn't know existed

just thought this guys writing looked like yours - heckuva story, eh?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

BREAKING: Native American Activist Nathan Phillips Is a Poseur and Likely a Phony Vietnam War Veteran!

On Friday, a group of high school boys from Kentucky went to the Lincoln Memorial after attending the March For Life.

While standing at the memorial a Native American activist, Nathan Phillips, approached the boys and started harassing them.

Phillips, reportedly a Vietnam veteran, got up in one boy’s face and started screaming and beating his drum inches from the boy’s face.

Phillips also has a history of setting up similar incidents.

According to one of the high school boys who was present, a group of black men were taunting the Trump supporters, calling them “shooters” and “crackers” and said the white kids “had everything given to them by their parents.”

According to a witness, it was at this point that a Native American man showed up “out of nowhere” and began drumming in the high school kid’s face.

“We weren’t even chanting at him, we were chanting at the African American guy, but obviously social media made us look bad to get views and stuff,” a witness said.

Video shows the children were not chanting, “Build the wall!” as Nathan reported.

The media isn’t interested in facts — they want to push their left wing agenda so they doxxed the high school kids.
The high school boy was doxxed by the liberal fascist mob.

The children have received death threats by violent leftists following this incident.

And on Tuesday local Indian group and Antifa are planning a protest at the school.


"on Tuesday local Indian group and Antifa are planning a protest at the school"

bummer - the forecast is for clear and (relatively) warm

stayed tuned for more numbnuttery!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Another piece to the puzzle, thank you this helps a lot.

I don't think anyone was thinking deeply enough at the time to get into such deep thoughts as cultural appropriation. I think Phillips and his people believed they were being mocked. Nothing more intense than that.

I think the chaperone's move to tell the students to do school songs and cheers was a crucial mistake. Sports cheers are not designed to 'calm things down'. He/She should have told them to move away and not interact with the street preachers at all.

See, I knew we kept you around for a reason.
The crucial mistake was that these Street Preachers where in a space set aside to do what they were doing which was be very obnoxious as is their right under the first amendment.
There's apparently also a bus stop there. We can all see where this is going right?
The students are waiting for their buses to come get them at this place where they're supposed to wait.
You can't just go moving a hundred or more kids and the buses coming to get them, you're not in the Wal-Mart parking lot you're in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
So now we got obnoxious preachers and kids waiting for a bus in the same place and the preachers are being obnoxious to the kids calling them all sorts of things and I guess their pre-trip planning didn't include how to handle being called things by a guy with a loud speaker at the bus stop.
I guess it will in the future.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

thanks, i hadn't :thumb:

"The crime the mainstream media is claiming occurred? The teen assaulted the man with his smile."

Hours of footage, from the livestream of one of the black Israelites and cell phone footage from bystanders show that the boys came, assembled as instructed to await their buses, and left without any of the cruel mocking they have been accused of (unless you consider popular Fortnite dances cruel mockery). Their entire presence is recorded nonstop and never is “Build the Wall” heard despite the media quoting it as if true.
Philips, the Native American, lied intentionally to slander these young boys

The media should be ashamed of how they quickly picked up and ran with edited footage of the “altercation” to pose the boy, who said not a word nor flinched a muscle and offered only an innocent smile that was most likely a nervous reaction to the oddity of performance before him, as a racist bigot.

they should be more than ashamed, they should be fined, censored and have their licenses revoked

and then horsewhipped in the public square


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
i'd never heard of it before either, but last night and today have taken me into parts of the internet i didn't know existed

just thought this guys writing looked like yours - heckuva story, eh?

I admire his parsimony.

Kit the Coyote

New member
not a normal person, of course not

certainly not those boys

but phillips and the people around him are professional "activists"

of course that's where they'd go to

by the school spirit dance? it's possible, but they seem to be much further away at that time - the negroes' video shows them coming, slowly, from off to the right, while the kids were quite a ways over to the left

but if you're right, doesn't that cast further doubt on the "wisdom" of this "elder" - to wade into a group of kids he thinks is mocking him and try to provoke a confrontation?

i disagree - i've worked extensively with groups of kids this age, as an educator and as a scout leader - you have to give them something to do, something they want to do

and it worked - it drew the kids who were interacting with the idiot negroes back to the main group, most of them turned away and focused them on something fun and communal

no conflict developed with the idiot negroes, no conflict developed with the lying indians who tried to provoke a reaction for the camera

the only conflict that developed was on the world of social media, home of retards, who really outdid themselves this time

and the media, who should be horsewhipped for failing to do their jobs properly

I do not think the cheers helped and there were other activities that could have been given to pull the students together and move them away. I do agree as I said that the 'elder's' decision to move into the group was a critical mistake.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... I guess their pre-trip planning didn't include how to handle being called things by a guy with a loud speaker at the bus stop.
I guess it will in the future.

i suspect it was this time, considering why they were there

and they handled it very well, when their chaperones told them to move back, they moved back, they never responded in kind to the idiot Negroes, they never heckled them

i love the way they protected their black classmate from the abuse hurled his way

Kit the Coyote

New member
isn't that one of the primary roles of the professional journalist?

