Where Is Mother Teresa Now?

God's Truth

New member
Explain how I contradicted myself and my whole belief.

You said, "You will see in the next world, God is kind and loving, the chosen people arrogance will stay behind."

Don't you remember you had talked about people having even a flicker of faith?

Don't you think the Calvinists have a flicker of faith?


You said, "You will see in the next world, God is kind and loving, the chosen people arrogance will stay behind."

Don't you remember you had talked about people having even a flicker of faith?

Don't you think the Calvinists have a flicker of faith?

Sure, Calvinist havefaith.

This is what I said:

"All of Gods children of even the faintest flicker of faith, inside or outside of any religion, will awake on the next world that Jesus went to prepare for us."

That's what I believe.


Well-known member
Could you explain more? I do not see how you get any of what you said.

Are you looking for the Divine kingdom in time based history taken from the literal rendering of the letter? That speak of Jew and Gentile in a kingdom in the future! Yet Jew and Gentile, Male and Female, national and ethnic status has no relevance in the kingdom of light that isn't time based or found in some fictional history most base their kingdom theology on, cloud watchers looking outwardly for a inward teaching told through allegorical tales, Galatians 4:24, Luke 17:20-21, Galatians 1:12.


New member
Re: Where Is Mother Teresa Now?

Father Kolodiejchuk's book is especially handy for juxtaposing Teresa's missionary beliefs and practices with those of the apostle Paul's. In doing so, it becomes readily apparent that there was something very wrong in her methods and in her association with Christianity.

Teresa's perpetual darkness, her spiritual dryness, her feelings of abandonment, the absence of even the faintest glimmer of the Lord's presence, her lack of faith, and her pretense, are especially inconsistent with Paul's life-- whom I believe to be a far more reliable role model for missionaries than Teresa was even on her best day.

Were I a seminary professor, I would make Teresa a mandatory subject for aspiring missionaries; but not as a role model; rather, as an example of going about a right thing in a wrong way: primarily to emphasize that the one thing you do not want to do is go out on the mission field before being very certain that Christ has not only called you, but will also partnership with you.

There was a point in Paul's missionary journeys when he wanted to go to a region called Bithynia; but God stopped him (Acts 16:7). Had Paul pressed on independently, without God's approval, he would have been grossly insubordinate in spite of the fact that it is Christ's wishes that his message be spread abroad throughout the whole world in accordance with Matt 28:18-20.

There was nothing intrinsically wrong with Teresa's ambition to be a missionary. Her wrong was in going it alone after once she realized that Christ was not in it with her. Bottom line is: What Teresa did in India, she did not do in faith; rather, she did it independently by sheer force of will.

If you've done any background on her, then I don't have to tell you that Teresa was a little bulldog. Once she set her mind to a task, Teresa was a D-9 Caterpillar tractor and not easily deterred once she put things in gear.

Teresa's personality is neither rare nor unusual. All the really great achievers are just like her; and known for persisting in the face of adversity, ill health, and overwhelming personal problems. Nobody ever got rich by a half-hearted effort, nobody ever got to the moon by a half-hearted effort, and nobody ever climbed Mt. Everest by a half-hearted effort. The old saying; No Pain-No Gain, is still true whether you're struggling with your weight, your career, your finances, the 100 meter backstroke, investing, or organizing a neighborhood watch.

An outstanding example of the "Mother Teresa" attitude is found in US Navy SEALS. They are a breed of men who absolutely refuse to be beaten . . at anything. I once heard an ex-SEAL say, that if a group of SEALs were playing hop-scotch, it would soon turn violent because they don't like to lose.

At first, Teresa was confident that Christ wanted her in India; but it wasn't long before she began to realize that he was not in it with her. However, she stuck it out anyway because Teresa was tough, and she was determined to fulfill her dream. But it is not God's wishes that Christ's missionaries serve him in the strength of a Navy SEAL; rather, in the weakness, and the meekness, of a slave's mentality.


Lazy afternoon

Lazy is angry going against me calling me stupid and calling me evil, all because he/she has been exposed for the false doctrines he/she believes in. Like saying spirits are with our bones when we die, even Jesus' Spirit. Can you image that creepy lie? It is nowhere in the Bible.

Lazy says that Jesus was a man who became God. He also believes in now a days tongue speaking and prophecies.

God has MADE Jesus both Lord and Christ.

Go to the cemetery and stay the night.

First you say Jesus spirit went to Heaven when He was dead, then you say He went to hell and preached to the dead souls.

Make up your mind.

but that is to be expected from anyone who claims Jesus was only the Father in a human body.

The theory of the mystics.


God's Truth

New member
God has MADE Jesus both Lord and Christ.

He was given the same glory he had with God BEFORE the creation of the earth.

John 17:5 And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.
Go to the cemetery and stay the night.
What do you say happens at the cemetery at night? Please tell me.

What happens to the spirit of someone cremated and dumped all over the mountain side, or poured out into the sea? What about the ashes of a dead parent shared among siblings who live in different countries?

First you say Jesus spirit went to Heaven when He was dead, then you say He went to hell and preached to the dead souls.

Would you show me where I said Jesus went to heaven.

You need to show me where I said something so that I can verify what I said.

Luke 23:46 Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last.

Make up your mind.

My mind is made up. If you would like to show scripture that says our spirits stay in our bones I would believe it. I am still waiting for that scripture. Either give the scripture or stop saying it. Make up your mind.

but that is to be expected from anyone who claims Jesus was only the Father in a human body.
You are disrespectful to God. Tell me how it is an "only" happening to have the Spirit of God as your Spirit?
The theory of the mystics.
A mystic? lol

You are the one who wants me to go to the cemetery at night.

Why do you incessantly put LA at the end of your posts?
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God's Truth

New member
Jesus' brain stayed in his dead body. A spirit without a brain is non-functional.

You got that backwards. The scripture says a body without the spirit is dead.

James 6:26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

Go show that mystic Lazy A that the body without the spirit is dead, and that means a dead body means no spirit in it.

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God's Truth

New member
Father Kolodiejchuk's book is especially handy for juxtaposing Teresa's missionary beliefs and practices with those of the apostle Paul's. In doing so, it becomes readily apparent that there was something very wrong in her methods and in her association with Christianity.

Teresa's perpetual darkness, her spiritual dryness, her feelings of abandonment, the absence of even the faintest glimmer of the Lord's presence, her lack of faith, and her pretense, are especially inconsistent with Paul's life-- whom I believe to be a far more reliable role model for missionaries than Teresa was even on her best day.

Were I a seminary professor, I would make Teresa a mandatory subject for aspiring missionaries; but not as a role model; rather, as an example of going about a right thing in a wrong way: primarily to emphasize that the one thing you do not want to do is go out on the mission field before being very certain that Christ has not only called you, but will also partnership with you.

There was a point in Paul's missionary journeys when he wanted to go to a region called Bithynia; but God stopped him (Acts 16:7). Had Paul pressed on independently, without God's approval, he would have been grossly insubordinate in spite of the fact that it is Christ's wishes that his message be spread abroad throughout the whole world in accordance with Matt 28:18-20.

There was nothing intrinsically wrong with Teresa's ambition to be a missionary. Her wrong was in going it alone after once she realized that Christ was not in it with her. Bottom line is: What Teresa did in India, she did not do in faith; rather, she did it independently by sheer force of will.

If you've done any background on her, then I don't have to tell you that Teresa was a little bulldog. Once she set her mind to a task, Teresa was a D-9 Caterpillar tractor and not easily deterred once she put things in gear.

Teresa's personality is neither rare nor unusual. All the really great achievers are just like her; and known for persisting in the face of adversity, ill health, and overwhelming personal problems. Nobody ever got rich by a half-hearted effort, nobody ever got to the moon by a half-hearted effort, and nobody ever climbed Mt. Everest by a half-hearted effort. The old saying; No Pain-No Gain, is still true whether you're struggling with your weight, your career, your finances, the 100 meter backstroke, investing, or organizing a neighborhood watch.

An outstanding example of the "Mother Teresa" attitude is found in US Navy SEALS. They are a breed of men who absolutely refuse to be beaten . . at anything. I once heard an ex-SEAL say, that if a group of SEALs were playing hop-scotch, it would soon turn violent because they don't like to lose.

