Why do some women want to abort their children?


New member
It's because they whole heartedly think that not being born is a better option than living their life. (Which none of us will ever understand Bc we all have good lives).
Most of these women aren't healthy enough (on drugs, live extremely stressful unhealthy lives) that they can't carry a healthy fetus to term.
Bc they themselves are not mentally healthy enough to have a healthy pregnancy let alone care for a baby.
Bc they don't want the baby. And if they think that an early abortion is just vacuuming a cluster of cells out of their body them why not.

When women choose to have an abortion it's usually Bc they think they are doing the right thing by not brining a child into whatever bad circumstance they are in.


New member
And people say just put it up for adoption. Do you know how Incredibly hard it is to carry a baby in your belly, and go through labor, and push this baby out, and hand it over to other people?? It's heart breaking. Then your left there so sad and alone. Some people can do it, some people can't. I could never hand my new born baby over to someone else, the thought of it breaks my heart.

I'm just saying... I don't agree with these women to ha r an abortion, but I understand where they are coming from. And I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and trust that they think they are doing it with good intentions. Our job is to love these people, and let God deal with them as he sees fit.


New member
And people say just put it up for adoption. Do you know how Incredibly hard it is to carry a baby in your belly, and go through labor, and push this baby out, and hand it over to other people?? It's heart breaking. Then your left there so sad and alone. Some people can do it, some people can't. I could never hand my new born baby over to someone else, the thought of it breaks my heart.

I'm just saying... I don't agree with these women to ha r an abortion, but I understand where they are coming from. And I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and trust that they think they are doing it with good intentions. Our job is to love these people, and let God deal with them as he sees fit.

I agree. But there is never a time when murdering a human created in God's image (as all are) is OK, absolutely never. IF the father is a rapist, what does that have to do with the child? It was not the child who sinned and he or she should not be executed for the crime of the father


New member
It's because they whole heartedly think that not being born is a better option than living their life. (Which none of us will ever understand Bc we all have good lives).
Most of these women aren't healthy enough (on drugs, live extremely stressful unhealthy lives) that they can't carry a healthy fetus to term.
Bc they themselves are not mentally healthy enough to have a healthy pregnancy let alone care for a baby.
Bc they don't want the baby. And if they think that an early abortion is just vacuuming a cluster of cells out of their body them why not.

When women choose to have an abortion it's usually Bc they think they are doing the right thing by not brining a child into whatever bad circumstance they are in.
women who have had abortions will tell them this is not so. Most (normal) women who have aborted feel awful afterwards, some even contemplate ending their lives, they feel so bad.

the term Knocked up is not in our lexicon for no reason. It is hard to deal with a child for 9 months when the relationship creating it has ended and etc.. all those other problems women can have.. But murder is not the answer and will only makes things worse. It is only 9 months out of one's life, and an "unwanted" baby given to an infertile couple will bring great joy.. then the woman can go on with her life. No, it is not easy, but nothing in life really is


There are plenty of other threads for you to go off topic and trash women.

No there aren't. There's plenty to trash men, though. I thought this was already established, but then again your type only establishes, well, victim complexes.
Like here :plain:

It's funny that you all, who are calling women murderers- and oddly defending an impunity of abortionists- would make such a statement.


Hall of Fame
These men want no responsibility. They are not ready to be a father and all that entails. A woman will have her life completely changed. Perhaps, she isn't receiving support as you say...the father is gone. Perhaps she cannot imagine ever living with the father. These are all legitimate concerns.

Legitimate ... but not significant enough to shift the focus of the problems onto the innocent, unborn baby. Quite honestly, my focus is primarily on the child as compared to the parents. The child is the only person who does not *have* a choice even though he/she is completely innocent. IMO, if a father or mother does not wish to have the responsibility of caring for a child, they should be required to legally sign away their parental rights and allow someone more capable to step in.

Adoption satisfies all of these fears. Why would a woman refuse adoption?

I actually referenced this in my above comment, and I agree. As to why a woman would refuse to adopt ... the excuses that are normally used are mind boggling. It usually has to do with

Being afraid the child might go to an abusive home .,..
The unsettled emotions of knowing there is a child she gave birth to somewhere in the world that she will never know. ...
Not wanting the child to feel abandoned because she chose to give him/her up ...

So her conclusion is ... it's better to kill her unborn baby than to risk the above.

If an abortion happens, most likely, both parties are not willing to be responsible for their actions.

Pro-aborts will tell you that choosing to abort IS responsible ... and any argument that is offered in regards to not getting pregnant in the first place will be met with accusations of "you just want to control women". In regards to the issue of abortion, yes, I want to control woman insofar as taking away their choice to kill their unborn babies.


For you, there is not enough cyber space on the entire planet to appease your personal grudge towards everything female ...

The universe is expanding because there's not enough room for your contradictory biases :idunno:


Hall of Fame
Rusha's apparent need to ally with other people is dully noted.

Don't try too hard :rolleyes:

When it comes to the issue of abortion, I am more than willing to side with those I wouldn't normally agree with. Anyone who truly values the life of the unborn is able to do so.

However, your pro-abortion, anti-woman rhetoric is duly noted.


When it comes to the issue of abortion, I am more than willing to side with those I wouldn't normally agree with. Anyone who truly values the life of the unborn is able to do so.

However, your pro-abortion, anti-woman rhetoric is duly noted.

I'm not pro-abortion, I'm pro-fact. I've stated that abortion is against natural law, and that you all's focal point being an alleged personhood of a fetus is stupid. You all defeat your own alleged desire for society with that.

I have the Bible on my side. I find it funny how you all are so devoured by some made up, emotionally driven new age conservative idea that abortion is murder that it even trumps what your sacred texts reveal of the matter.

You all are, just like homosexual supporters, in a state of denial about reality- reality is something too much for you all to take, so you play pretend that everything is how you want to see it.


Hall of Fame
I'm not pro-abortion,

Your posts on this forum say differently.

Here's a challenge ... why not request a one on one debate against a Christian who actually is anti-abortion/prolife?


Your posts on this forum say differently.

One doesn't have to believe that a fetus is commensurate to a born human. In fact, that's not even what you all truly believe, you just try your hardest to delude yourselves with it :rolleyes:

Here's a challenge ... why not request a one on one debate against a Christian who actually is anti-abortion/prolife?

I don't have one on one debates with people whose premise is not based on reason. The 'pro life' movement was supposed to be proposing alternatives to abortion, but instead it just produced people like you and fails miserably to come up with anything.
Ironically, it's because of THEIR OWN contradictory notion of female autonomy. So, don't get mad at me because my views are harmonious to each other and not some pruned up disaster like you all's philosophy.


Hall of Fame
I'm not pro-abortion,.

Your posts on this forum say differently.

Here's a challenge ... why not request a one on one debate against a Christian who actually is anti-abortion/prolife?

I don't have one on one debates with people whose premise is not based on reason. The 'pro life' movement is supposed to be proposing alternatives to abortion, but instead it just produced people like you and fails miserably.

TRANSLATION: You realize that your arguments are illogical and expose you as pro-abortion. Keep on dancin' ...



TRANSLATION: You realize that your arguments are illogical and expose you as pro-abortion. Keep on dancin' ...


I couldn't count on my hands and feet the amount of times you all do what you just did. I just showed you to be wrong on the very statement you just posted. In that petty head of yours, this is just you being a complete liar and hoping others will join you in it.

The truth of the matter is that a one on one debate will result in exactly the display of denial and childishness you just exhibited :rolleyes: