It's bloviating. Get a new prescription pair of glasses.
Hi and age brings CATARACTS and maybe one day it will be corrected !!
dan p
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It's bloviating. Get a new prescription pair of glasses.
I'm sorry Danoh. You are right about him. I scolded you before even reading his stuff.
Hi and give an example where I and wrong in your HUMBLE OPINION ??
How about starting with Phil 4:9 ??GRASSHOPPER !!
It how you attack fellow MAD members
Hi and I am what I am and all who hold to a strong Dispensational stand take a lot of HEAT and DANOH I believe want to the LORD of TOL and I said go for it !!
I say be his SURROGATE , be my guest !!
So I say that DANOH is LORD OF TOL !!
Are you happy DANOH , now ??
dan p
dan p
OK genius, explain your view of MAD -I'm sorry Danoh. You are right about him. I scolded you before even reading his stuff.
I'm sorry Danoh. You are right about him. I scolded you before even reading his stuff.
OK genius, explain your view of MAD -
And you wonder why I have mostly had you on ignore :chuckle:
Hi and just what do you really about R C Brock as will never approach his status and still you will never answer how Paul was saved and are to PROUD to ask how he was saved , aren't you !!
Brock never explained how or the why of the question are the "12 " IN or " out " as the Holy Spirit in my study revealed it to me , so BROCK does not know every thing !!
But he will always be better then your R, Jordan !!
dan p
but you still have to peak huh?I've had him on ignore for nine months
Keep me there, you are very divisiveAnd you wonder why I have mostly had you on ignore :chuckle:
Yeah, I saw where you "scolded" me :chuckle:
But neither of us is the issue.
It is this that such MADs fail to see - that none of us are the issue - "no, not one."
Not who knows more, not who is right or wrong about what; not who was under this or that teacher or not, and not dozens of other fool issues some MADs insist on being able to get away with - even against other MADs.
To call such things to their attention is for such to then use same as one more justification for the obvious to all but them - that they are the issue.
That they, comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
Such remain stagnate in their FURTHER understanding as a result.
Their whole deal is proving others wrong and or insisting to their fellows that only their view alone is the correct one and its their way alone, or the highway alone.
They are like this for the failure to continue in the very principle by which BOTH Martin Luther AND John Darby had been enabled to BEGIN TO recover what both men had only been able to BEGIN TO...
For as with John Calvin and others; BOTH men soon turned what light they had ONLY BEGUN TO recover into their dogmatic weapon AGAINST the very people in need of said principle - our completeness in the Lord.
I find that ironic.
And amusing.
In that such end up nothing more than a fascinating study not only of how error works; but of how self-blinding does.
Such are ever the new Galatianism.
To allow oneself to be negatively impacted by this even now modern day "circumcision" nonsense they would glory in the flesh of another of, would be to aid them in their careless would be robbing of one from what one's actual focus is to be - joy in the Lord.
I'll say this - if I were not Mid-Acts (more or less) such individuals would sure present an unfortunate argument for why I might do well to steer clear of MAD.
Their issue is one of a self-imposed spiritual cataract.
As with Pharaoh - the more the guy resisted the obvious; the blinder he gradually became to said obvious.
There is no tyranny where the willingness to look at oneself honestly not only in one's own mirror; but in the mirror reflected back at one in the words of another to them.
Scold away, brother;
For as "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend" Proverbs 27:17
And you wonder why I have mostly had you on ignore :chuckle:
And you wonder why I have mostly had you on ignore :chuckle:
Hi and he can not NOR can he and just IGNORE and run from any answer , COWARD !!
I would expect you to comlain to Knight , so do it !!
Hi so you really are not a dispensationalist , are yougood for you ,a pentecostal. Dan p
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Only when I need a quick healing :chuckle:
Hi and in Eph 3:9 that has been HIDDEN and SECRET from the AGES and from the foundation in God and read Col 1:25-26 !!
As paul wrote in Gal 3:28 , that ONCE in the Body of Christ you " ARE /ESTE " in Christ which is oin the Greek Present Tense until we go to be with Christ 1 Cor 15:51 -58 !!
In lothjer words OSAS !!