At first, Teresa was confident that Christ wanted her in India; but it wasn't long before she began to realize that he was not in it with her. However, she stuck it out anyway because Teresa was tough, and she was determined to fulfill her dream. But it is not God's wishes that Christ's missionaries serve him in the strength of a Navy SEAL; rather, in the weakness, and the meekness, of a slave's mentality.


Do you actually interact with others here or just copy and paste from your choice books and articles?

God's Truth

New member
Jesus' brain stayed in his dead body. A spirit without a brain is non-functional.

Tell me how Jesus was not functional when he went to prison and preached?

1 Peter 3:19 After being made alive, he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits--

God's Truth

New member
Are you looking for the Divine kingdom in time based history taken from the literal rendering of the letter? That speak of Jew and Gentile in a kingdom in the future! Yet Jew and Gentile, Male and Female, national and ethnic status has no relevance in the kingdom of light that isn't time based or found in some fictional history most base their kingdom theology on, cloud watchers looking outwardly for a inward teaching told through allegorical tales, Galatians 4:24, Luke 17:20-21, Galatians 1:12.

I still cannot make out what you are talking about. Can you make it any simpler?

God's Truth

New member
Sure, Calvinist havefaith.

This is what I said:

"All of Gods children of even the faintest flicker of faith, inside or outside of any religion, will awake on the next world that Jesus went to prepare for us."

That's what I believe.

Okay, and they will have to leave their beliefs behind, correct?

I do believe that also, but if the person is too hard and unwilling to submit to the truth in this life, we cannot be too sure they will not do that in the next life.

Lazy afternoon

He was given the same glory he had with God BEFORE the creation of the earth.

John 17:5 And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.

Jesus was promised the Glory before the world began

God gave the same promise to us.

What do you say happens at the cemetery at night? Please tell me.

Your fellow spirits will spook you.

What happens to the spirit of someone cremated and dumped all over the mountain side, or poured out into the sea? What about the ashes of a dead parent shared among siblings who live in different countries?

God knows where they are.

Would you show me where I said Jesus went to heaven.

Would you show where I said the spirit is in the bones}

You need to show me where I said something so that I can verify what I said.

So you do not know what you said.

Luke 23:46 Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last.

Why would Jesus ask the Father to keep His Spirit if the only Spirit Jesus had was the Fathers Spirit?

My mind is made up. If you would like to show scripture that says our spirits stay in our bones I would believe it. I am still waiting for that scripture. Either give the scripture or stop saying it. Make up your mind.

Show me where I had said our spirits stay in out bones?

You are disrespectful to God. Tell me how it is an "only" happening to have the Spirit of God as your Spirit?

You are not God, even though you think you are.

You claim the only spirit Jesus had/has is the Spirit of God.

Your doctrine denies the Son of God

A mystic? lol

You are the one who wants me to go to the cemetery at night.

You would feel right at home.

Why do you incessantly put LA at the end of your posts?

It should not be hard to figure out.


God's Truth

New member
Jesus was promised the Glory before the world began

God gave the same promise to us.

Read the scripture more carefully. Jesus plainly says that he had glory with God before the world began.

You also ignored all the many scriptures showing Jesus came from heaven.

Do you think no one would notice that you ignore scriptures?

Your fellow spirits will spook you.

Are you a fortune teller?

God knows where they are.

You claim you know where they are so tell me. You said their spirit is in their bones. So tell us where they are when their bones are scattered far and wide.

Would you show where I said the spirit is in the bones}

I already showed you. Did you delete your post? Lol

So you do not know what you said.

You are the one who does not know what I say because you say things I do not say. You need to learn to use the quote feature.

Why would Jesus ask the Father to keep His Spirit if the only Spirit Jesus had was the Fathers Spirit?
Could you show me the scripture where Jesus asks God to keep his Spirit?

Show me where I had said our spirits stay in out bones?

The spirit stays with the bones.


You said it and many here read what you said.

James 2:26 As the body without the spirit is dead,

James says the body WITHOUT the SPIRIT is dead.

You speak against the scriptures and say the dead body has a spirit.

That means a dead body does not have a spirit.

You are not God, even though you think you are.

No, accuser, I do not think I am God.

You claim the only spirit Jesus had/has is the Spirit of God.

Your doctrine denies the Son of God

The scriptures plainly say Jesus is the Spirit.

You would feel right at home.

You are a false prophet

It should not be hard to figure out.
Maybe you think you are God?