Why Do We Believe Paul?

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New member
Notice the personality's dependence on being dependent. The soul is freedom and liberation. It is infinite because there is literally nothing to hold onto. Notice the reaching and grasping of the personality. It doesn't matter how good of a thing it is trying to grasp because it is disconnecting us from what is infinite.

If you are free from dependence on God you are not and have never been a Christian. You just deceive yourself NOT me.

You do realize you are spewing Satanism NOT Christianity right ?


New member
If you are free from dependence on God you are not and have never been a Christian. You just deceive yourself NOT me.

You do realize you are spewing Satanism NOT Christianity right ?

Why don't you make sure you will have a place when the Kingdom comes?

patrick jane

My mother taught me to read when I was a young boy by reading from the Bible.
I have been reading all my life and I am in my 70s
I believe every man has to decide for himself by studying the Scriptures.
But you don't believe the Bible and Paul's epistles or Peter. Maybe you should brush up on your Bible reading


New member
It doesn't matter how many of you try to gang up on me. I see right through the tactics of peer pressure. The enemy has employed such devices for centuries but it can't outwit the soul.

Your enemy is Satan (and yourself) and you are to spiritually dead and blind to realize that.


New member
If you are free from dependence on God you are not and have never been a Christian. You just deceive yourself NOT me.

You do realize you are spewing Satanism NOT Christianity right ?

Being a Christian is not our ultimate identity. The soul is our true identity. Should we trade what is of infinite and eternal value just so we can be a Christian? What profits a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul in the process?


New member
Why don't you make sure you will have a place when the Kingdom comes?

That was settled long ago ( March 1978 ) when I admitted to God that I had sinned against Him and placed my faith in the finished work of Jesus.

You never did answer where do you attend church, and what denomination are you ?


New member
The Bible has a standard for truth...""that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established."' [Mathew 18:16]
Where are Paul's witnesses? He has none. You only have Paul claiming that Jesus spoke to him....or maybe he appeared to him [This is really hard to believe since supposedly the bright light blinded him.]

Can you see how one can be skeptical of the truth of this story?


New member
Being a Christian is not our ultimate identity. The soul is our true identity. Should we trade what is of infinite and eternal value just so we can be a Christian? What profits a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul in the process?

You are making the old me want to kick the lid of the coffin.

You cannot teach anyone what you yourself do not know.

First get born again , become a christian, if you want to discuss things about which you know NOTHING.


New member
Your enemy is Satan (and yourself) and you are to spiritually dead and blind to realize that.

Maybe my personality is Satan (yours is too) but I'm smart enough to know it is only a very small part of me. It doesn't control me with fear tactics and the threat of hell if I don't hold onto beliefs. That bullying and intimidation comes from the personality which is derived from the collective personality. It does not come from God. God is infinite peace, kindness, love, non-judgement. My true identity is the soul and it is one with this. Like Father like Son.


Well-known member
How many here take Malachi 3:1 as being a brick and mortar temple? instead of the kingdom being in man which Jesus and Paul reinforces as the place of Gods temple and dwelling!!


New member
You are making the old me want to kick the lid of the coffin.

You cannot teach anyone what you yourself do not know.

First get born again , become a christian, if you want to discuss things about which you know NOTHING.

I was a Christian for 35 years. If being born again doesn't refer to resurrecting and rekindling a relationship with the innocent part of ourselves we left behind in childhood then it is a sham to me. You can't fake it like so many people who don't understand the real meaning.


Well-known member
Once again the letter/shadow is shown to kill it's spiritual intent 2Cor 3:6, Galatians 4:24.


New member
I was a Christian for 35 years. If being born again doesn't refer to resurrecting and rekindling a relationship with the innocent part of ourselves we left behind in childhood then it is a sham to me. You can't fake it like so many people who don't understand the real meaning.

It is not about rekindling a relationship with yourself it is about having a relationship with God. You have no clue.

What good is your self worth and infinite Psychobabble if you spend eternity in hell ?

Luk 12:4

And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.

Luk 12:5
But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.


New member
Maybe my personality is Satan (yours is too) but I'm smart enough to know it is only a very small part of me. It doesn't control me with fear tactics and the threat of hell if I don't hold onto beliefs. That bullying and intimidation comes from the personality which is derived from the collective personality. It does not come from God. God is infinite peace, kindness, love, non-judgement. My true identity is the soul and it is one with this. Like Father like Son.

where do you claim to get this wisdom , or lack thereof, it surely does NOT come from the scriptures nor the Holy Spirit ?


New member
It is not about rekindling a relationship with yourself it is about having a relationship with God. You have no clue.

What good is your self worth and infinite Psychobabble if you spend eternity in hell ?

Luk 12:4

And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.

Luk 12:5
But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.

I'm talking about the true self of the infinite and eternal soul, not the personality. Notice the threat of hell does not come from God. It comes from the enemy. God does not threaten. God is nothing but pure love. This is what the purity of the virgin points to. Do you think something threatening can come out of pure love? It's only threatening if you're identified with the enemy. The personality keeps us stuck in time looking towards the future by telling us we are either going to heaven or hell. This guarantees we do not experience this exact present moment right here and right now which is where God dwells. God is one with timelessness in itself. You cannot find God in the future. God is eternal. It's obvious the Bible is man-made. God does not inject fear into our hearts. The enemy does. Also the bible's interpretation comes from men. That doesn't mean the basics of it are not true. It's just not literal.


New member
I'm talking about the true self of the infinite and eternal soul, not the personality. Notice the threat of hell does not come from God. It comes from the enemy. God does not threaten. God is nothing but pure love. This is what the purity of the virgin points to. Do you think something threatening can come out of pure love? It's only threatening if you're identified with the enemy. The personality keeps us stuck in time looking towards the future by telling us we are either going to heaven or hell. This guarantees we do not experience this exact present moment right here and right now which is where God dwells. God is one with timelessness in itself. You cannot find God in the future. God is eternal. It's obvious the Bible is man-made. God does not inject fear into our hearts. The enemy does. Also the bible's interpretation comes from men. That doesn't mean the basics of it are not true. It's just not literal.

You would not believe as you do if you knew God.

We agree that we disagree !


New member
You would not believe as you do if you knew God.

We agree that we disagree !

The real God is infinite and eternal. What you have is something different. What you have is the false god of the personality. The enemy is very good at what it does.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Bible has a standard for truth...""that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established."' [Mathew 18:16]
Where are Paul's witnesses? He has none. You only have Paul claiming that Jesus spoke to him....or maybe he appeared to him [This is really hard to believe since supposedly the bright light blinded him.]

Can you see how one can be skeptical of the truth of this story?

I take it you're not a Christian? Are you Islamic?
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