Why do some women want to abort their children?


Hall of Fame
By asking the question I did in the OP, I wasn't trying to use abortion to bash women.

I know you weren't. It's a legitimate question and a good thread. If you thought I was speaking of you, I apologize for being unclear. I was speaking of Crucible. To my knowledge, you have always been against abortion.

The baby is in the woman's body and she is intimately involved with it. I could not contemplate how a woman could knowingly do such a thing....so heartless and cruel.

I agree.

I was not trying to extrapolate this into something normative in the female psyche. Why didn't I mention the man's involvement? It wasn't on purpose. For better or worse, it's the woman's choice to make.

I agree and understood your intent was to seek info about how a mother could do such a thing. As a woman and a mother, I am probably more troubled by this than you are because I understand the physical bond from mother to child that comes with pregnancy.

I just find it barbaric that some women could be this way.

As do I ... and by now, you should know that when it comes to abortion, I am one of the harshest critics towards women.

I guess some will say that if I find fault in a woman, I should give equal time to provide fault in a man.

Some might ... though that is not why I started my thread. There is only one person in this discussion who needs to be exposed for blaming everything on women, and it's not you.

Perhaps this is not going on with regard to reaction to the OP, but I sensed it could be.

Nope ... your OP is good and your comments and questions are beneficial to the issue..
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New member
Hall of Fame
My reply wasn't in reference to Trump ... though you make a good point. ALL discussion about abortion should include the other person responsible for the pregnancy ... the father.

Yea I know, your post just made me think about the Trump interview.