I'm afraid in this day and age, there are very few left of what I would call professional journalists. In the Internet and social media age, news sources are a dime a dozen and people flock to the ones that echo what they want to hear. Which is why it is important to try and see all sides of a story from many sources.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

What Really Happened at the Lincoln Memorial at the March For Life

Will wonders never cease? The New York Times writes a follow-up article about the exchange between Native American Nathan Phillips and the students at Covington Catholic High School that acknowledges the preceding day’s coverage was . . . misleading.

A fuller and more complicated picture emerged on Sunday of the videotaped encounter between a Native American man and a throng of high school boys wearing “Make America Great Again” gear outside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington.

Interviews and additional video footage suggest that an explosive convergence of race, religion and ideological beliefs — against a national backdrop of political tension — set the stage for the viral moment. Early video excerpts from the encounter obscured the larger context, inflaming outrage.

Over at Reason, Robby Soave goes through a two-hour video of the event, revealing that the snippets that went viral completely ignored the presence of the Black Hebrew Israelites, a religious sect that often gathers in public places in Washington and offers “preaching” that includes hurling racially incendiary slurs at people passing by. (Most D.C.-area residents right now: “Oh, those guys.”)


Phillips put himself between the teens and the black nationalists, chanting and drumming as he marched straight into the middle of the group of young people. What followed was several minutes of confusion: The teens couldn’t quite decide whether Phillips was on their side or not, but tentatively joined in his chanting. It’s not at all clear this was intended as an act of mockery rather than solidarity.

Soave notes that the interaction between Phillips and the students captured on the initial footage comes after “an hour of the Black Hebrew Israelites hurling obscenities at the students. They call them crackers, [a slur for gays], and pedophiles.”

At the 1:20 mark (which comes after the Phillips incident) they call one of the few black students the n-word and tell him that his friends are going to murder him and steal his organs. At the 1:25 mark, they complain that “you give [a slur for gays], rights,” which prompted booing from the students. Throughout the video they threaten the kids with violence, and attempt to goad them into attacking first. The students resisted these taunts admirably: They laughed at the hecklers, and they perform a few of their school’s sports cheers.

He would later tell The Detroit Free Press that the teenagers “were in the process of attacking these four black individuals” and he decided to attempt to de-escalate the situation. He seems profoundly mistaken: The video footage taken by the black nationalists shows no evidence the white teenagers had any intention of attacking. Nevertheless, Phillips characterized the kids as “beasts” and the hate-group members as “their prey”.


"He seems profoundly mistaken..."

more charitable than i would have been

i believe i would have gone with "the video footage proves phillips a liar"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm afraid in this day and age, there are very few left of what I would call professional journalists. In the Internet and social media age, news sources are a dime a dozen and people flock to the ones that echo what they want to hear. Which is why it is important to try and see all sides of a story from many sources.

on the internet, yes

but the majors?



ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
CNN's latest, doubling down on defending their portrayal of Phillips as the protagonist in this story - it's too long to cut and paste, but he's significantly changed his story again:


and again, his description of the events is easy to disprove by the video evidence - but now he's portraying himself as having been in some mystical state, that he didn't really know what he was doing, and that all the hate and racism he felt coming from the boys was real :dizzy:

phillips: "I was witnessing as it escalated from just two small groups, then the other one just went back and got more people, went back and got more people, went back and got more people until there were over 100 people, maybe 200 young men there facing down what? Four individuals? Why did they need 200 people there other than it's hate and racism? They had their target. They had their prey. "

not 200 people :doh:

a good interviewer would know that

more from Phillips: "this young fellow put himself in front of me"

:doh: why wouldn't a good interviewer have called him on this? Why wouldn't the interviewer point out that the video shows that statement to be a lie, that Sandmann never moved, that Phillips walked up to the stationary boy and banged a drum inches from his face?

more: "It looked like these young men were going to attack these guys. They were going to hurt them. They were going to hurt them because they didn't like the color of their skin. They didn't like their religious views. They were just here in front of the Lincoln -- Lincoln is not my hero, but at the same time, there was this understanding that he brought the (Emancipation Proclamation) or freed the slaves, and here are American youth who are ready to, look like, lynch these guys. To be honest, they looked like they were going to lynch them."

again, the video evidence shows something very different

and again, the interviewer fails to point that out

Kit the Coyote

New member
See, I knew we kept you around for a reason.
The crucial mistake was that these Street Preachers where in a space set aside to do what they were doing which was be very obnoxious as is their right under the first amendment.
There's apparently also a bus stop there. We can all see where this is going right?
The students are waiting for their buses to come get them at this place where they're supposed to wait.
You can't just go moving a hundred or more kids and the buses coming to get them, you're not in the Wal-Mart parking lot you're in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
So now we got obnoxious preachers and kids waiting for a bus in the same place and the preachers are being obnoxious to the kids calling them all sorts of things and I guess their pre-trip planning didn't include how to handle being called things by a guy with a loud speakerI at the bus stop.
I guess it will in the future.

I would agree from what all I've been piecing together the school group is largely an innocent party here that got caught up in the mess. The Hebrew Israelites (I gather their belief is that blacks are the real Israelites chosen by God) were provoking the situation. And much as I keep trying to give them the benefit of the doubt as to their motivations, Phillips and his group are presenting the most inconsistent stories of what happened with the visual evidence, so their actions are becoming more and more questionable.

The media and public all seem to be looking at parts of it that supports their viewpoints and seeing what they want to see.