Why do some women want to abort their children?


New member
I'm not a woman, and so, I don't know what it's like to have a child and then raise it. From a males perspective, it's baffling that a person would brutally murder their own child, no matter what kind of ghetto life you live or what the state of the world is.

The following is a readers comment on Yahoo News about trumps recent abortion comments:

"When there is an abortion now it is performed by a certified doctor who creates a safe and clean environment for the pregnant woman. When the woman does finally have a child, the child is brought up without resent and in a better financial state than an unwanted child.
If abortion is banned, then instead of doctors, it will be unclean black market locations performing abortions, or even worse, baseball bats. Or, if the woman does have the child, she may throw it into the woods to die. She may get depressed from the kid she didn't want and commit suicide rather than care for it, or abuse it.
Whether you believe a fetus is alive or not, abortions will happen. So the question becomes - do you value the life and the safety of the mother or not?"

This kind of thinking is horrifying.


Hall of Fame
Women abort for the same reason that men support and promote abortion: it's convenient. Here are some statistics in regards to the number of men and women who are pro-abortion:




The top three reasons women abort:

  • negative impact on the mother's life
  • financial instability
  • relationship problems /unwillingness to be a single mother
Insofar as the question raised in the OP, pregnancy is an emotional time in the life of a woman. One can value the life of the mother as much as they value the life of unborn baby without supporting the right to abort. Pro-abortion folks play the game of "well you just don't value women OR you would support their right to choose".

All sorts of emotional excuses such as "the mother might commit suicide" .. "the mother might self abort and die" ... "the child might end up abused" ... "the child could live in poverty". All of these excuses are nothing more than smokescreens. I have one word for you: ADOPTION.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

If abortion is banned, then instead of doctors, it will be unclean black market locations performing abortions, or even worse, baseball bats.


i'm guessing this poster isn't considered to be a brilliant thinker by his friends and teachers

Whether you believe a fetus is alive or not

speaking as one who works in the medical profession, it's not a matter of belief


New member

i'm guessing this poster isn't considered to be a brilliant thinker by his friends and teachers

speaking as one who works in the medical profession, it's not a matter of belief

You would be amazed at what gets posted in the comments section at Yahoo News. I looked close at baseball bats and tried to figure how they were used and was horrified both ways.


Well-known member
Women choose to abort a fetus for a lot of different reasons. The main one being that they do not see it as "killing babies". As you do. They don't see a developing fetus as a "baby" because they do not assume that a potential human being in the early stages of development is the same as an actualized human being in it's later stages of development, and upon it's birth. (By the way, this is what the courts have decided, as well.)

So that's a part of it. Another part of it is often the terrible shaming and stigma that a significant portion of our culture encourages toward women who become pregnant out of wedlock. And when all that shame and disgrace is coming from a young woman's own family members, it can be devastating. So much so that she will risk her life in a 'back alley abortion' if necessary just to avoid it.

There is also the factor of "inconvenience". But keep in mind this is a significant inconvenience. As it lasts for many months, cost many thousands of dollars, causes a great deal of physical discomfort and leaves some lasting marks on the woman's body. Not to mention the problems of what to do with the a baby once it's born, and the emotional trauma that goes along with whatever decision is made, then.

And also keep in mind that as a male, you will not ever completely be able to appreciate the difficulties that come with carrying a pregnancy to fruition. And so you should refrain from standing in collective judgment over all womankind, and their choices regarding it.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Women choose to abort a fetus for a lot of different reasons. The main one being that they do not see it as "killing babies". As you do. They don't see a developing fetus as a "baby" because they do not assume that a potential human being in the early stages of development is the same as an actualized human being in it's later stages of development, and upon it's birth. (By the way, this is what the courts have decided, as well.)
I think, rather, that women have been given words to put emotional distance between them and their actions.

Another part of it is often the terrible shaming and stigma that a significant portion of our culture encourages toward women who become pregnant out of wedlock.
I live in one of the most conservative and religious areas of the country and shaming really isn't a part of the cultural landscape. Shotgun marriages are essentially a thing our parents and grandparents reference and bastard, by way of, has as much usage as mulatto, except in the more popular sense relating to Congress. The common nature of births out of wedlock should tell you most of what you need to know about the rule there.

And also keep in mind that as a male, you will not ever completely be able to appreciate the difficulties that come with carrying a pregnancy to fruition.
See, I knew you weren't married. :plain:


Well-known member
I think, rather, that women have been given words to put emotional distance between them and their actions.
… Because, surely, women are too stupid to have arrived at such a position by themselves … ?

I live in one of the most conservative and religious areas of the country and shaming really isn't a part of the cultural landscape. Shotgun marriages are essentially a thing our parents and grandparents reference and bastard, by way of, has as much usage as mulatto, except in the more popular sense relating to Congress. The common nature of births out of wedlock should tell you most of what you need to know about the rule there.
If you think shame is not still a major factor in women choosing abortion you are in serious denial. And it has nothing to do with geography.

