We tried. Heir was very patient with you - she's probably the most patient MAD on this board - but you threw it all back in her face so she gave up.
I will say this...one of the final big hangups I had about MAD was with dating the NT epistles. I bought into the tradition that the circumcision epistles and Revelation were written late. I remember asking Ivan Burgener about Peter's letters 10 years ago at a BBF conference. The answer to my objection was that the opinions - and that's exactly what they come down to - on dates are not set in stone. I now believe, based on the content of the letters, that the circumcision epistles were written relatively early. That has them fit much more sensibly in the overall scheme of the N.T.
But I know you'll reject that possibility. So did I, once upon a time.
So John was on the isle of Patmos early? Man you really are just lying to yourself to make yourself believe this doctrine aren't you?
And none of you, not one has ever answered those questions which I posted, except to say that they were saved by obeying.
The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ has been taught even throughout the creation week. There is not a book in the Bible that does not have at least hints to the then veiled Christ. Same gospel forever.