"WHOSOEVER That Calls Upon the Name of the Lord Shall be Saved" Romans 10:13

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Yes, I have no doubt!

Don't you wish.

You and B57 are both under conviction because you know that you are wrong.

You are in Conflict with much of God's word that refutes your religion.

Instead of coming to the truth, you are hostile towards God, his Son Jesus Christ and anyone that tries to bring you into the truth.


Well-known member
You are in Conflict with much of God's word that refutes your religion.

Instead of coming to the truth, you are hostile towards God, his Son Jesus Christ and anyone that tries to bring you into the truth.

You have just described yourself!


New member
Not true. I accept all of God's word, not just some of God's word.

Really? How about this scripture: "For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called."

You have rejected that scripture for years. I suppose you still do.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Really? How about this scripture: "For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called."

You have rejected that scripture for years. I suppose you still do.

All are called to come to Christ, or God would not be just. Paul is talking about those that are the elite. They have trouble coming to Christ because they don't see themselves as sinners.


New member
All are called to come to Christ...

All will have an opportunity for the salvation of Jesus Christ according to his schedule, not yours.

Why do you keep claiming that if God doesn't meet your expectations he is unjust?

You don't meet the qualifications needed for blasphemy but it seems you are determined to do so, at least as best you can.

I wish you would stop referring to God as being unjust simply because he doesn't do what you want him to do.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
All will have an opportunity for the salvation of Jesus Christ according to his schedule, not yours.

Why do you keep claiming that if God doesn't meet your expectations he is unjust?

You don't meet the qualifications needed for blasphemy but it seems you are determined to do so, at least as best you can.

I wish you would stop referring to God as being unjust simply because he doesn't do what you want him to do.

The only unjust God that there is, is the God of Calvinism and religion.

The God of the Bible is holy, holy, holy, Just, merciful and righteous. He always does what is right.

He has fully and completely met all of my expectations.


Well-known member
The only unjust God that there is, is the God of Calvinism and religion.

The God of the Bible is holy, holy, holy, Just, merciful and righteous. He always does what is right.

He has fully and completely met all of my expectations.

You teach that God is unjust, that He will punish the Righteous. Them that Christ death has already satisfied His Justice for !

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You teach that God is unjust, that He will punish the Righteous. Them that Christ death has already satisfied His Justice for !

You are not "In Christ" you are in John Calvin. John Calvin cannot save you.

God is just in all that he does. If you don't come to Christ as a repent sinner and call on him to save you, you will perish.


Well-known member
You are not "In Christ" you are in John Calvin. John Calvin cannot save you.

If you don't come to Christ as a repent sinner and call on him to save you, you will perish.

Appears that God has predestined you to remain in the salvation by works mode, and all according to His Perfect Will Dan. 4:35; Is 64:6!


Well-known member
You are not "In Christ" you are in John Calvin. John Calvin cannot save you.

God is just in all that he does. If you don't come to Christ as a repent sinner and call on him to save you, you will perish.

You teach that God is Unjust , that those Christ died for He shall yet condemn ! That makes God unjust and unmerciful !