What the Gospel is and What the Gospel is Not


Everyone is born after Adam, Romans 5:12. We all need to be born again by the word of God, which is the Gospel, 1 Peter 1:23. Until you are born again you are lost.

Sure, born again of the spirit if one isn't already spirit born. That was in the original gospel.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Sure, born again of the spirit if one isn't already spirit born. That was in the original gospel.

The Gospel is not that we are born again. The Gospel is that work that Jesus did in our name and on our behalf that reconciles us to God, 2 Corinthians 5:19.


The Gospel is not that we are born again. The Gospel is that work that Jesus did in our name and on our behalf that reconciles us to God, 2 Corinthians 5:19.

That's a different Gospel than the original taught by Jesus before the cross. The self centered gospel of theoretical sacrifice is a philosophical assault upon the free willness of God.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
That's a different Gospel than the original taught by Jesus before the cross. The self centered gospel of theoretical sacrifice is a philosophical assault upon the free willness of God.

You don't believe the Bible, right? Who do you think that the apostles were?


You don't believe the Bible, right? Who do you think that the apostles were?

Jesus preached and lived the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. The apostles were common Jewish laborers for the most part chosen by Jesus as ambassadors of the Kingdom. They were to carry the original gospel to the 4 corners of the earth. The original gospel changed and was diluted. The greatest effect was from a very charismatic guy named Saul who had a spirit birth experience. He never knew Jesus but believed Peters new after the cross interpretation about the meaning of the cross and the purpose of Jesus coming to earth. Everything Changed, a new religion ABOUT Jesus was born in place of the old religion of Jesus about salvation through the faith based realization of sonship with God and the responsibility of the life commitment that comes with it.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Jesus preached and lived the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. The apostles were common Jewish laborers for the most part chosen by Jesus as ambassadors of the Kingdom. They were to carry the original gospel to the 4 corners of the earth. The original gospel changed and was diluted. The greatest effect was from a very charismatic guy named Saul who had a spirit birth experience. He never knew Jesus but believed Peters new after the cross interpretation about the meaning of the cross and the purpose of Jesus coming to earth. Everything Changed, a new religion ABOUT Jesus was born in place of the old religion of Jesus about salvation through the faith based realization of sonship with God and the responsibility of the life commitment that comes with it.

So you don't believe any of that stuff about the sinfulness of man.

"Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" Romans 5:12.


So you don't believe any of that stuff about the sinfulness of man.

"Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" Romans 5:12.

Yes, Sin is deliberate disloyalty to deity.


The scripture says that Adam brought sin and death upon the human race. Do you believe the scripture?

No, I don't believe the doctrine of original sin. BTW, It was Eve who sinned first, she was outflanked by the "crafty beast". Then Adam deliberately sinned in order to share her fate. Adam and Eve incarnate on a populated, evolved earth. Cain feared people out in the world. The question is do you believe the statements in scripture?

The so called "fall of the earth" was because a trusted celestial administrator Lucifer fell into rebellion looooong before Adam and Eve arrived. Lucifer's assistant Satan convinced the "Prince of our world" to rebel as well. While they all knew the Son, Lucifer concluded that the Universal Father didn't really exist. So they rebelled against Christ.

Anyway, sin is a choice not an inheritance as evidenced by Jesus' charge to "go and sin no more". But it's true we are born into the mess left behind by the rebellion and planetary isolation from the spiritual circuits of other inhabited worlds. So we are influenced by the effect of a fallen world, but sin is a knowing choice to rebel.
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Robert Pate

Well-known member
No, I don't believe the doctrine of original sin. BTW, It was Eve who sinned first, she was outflanked by the "crafty beast". Then Adam deliberately sinned in order to share her fate. Adam and Eve incarnate on a populated, evolved earth. Cain feared people out in the world. The question is do you believe the statements in scripture?

The so called "fall of the earth" was because a trusted celestial administrator Lucifer fell into rebellion looooong before Adam and Eve arrived. Lucifer's assistant Satan convinced the "Prince of our world" to rebel as well. While they all knew the Son, Lucifer concluded that the Universal Father didn't really exist. So they rebelled against Christ.

Anyway, sin is a choice not an inheritance as evidenced by Jesus' charge to "go and sin no more". But it's true we are born into the mess left behind by the rebellion and planetary isolation from the spiritual circuits of other inhabited worlds. So we are influenced by the effect of a fallen world, but sin is a knowing choice to rebel.

The scripture plainly says "As by one man sin entered into the world" Romans 5:12. Adam is the Father of humanity. As Adam goes, so go we. We have inherited his sinful nature. It is not our fault that we are born into sin, but its our fault if we reject Christ as our savior.


The scripture plainly says "As by one man sin entered into the world" Romans 5:12. Adam is the Father of humanity. As Adam goes, so go we. We have inherited his sinful nature. It is not our fault that we are born into sin, but its our fault if we reject Christ as our savior.

The scripture is plainly wrong about a number of facts.

Its our fault if we reject faith in the Father, the original gospel of Jesus, before Peter and Paul converted it to killing Jesus as a sacrifice.

Ask Mr. Religion

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The scripture is plainly wrong about a number of facts.

Its our fault if we reject faith in the Father, the original gospel of Jesus, before Peter and Paul converted it to killing Jesus as a sacrifice.
Thanks for driving by the thread and littering it with this New Age moonbeam urantia book drivel.


Robert Pate

Well-known member
The scripture is plainly wrong about a number of facts.

Its our fault if we reject faith in the Father, the original gospel of Jesus, before Peter and Paul converted it to killing Jesus as a sacrifice.

So, you believe that the Bible is wrong and that you are right?

The mark of a heretic is they think that the Bible is wrong and they are right.


So, you believe that the Bible is wrong and that you are right?

The mark of a heretic is they think that the Bible is wrong and they are right.

Heretic was invented by the corrupt men of the church to maintain rule.

It's very simple, Jesus taught the Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven and for 3 years. The Jews didn't like his religion, so the killed him. If they would have accepted the gospel they would be practicing it today in Jerusalem. Jesus would have simply left and went back home.
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Robert Pate

Well-known member
The mark of an heretic is that they deny the saving efficacy of the death of Christ like you do !

The mark of a heretic is that they do not believe the Bible. Jesus claims to be the savior of the whole world, John 12:47. You don't believe him making yourself a heretic.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Heretic was invented by the corrupt men of the church to maintain rule.

It's very simple, Jesus taught the Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven and for 3 years. The Jews didn't like his religion, so the killed him. If they would have accepted the gospel they would be practicing it today in Jerusalem. Jesus would gave simply left and went back home.

You apparently believe that it is possible to keep the commandments. Jesus was a teacher of the law. The law says, "Love your neighbor as yourself" How are you doing with that one?