Here is the spirit of this thread in a nutshell:
I come up with a bunch of arbitrary mathematical equations that no one can really respond to so as to make me look intelligent and my argument superior. Likewise I use the epic of Gilgamesh to substantiate my false presupposition that the flood story in the Genesis narrative is plagiarized. I'm not really going to respond to anyone directly, just keep making long-winded condescending post after long-winded condescending post to make it seem I actually no what I'm talking about. I have no real interest in having a rational discussion, I'm just using this topic as a device to mask the fact that I believe Christians are idiots, the Bible is a joke, and that I hate God. I only make it look like I want a rational discussion by using obscure data because I am so condescending to the point that I think people won't see through this ploy. However, I have failed to realized that by my logic that everything would be considered plagiarism because the basic concept came from somewhere else and was molded to fit the culture ( process known as syncretism); even though that happens with everything else. Regardless of this fact, I use the pejorative term "plagiarism" because I despise the Bible and think everyone should think like me because I am so super smart.
Zed Bee, get over yourself.
SPOTD! :first: