What is the Gospel?


New member
THAT is not the "other Gospel" Paul was talking about. You claim something that goes beyond the scope of the truth. Try actually reading Galatians, and then you can attempt to address this while clothed and in your right mind.

Paul's use of 'a Gospel' permits the inference of any other Gospel - not just the 'works of law' he later specifies.

Your grudge is clear. You are anti Calvin, and that's just fine. Many of us are. Why you think you are the one to scold us for what you see as tolerance smacks of spiritual pride.

And you lecture us. :chuckle:

Spiritual pride? I have no idea why you say this.

I say again - you permit those that deny salvation for all and those that impugn God (as a hater of Esau) to be considered Christians - thus eviscerating the power of the Gospel itself.

Please correct me if I have misunderstood your position. Thanks.
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New member
True. But if he is seeking, he won't find answers outside the word of God.
So far in this thread I didn't say he would; now I'm gonna say it. He might find answers outside the Bible because God is outside the Bible, too; however, all truth agrees with truth. Therefore, all answers from God will not disagree with all scripture. All scripture is truth; however, parts of scripture are not truth of themselves. It is only all scripture as a whole that is truth.

What causes men to seek God? He looks around, and wonders how all these things got here.
So one day, he hears about God....from someone preaching out of the word of God. Or he picks up a Bible, out of curiosity, and finds answers about God. He reads more....he finds more. One day, he is persuaded.

or the Spirit quickens him, or the Father draws him, or he sees the good works of the Light shining and glorifies God...


New member
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You seem to be neglecting a very great salvation.


New member
It's not about choice. Belief is not gathering all the facts and coming to an intellectual decision. Those who are truly saved always give the credit to God and those who preach the choice gospel take the credit to themselves and their decisions.
You're totally rationalizing to argue something you've been taught; where do you think a man could get the ability to choose if it didn't come from the Creator?

There are also plenty 'elect' that hold themselves a little higher than the 'unchosen'.


Well-known member
Paul's use of 'a Gospel' permits the inference of any other Gospel - not just the 'works of law' he later specifies.

I don't believe in inferences being permitted. There is then no stopping the reach of man's imagination.

Spiritual pride? I have no idea why you say this.

I'm sure you don't. :chuckle:

But I have no problem explaining. You clearly think you have taken the high road while I stand accused by you of "eviscerating the power of the Gospel." Seems quite high minded to me.

I say again - you permit those that deny salvation for all and those they impugn God (as a hater of Esau) to be considered Christians - thus eviscerating the power of the Gospel itself.

Please correct me if I have misunderstood your position. Thanks.

The preaching of the cross is a very simple message. We are justified by faith through the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Very few of us have the same understanding or so many things....we see through a glass darkly. I see the sovereignty of God just as clearly as I see man's free will. When I read certain verses I see the one, and when I read other verses, I see the other. I've also come to trust in the spiritual discernment the Holy Spirit gives the members of the body....I recognize my brothers and sisters in the Lord....they aren't all non-denominational, I can tell you that.

Anyway, I save my cursings for those who preach a false gospel of works. The gospel of the Kingdom the Apostles and Jesus Himself preached is not the Gospel of Grace. And that is what Paul was talking about as another gospel. All of Galatians is comparing the two. Law and Grace.


Well-known member
So far in this thread I didn't say he would; now I'm gonna say it. He might find answers outside the Bible because God is outside the Bible, too; however, all truth agrees with truth. Therefore, all answers from God will not disagree with all scripture. All scripture is truth; however, parts of scripture are not truth of themselves. It is only all scripture as a whole that is truth.

I'm going to cut you some slack on that paragraph because it's really late. Otherwise, I'd have to put up some mocking emoticons....as a duty only.


Well-known member
Paul's use of 'a Gospel' permits the inference of any other Gospel - not just the 'works of law' he later specifies.

Spiritual pride? I have no idea why you say this.

I say again - you permit those that deny salvation for all and those that impugn God (as a hater of Esau) to be considered Christians - thus eviscerating the power of the Gospel itself.

Please correct me if I have misunderstood your position. Thanks.

Ah, I see Evil Eye has popped back in to thank your post. This is special.

Nameless.In.Grace (Today)


This is sincere, from my heart and as honest as I can articulate... as this is my final post here for God knows... how long...

Calvinisim can’t get around saying that Jesus died for “some”.

You want it publicly declared...? Sonnet... you are correct, It is blasphemy to Jesus Christ’s Sacrifice. Every serpentine way a reformed person utters all isn’t really “ALL”... it spits in Jesus Christ’s face as the Sanhedrin did.

But... Forgiveness is the deepest message of the DBR and Sonnet... sometimes... the hardest people to forgive... when you fall in Love with Jesus... (https://youtu.be/j_wb38KMXLs) like I’m now certain you have... are those that dishonor what Christ did for all, by limiting it to some. Sonnet... a rage comes over one newly in Love with Jesus over any blasphemy of the simple gospel that saves... that is proclaimed by wolves in sheeps clothing.

The hardest thing to do... is to forgive the filthy mouth of anyone that limits the infinite power of the cross. You have to lift up your voice and say what you know in your heart... “Father... forgive them, for they know not what they do”...

When people bind our Infinite Jesus to a book or theological creed... and LIMIT the Limitless... you must understand “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”.

When people place evil on the only Being that is void of Evil... forgive...

When you feel your faith is never enough to honor Jesus... because you Love Him so dearly... you must forgive yourself!

When people elevate theology, brick and mortar, theological insight, debate, opinion or anything under the sun, above Jesus Christ... we must forgive.

Why? Because that’s what Jesus did for us....

I Love you Brother... May Christ forever Keep, Guide and Guard you... and may you truly cry out David’s precious words that mean so very much to my heart and soul... and may you understand them more deeply each and every day of your life...

7Where shall I go from your Spirit?
Or where shall I flee from your presence?
8If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
9If I take the wings of the morning
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10even there your hand shall lead me,
and your right hand shall hold me.
11If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,
and the light about me be night,”
12even the darkness is not dark to you;
the night is bright as the day,
for darkness is as light with you.”

When you pour out things the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ has etched into your heart, mind and soul and people trample them with their words... Forgive them.

70 X 7 brother...

All my best to you... and my personal faith that we will meet where the streets have no name...


Right Divider

Body part
You profess to believe that God only reveals Himself to man today by the Bible. So tell me, is the true revelation of God the one you received, the one AMR received, Calvin, Luther, Sherman, Knight, EE, or one we've never seen before?

You don't even believe the heavens declare the glory of God. Where did that revelation come from; not the Bible for sure.
WOW.... the IRONY is so thick with this one. Where did YOU get this revelation?

Ps 19:1 (AKJV/PCE)
(19:1) To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Just so (maybe) you can understand, the Bible IS God's revelation. The Bible is God breathed. The Bible tells the story from beginning to end.

You're saying that it makes no sense to seek God and be led to an understanding of the Bible.
Once again you are lying and trying to put words in my mouth that I did NOT speak.

Listen to what you're saying.
You believe a man must understand the Bible before he seeks God.
A man will never understand the Bible before he seeks God; he won't even want to understand the Bible until he seeks God. But apparently your revelation says men should strive to understand scripture rather than seek God because the seeking will come after they understand.

How many men do you know that weren't seeking God and started studying scripture?
I never said that an unbeliever should start reading a Bible without KNOWING God already.


New member
Paul's use of "unto you" disqualifies all of your deflecting from the gospel that he preached.

How so?

Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Are you or are you not expecting the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ's return at any moment? As a thief in the night?