Whiny Atheists


New member
Only a small percentage of people would refuse to sell someone a cake.
Why not assume that the petty, vindictive, cake makers are cut from the same cloth a the petty vindictive cake eaters?

I don't disagree but my protest has more to do with free market economics than it does religious expression.

So it's not even a wedding cake?!?!?!
Get yer facts strait!

Tell that to the gay couple. They were already married but wanted a wedding cake anyway. :dizzy:


New member
I don't disagree but my protest has more to do with free market economics than it does religious expression.

Tell that to the gay couple. They were already married but wanted a wedding cake anyway. :dizzy:

In a free market why shouldn't they buy a wedding cake for any meal they choose?


New member
In a free market why shouldn't they buy a wedding cake for any meal they choose?

They can if they want but this particular business owner should be able to refuse service for something he finds morally objectionable. Refusing business should also be a dynamic of a free market.


New member
In the faith of the bakers does eating the cake consumate the marriage?

Apparently it is the eating of cake that is contrary to Leviticus.

They can if they want but this particular business owner should be able to refuse service for something he finds morally objectionable. Refusing business should also be a dynamic of a free market.

Why would he find someone eating a wedding cake at an event that wasn't a wedding morally objectionable?

Seems unduly intolerant, to me.


New member
Apparently it is the eating of cake that is contrary to Leviticus.

What does Leviticus have to do with it? The baker wasn't Jewish ;)

Why would he find someone eating a wedding cake at an event that wasn't a wedding morally objectionable?

Seems unduly intolerant, to me.

He was told it was for a ceremony celebrating their same-sex marriage, a marriage the baker find morally objectionable. He didn't want to contribute to something he finds morally objectionable.

Seems reasonable that someone wouldn't want to contribute to something they find morally objectionable.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
What does Leviticus have to do with it? The baker wasn't Jewish ;)

He was told it was for a ceremony celebrating their same-sex marriage, a marriage the baker find morally objectionable. He didn't want to contribute to something he finds morally objectionable.

Seems reasonable that someone wouldn't want to contribute to something they find morally objectionable.
But the marriage already happened.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
They can if they want but this particular business owner should be able to refuse service for something he finds morally objectionable. Refusing business should also be a dynamic of a free market.

If he finds cake morally objectionable he was stupid to become a baker.


New member
Hall of Fame
For the idiot claiming the letter isnt nasty, lets just change a few words shall we?

The real letter says in one part

“You are of course free to worship as you believe, celebrate as you please, and free to have bad taste, but please have the good sense to do these things in the privacy of your own home,” said the letter, signed only, “your neighbors.”

so lets change that shall we and see if the moron still thinks it isnt nasty?

“You are of course free to worship love as you believe, celebrate kiss as you please (with each other), and free to have bad taste sin, but please have the good sense to do these things in the privacy of your own home,” said the letter, signed only, “your neighbors.”

:mock: gcthomas - resident hypocrite


Hall of Fame
For the idiot claiming the letter isnt nasty, lets just change a few words shall we?

The real letter says in one part

so lets change that shall we and see if the moron still thinks it isnt nasty?

:mock: gcthomas - resident hypocrite

In both cases, my response would be "go in your house and draw your drapes".

Seriously, with all the problems in the world, complaining about this type of stuff is so petty.


New member
For the idiot claiming the letter isnt nasty, lets just change a few words shall we?

The real letter says in one part

so lets change that shall we and see if the moron still thinks it isnt nasty?

:mock: gcthomas - resident hypocrite

Still not nasty. Bigoted, both before and after the edit. Polite, given the pleases, but creepily bigoted.

As indeed are you.

[but not the polite part, given your juvenile insult attempts. Are you as young as your photo suggests? Perhaps you'll develop some manners and integrity when you've grown up.]


New member
Hall of Fame
Still not nasty. Bigoted, both before and after the edit. Polite, given the pleases, but creepy bigots.

I see, you think 'creepy bigots' are not nasty, got it.

:mock: gcthomas

Are you as young as your photo suggests? Perhaps you'll develop some manners and integrity when you've grown up.]

What photo do you refer to, I am married and have children, poor attempt at insult - further mocking of your idiocy in order- for that comment. :mock: gcthomas


Well-known member
I had made a few posts on this subject in the "In Other News" thread.

One was about a humanist group called American Humanist Association threatening a school over a Christmas toy drive:

Kids, parents fight back after humanist group threatens another school over Christmas toy drive'​


When a national humanist organization threatened to sue SkyView Academy for collecting toys for needy children, students at the Colorado charter school decided to fight back.

Officials at SkyView Academy announced earlier this week that they were dropping its participation in Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. The project involves stuffing toys, candy and hygiene items to disadvantaged children around the world.

But the American Humanist Association said the school’s participation in the program violated the U.S. Constitution and sent a letter demanding they cease and desist.

A small charter school in South Carolina received a similar letter last week and complied with the AHA’s demands.

Even though the project at SkyView was student-initiated and student-led, school officials determined they could not afford to pay for a court battle. The school’s board said they were disappointed by the humanists’ threats.

Kimberly Saviano, a member of Humanists of Colorado, defended the national organization’s attack on the school.

“The school was promoting it and they were using school resources to get it together,” she told the newspaper. “By promoting it during school time, it gives the air of authority to it, as if the administration endorses the religion.”

What a bunch of whiners. :allsmile:

:mock: American Humanist Association
:mock: Kimberly Saviano

So just another version of good cop bad cop! left right divisional side show that has many faces.


New member
I see, you think 'creepy bigots' are not nasty, got it.

:mock: gcthomas

What photo do you refer to, I am married and have children, poor attempt at insult - further mocking of your idiocy in order- for that comment. :mock: gcthomas

The one in your profile. How many photos have you put on the site?

You seen to be implying that god didn't order any genocide that is not in the Bible. Has god withdrawn in the last few thousand years from mass punishments?


New member
Atheist whines about a banner on display in Cranston High School West's auditorium titled "School Prayer" and addressing "Our Heavenly Father"​

Attorneys for Jessica Ahlquist, 16, argued that a banner on display in Cranston High School West's auditorium titled "School Prayer" and addressing "Our Heavenly Father" is a violation of the Constitution and the Supreme Court's 1962 decision banning state-mandated prayer in school.

Lawyers for the school district argued that the banner had hung in the school since the 1960s and was more secular than sacred.

U.S. District Judge Ronald Lagueux disagreed and ruled that the banner should be removed immediately.



The horror :eek:

The Class of 1963 at Cranston High School West unveiled a new mural Saturday to replace the one that was taken down last year after a federal judge ruled that it was unconstitutional.
