What is the Gospel?


Well-known member
As usual, you prove yourself clueless to another's intent.

The man is too wordy, true.

But I do greatly admire the man's profound understanding. As do MANY within Mid-Acts, in general throughout the world.

It is called great admiration for a great student of the Word of Truth. Not "fawning over."

I feel the same way about O'Hair and others within Mid-Acts, like the BBS's Ricky Kurth, or TCM's the late William P Heath, who was simply a brilliant Bible student and Pastor-Teacher like few.


And I'll take admiration for preachers of righteousness all day long - over a thread comprised of the following in post after post after post by you...

This here is what actual, blind as a bat "fawning over" looks like.


It is you who need to get your priorities straight.

Exactly why there is never really any lasting peace with and your pals for very long - your priorities are skewed.

O you and your pals talk a good game of "grace" - but everyone on here but you and your pals can clearly see that you are only fooling yourselves and each other.

Get over yourselves already - Christ ALONE is the issue.

The proof?

Rom. 5:6-8 is it.

Sheesh Danoh, perhaps I may be wrong, (not knowing the history between ya'll), but I took Tambora's post as seeming to have been pretty sincere. And if you would have started a thread about it, (as was suggested), I would have even been willing to be polite, sit back and read, and let you have your voice and speak your mind on the matter, (which everyone should have the opportunity to do).


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
As usual, you prove yourself clueless to another's intent.

The man is too wordy, true.

But I do greatly admire the man's profound understanding. As do MANY within Mid-Acts, in general throughout the world.

It is called great admiration for a great student of the Word of Truth. Not "fawning over."

I feel the same way about O'Hair and others within Mid-Acts, like the BBS's Ricky Kurth, or TCM's the late William P Heath, who was simply a brilliant Bible student and Pastor-Teacher like few.


And I'll take admiration for preachers of righteousness all day long - over a thread comprised of the following in post after post after post by you...

This here is what actual, blind as a bat "fawning over" looks like.


It is you who need to get your priorities straight.

Exactly why there is never really any lasting peace with and your pals for very long - your priorities are skewed.

O you and your pals talk a good game of "grace" - but everyone on here but you and your pals can clearly see that you are only fooling yourselves and each other.

Get over yourselves already - Christ ALONE is the issue.

The proof?

Rom. 5:6-8 is it.
You never take my words to heart, Danoh.
Carry on with ignoring it.

I thought this might be a good opportunity to go through some scriptures with GT since she was willing to watch the videos if you would study with her.
As usual you avoid actually studying with anyone and only want to preach your vague generalities of your "study approach" view but never get around to laying it out.

So carry on.
I'll know better next time to not waste my time.


New member
You never take my words to heart, Danoh.
Carry on with ignoring it.

I thought this might be a good opportunity to go through some scriptures with GT since she was willing to watch the videos if you would study with her.
As usual you avoid actually studying with anyone and only want to preach your vague generalities of your "study approach" view but never get around to laying it out.

So carry on.
I'll know better next time to not waste my time.

I appreciate the effort you made.

I even said so.

You came back with some snide remark I refused to recognise as such - too late - I was already cracking up the moment I read it.

And I'd sincerely thought you might enjoy that longer video.

It even went into the debt transgression you have started a thread on - the video was simply that all encompassing.

"All those glorious truths" was what I was fawning about - not the man himself.

Next time you might stick to your "words to heart" and not add all that other foolishness you went into. That only called said "words to heart" into question - and besides - long wind is my department :chuckle:

Rom.14:5; 5:6-8.


New member
Sheesh Danoh, perhaps I may be wrong, (not knowing the history between ya'll), but I took Tambora's post as seeming to have been pretty sincere. And if you would have started a thread about it, (as was suggested), I would have even been willing to be polite, sit back and read, and let you have your voice and speak your mind on the matter, (which everyone should have the opportunity to do).

Come on, you well know you yourself that no matter your good intention, you still used to end up on the wrong end of what's her name's wrath - that MJ that had real issues with the Apostle Paul, and some of her pals. :chuckle:

Rom. 5:6-8.


Well-known member
Come on, you well know you yourself that no matter your good intention, you still used to end up on the wrong end of what's her name's wrath - that MJ that had real issues with the Apostle Paul, and some of her pals. :chuckle:

Rom. 5:6-8.

Lol, for some reason I seem to get lots and lots of wrath from various quarters. :)


Well-known member
Because we both come off as arrogant...to the arrogant? :chuckle:

In which case - Rom. 5:6-8.

Ever...the cure "all...in all."



Perhaps like that. If you quote the scripture to the arrogant the arrogant will usually take it as arrogant whether it was truly arrogant or not because the arrogant know not the scripture which says that Elohim resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Moreover when you quote the scripture to the arrogant and it destroys a beloved doctrine of the arrogant the arrogant puts the sword to your neck because you are all the arrogant can see in his or her rage. Doctrines should not become gods: for the sons of Elohim will see the beloved daughters of the doctrines of men, that they are lovely and fair, and the sons of Elohim will choose wives from them, and marry into them, whichever beloved and fair doctrines they so choose to cohabit with, (as in the days of Noah). But in the End the beloved daughters of the doctrines of men will bring forth giants in your land: and who shall live when El does this? for no doubt the fullness of the heathen will enter in, (seven heathen-nations like mountains with their kings who are mightier than you). :chuckle:


New member
I am a non-believer interested in knowing what the good news is. I ask because, in my experience, Christians do not seem to agree on the specifics. One might point to the issue of the scope of Christ's salvific provision as being particularly relevant.

If the Gospel isn't clearly defined then, surely, the non-believer may legitimately ask, 'Believe in what?'

The Gospel is the New Testament and it proclaims Christ's salvation for all who believe.
I am sorry to hear you are an unbeliever, but will lift you up in some prayers that God will lead you to him.
Here's a Gospel passage or two:

Luke 16:16:
“The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing their way into it.

Matthew 7:24-25:
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

John 17:20-21:
20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

John and Matthew are the words of Jesus.