What is the Gospel?


Well-known member
I will not debate or argue what is deeper understanding.

That will muddy the discussion which I always try to avoid.

My posts are mostly simple so everyone can get my point unless you don't want to agree with my claims.

I'm not arguing Meshak, I'm just talking with you. And I do agree, I've always said that the Bible is more simple than some try to make it out to be, and Jesus came and lived it perfectly to show us s new and living way to live before God.

And I never said I don't agree with you, but I do believe that the Bible has deeper meanings, and that is shown in parts of the Bible where some scriptures are explained.

Anyway, I'm off to cook tea. Speak later :)


I'm not arguing Meshak, I'm just talking with you. And I do agree, I've always said that the Bible is more simple than some try to make it out to be, and Jesus came and lived it perfectly to show us s new and living way to live before God.

And I never said I don't agree with you, but I do believe that the Bible has deeper meanings, and that is shown in parts of the Bible where some scriptures are explained.

Anyway, I'm off to cook tea. Speak later :)

I still don't think you got my point.

but that's ok.

blessings, sister.


Get your armor ready!
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I will not debate or argue what is deeper understanding.

That will muddy the discussion which I always try to avoid.
The deeper understanding is just as much a part of the message of GOD.
No message of GOD makes it muddy.
If you were really interested in learning about GOD, you would not reject so much of scripture as you do.

My posts are mostly simple so everyone can get my point unless you don't want to agree with my claims.

And I understand that is target for my opponent to discredit my claims.
Your posts are not 'simple', but are a distortion because you deny most of scripture because you do not believe most of scripture.


Well-known member
But daqq, she never said that she doesn't believe the scriptures, but rather that she believes that we don't have to have a deep knowledge of them to belong to Christ, and I agree. Yes we are to read the scriptures but we won't all have deep understanding of them. God gives us progressive revelation so it's gradual, and we grow in God and Christ. But just as the smallest members are important to the natural body, so are those members who are young in God within the body of Christ. They all have the same blood flowing they them which is the blood of Christ.

It's not understanding the depths and the ins and outs of the scriptures, and that comes in time as we live by the will of God and grow in him, and he enlightens us. It's having faith and living by his will first and foremost. And we will know God's true people by their fruits not by their knowledge in knowing every verse. Many study and know the ins and outs of the Bible but they don't have the Spirit and they don't live it out. They are great with words but their hearts are in the world. It's the heart that counts, and those with the right heart will be given wisdom and understanding gradually in God's time.

You can say you believe something all you want but if you do not do what it says and teaches then you do not really believe it. The same goes for love: you can say you love God all you want but if you do not care to understand His Word then you are lying to yourself and to others because the only real way to show God that you love Him is to study and spend your valuable time in His Word and truly show Him that you love Him. And if you love Him then it will show in your understanding of His Word because He does not let His children walk in darkness. Look at your friend now: she is attacking my English and writing skills to save her skin, and yet she can hardly speak the language herself.


Well-known member
You seem to get easily offended.

It seems you skip all easy to understand verses.

Look at your writing. It looks like you are not even taking a breath.

Your knowledge of understanding complicated verses will not save you, friend.

Judge, judge, judge, how can you not see that you are the same as the people you are always railing against throughout this entire forum? You say others should not judge you and yet, starting with condemning my faith, you have done nothing but play judge since then.

Good day, :)


Well-known member
My my my, so touchy.

good day.

Here is the truth: I quoted the Testimony of the Messiah whom you claim to love. You swept his words under the rug and commenced to begin playing judge. You therefore do not believe his words because you do not even understand them: for how can you truly believe what you do not even understand? You are the one who got touchy because the error of your way was tested and found faulty: and that truly is the time when most begin to play judge. It is right there for all to see.


Well-known member
If Meshak lives as she speaks, she is definitely in Christ, I think you need to look at yourself before you judge the hearts of others and remember the parable of the pharasee and the publican in the temple!!

The parable of the pharisee and the publican is talking about those who are forever boasting in what they DO. That is people like you and Meshak and God's Untruth. Always talking about how you "die to self", obey, and love everybody.

Pharisees, like you folks, are NOT in Christ.

Those in Christ do not boast of what they are able do to with God's HELP, or are required to do for His Love. I realize you don't know the difference, but there is a difference.