My own small little northern town recently convicted a young woman of murder because she threw her newborn in the trash where it died of exposure, because she could not face the shame of anyone finding out that she'd been "knocked up" as an unmarried college student in a local catholic college, nor especially from her parents. I'm not blaming catholicism, but the stigma is real among a lot of Christians in this country, and when it involves nearly everyone in a young woman's life, it can be so fearsome that she will do ANYTHING to avoid it.
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patrick jane

, no matter what kind of ghetto life you live or what the state of the world is.

"When there is an abortion now it is performed by a certified doctor who creates a safe and clean environment for the pregnant woman. When the woman does finally have a child, the child is brought up without resent and in a better financial state than an unwanted child.
If abortion is banned, then instead of doctors, it will be unclean black market locations performing abortions, or even worse, baseball bats. Or, if the woman does have the child, she may throw it into the woods to die. She may get depressed from the kid she didn't want and commit suicide rather than care for it, or abuse it.
Whether you believe a fetus is alive or not, abortions will happen. So the question becomes - do you value the life and the safety of the mother or not?"

This kind of thinking is horrifying.

If there ever is legislation to ban abortion then the people have to follow the law. Anyone performing abortions would be arrested

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
… Because, surely, women are too stupid to have arrived at such a position by themselves … ?
I don't believe you have to think women are stupid to understand that people inclined to a thing will find that distance comforting and that society can grease the wheels of the decision making process by minimizing everything short of the choice, which then becomes the truly important thing, sadly.

If you think shame is not still a major factor in women choosing abortion you are in serious denial. And it has nothing to do with geography.
No one said it did. What I noted with that was that I live in an area where that sort of shaming would be most likely to occur and it simply isn't on the plate. Maybe within some families, but as a rule or concerning social stigma, no.

My own small little northern town recently convicted a young woman of murder because she threw her newborn in the trash where it died of exposure, because she could not face the shame of anyone finding out that she'd been "knocked up" as an unmarried college student in a local catholic college, nor especially from her parents. I'm not blaming catholicism, but the stigma is real among a lot of Christians in this country, and when it involves nearly everyone in a young woman's life, it can be so fearsome that she will do ANYTHING to avoid it.
I don't doubt it happens. But so does nearly anything that's possible. The rule is another matter. That's why shotgun weddings are mostly nothing more than a tale told to the next generation. There's no feeling that marriage is a requirement or that a child out of wedlock is a particularly big deal among the majority.


Hall of Fame
And also keep in mind that as a male, you will not ever completely be able to appreciate the difficulties that come with carrying a pregnancy to fruition. And so you should refrain from standing in collective judgment over all womankind, and their choices regarding it.

Also keep in mind that as a female, women will never completely be able to appreciate the helplessness and loss a FATHER feels when he is told he has no ability to keep the mother of his unborn baby from intentionally killing their child.

The Horn

I know this sounds terrible, but it's true . Abortion has actually PREVENTED an enormous amount of child abuse . And child malnutrition . And poverty and crime .
Because if those children HAD been born, they would have grown up poor, hungry, malnourished, physical and sexually abused , poorly educated , denied a chance to earn a decent living once they grew up etc. You can ban me for saying this, but it's true .


Hall of Fame
I know this sounds terrible, but it's true . Abortion has actually PREVENTED an enormous amount of child abuse .

I wouldn't use the word terrible ... but rather idiotic. It's right up there with ... staying single prevents spousal abuse!

Intentionally killing one's child via abortion IS the ultimate abuse of a child.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I know this sounds terrible, but it's true . Abortion has actually PREVENTED an enormous amount of child abuse . And child malnutrition . And poverty and crime .
Because if those children HAD been born, they would have grown up poor, hungry, malnourished, physical and sexually abused , poorly educated , denied a chance to earn a decent living once they grew up etc. You can ban me for saying this, but it's true .

Sounds like a defense which would have gone over well at Nuremberg. :plain:


New member
The reasoning is irrelevant.

Women have the right to choose whether or not to carry a pregnancy through to term, and that right has been bolstered by the strength of law.
No one, male or female, has the right to take that choice away from them.

All the appeals to emotion in the world are nothing compared to a woman's fundamental right to decide whether or not to give birth.

Medical advances have freed women from the prison of pregnancy, when in yesteryear a victim of rape or a forced marriage (or rape within an ordinary marriage) would be forced by limitations in scientific knowledge to carry her pregnancy to full term, even if it meant she died from a tubal ligation, uteran toxicity, or simply died in childbirth.

Whether you agree with the reasoning or the choice is irrelevant.
She has the right to make the choice, has always had the right if not the ability, and will always have the right and the ability no matter what pastors or politicians vomit from their pulpits on the subject.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Whether you agree with the reasoning or the choice is irrelevant.
She has the right to make the choice, has always had the right if not the ability, and will always have for now has the right and the ability to (murder her children) no matter what pastors or politicians vomit from their pulpits on the subject.

:blabla: Fix't that for ya, Felicia. :thumb:


Hall of Fame
Medical advances have freed women from the prison of pregnancy,

Medical *advances* refer to procedures and treatments which are done to SAVE lives ... not intentionally end them. Secondly, in reference to "the pregnancy of prison" ... can you think of any other instance when a person WILLINGLY walks into a prison cell?

Consent to sex voids the *prisoner* argument.