What is the Gospel?


Well-known member
You think that's amazing - get in Christ and you'll really be amazed.


In hope that Rom. 5:6-11 might one day be your testimony, Meshak.

"It is sufficient that the disciple be as his Teacher, and the servant as his Master", (Mat 10:25), and if Elohim, who quickens the dead, "calls things that are not as though they were", (Rom 4:17), then why should we imagine that His servant Paul does not do the same in his writings to the congregations? Oops, most of the Hyper-Dispensational Free Grace MAD Entitlements List just went out the third-heavens window. :chuckle:

patrick jane

It is true there are many different theologies within the Christian faith. However, what we Christians are called to do biblically is to compare what is being taught ... with the Word of God. It is each of our responsibility to do so. We are to each take on this personal responsibility. It takes time and study .... but one does so over time and learns little by little, but I will say, when one does so ... overtime you will discover in complete amazement the truth of Gods word. Many many many people do not do this ... many people do not even take their bibles to church ... so they are believing what they are being taught, which is not neccessarily the entire truth. So, one chooses to believe what they believe based on the information they have accumulated "so far" and therefore we have differences and we discuss these differences ... that is our human nature. Seems to be more of a "battle" over who is right .... well.... God is right.

So, I would recommend first, that you study topically, understanding Gods love. Love pertaining to God is not just something He does (loves us) it is what He IS.

1 John

16 So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. "God is love", and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him

and then of course MOST importantly is:

John 3:16

16 “For God so loved the world,i that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Yes, my friend, perfect eternal life, with perfect eternal God our creator, in a perfect eternal world. I pray to see you there ;o)

Through getting to know Him through His word ... one forms a personal relationship with God Almighty creator of all things .... WOW ....

I encourage you to take this journey, and as you learn and become closer with Him, you will never ever regret it.

Perhaps this might help you with your journey.

How I study is topically ... I use this free online tool www.biblhub.com and run word searches (on the entire bible) ... such as love, loving, loved ... run the searches on the root word and also all "tenses" of the words. Also, run searches of words that have the same meaning. This is a good start and is easy to do with just a few clicks.

Don't expect that everything that is pulled up will be in "harmony" with each other, but many will. Bible verses also need to be kept in the "context" of what is being talked about as well. Keep in mind that the Bible does not contradict itself ... if it appears that way ... then you need to keep studying until it is revealed to you how it all fits together.

The entire bible is all about Jesus, who is God and God IS love.

Seems like a lot to it ... but no doubt, as you read you will learn many wonderful things and then start formulating "a belief" ... which as you learn will likely change as you gain more knowledge ... point is ... get the knowledge, know His love .... His love for you.

Jesus wants you to know Him personally and have a loving personal relationship with you. Amazing .... absolutely amazing.

God Bless you, may you open the door to your heart and let Him in. Amen
It's all about love for you too, huh?


New member
"It is sufficient that the disciple be as his Teacher, and the servant as his Master", (Mat 10:25), and if Elohim, who quickens the dead, "calls things that are not as though they were", (Rom 4:17), then why should we imagine that His servant Paul does not do the same in his writings to the congregations? Oops, most of the Hyper-Dispensational Free Grace MAD Entitlements List just went out the third-heavens window. :chuckle:

Hey, daqq, what's up old friend?


Galatians 3:1 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? 3:2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 3:3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

3:6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.

Obviously, you have yet to arrive at any sort of clarity on what verse one there, is referring to.

EVIDENTLY set forth, CRUCIFIED among you.

In other words - HIS merit ALONE.

It remains fascinating how supposed Greek and or Hebrew language experts can so plainly miss "that which is written."

Rom. 5:6-8 towards ya.


Hey Danoh,

EE is so wise that he turned away from trinity believing crowd.

You guys seem jealous of him that he accepted "God and Jesus' love" faith.

I witnessed miracle that trinity believer actually turned to non-trin.


Well-known member
Hey, daqq, what's up old friend?


Galatians 3:1 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? 3:2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 3:3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

3:6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.

Obviously, you have yet to arrive at any sort of clarity on what verse one there, is referring to.

EVIDENTLY set forth, CRUCIFIED among you.

In other words - HIS merit ALONE.

It remains fascinating how supposed Greek and or Hebrew language experts can so plainly miss "that which is written."

Rom. 5:6-8 towards ya.

Is that yet the voice of an old friend I now hear from about fifteen pages or so earlier in this thread? for I am quite sure the following response was directed to you and yet mysteriously you never responded. You did not want to play then but now you wish to start from scratch?

Thanks Danoh, deeply appreciated, and I know that you too are very sincere because your love for the Word shows in your posting. As for that "other place" they slew me and cast me forth out of their camp a few times, so although I do drop by there occasionally it is very seldom. :)

Yeah, I am not saying I disagree with any of those things or your propositions concerning those things, for I know that Messiah is absolutely foretold in the Torah, Prophets, and Writings, even from Genesis 1:1, (all things were created In Reshiyth, In Arche). However, it is my opinion, from how I have been brought to understand the writings, that Paul is not speaking of those things in 1Cor 15:4. We know from Acts 16:4 that he was circulating the declarations from Acts 15, the Letter from the council, to all the congregations where he went: it is therefore very possible that he may also have been circulating one of more of the Gospel accounts at the same time, that is, "that which I also received", (1Cor 15:3, Gal 1:18, Rev 1:1, Gal 1:12 KJV).

Here is yet another quandary-dilemma which this would resolve, (and for me it does).

Galatians 3:1 T/R
1 ω ανοητοι γαλαται τις υμας εβασκανε τη αληθεια μη πειθεσθαι οις κατ οφθαλμους ιησους χριστος προεγραφη εν υμιν εσταυρωμενος;

Galatians 3:1 W/H
1 ω ανοητοι γαλαται τις υμας εβασκανεν οις κατ οφθαλμους ιησους χριστος προεγραφη εσταυρωμενος

You know what προεγραφη means, right?
I will offer my reading of the shorter version:

"O foolish Galatians, before whose eyes Messiah Yeshua was previously-already-written to have been crucified, who has beguiled you?"

Oh, that's right, if indeed Paul had any one of the Gospel accounts, and was circulating it with the Acts 15 letter, then you have a massive contradiction in your own doctrine since you believe that only his epistles are directly applicable to yourself and the supposed present dispensational "age of grace church". What I myself find fascinating is how so many who say that only the writings of Paul apply to themselves will trash someone else who believes all of the scripture except for Paul. Can such ones not see that they themselves are the cauldrons calling the kettles black? That it is they themselves who are doing tenfold worse than those they enjoy lambasting and trashing? That it is they themselves who are the modern-day Marcionites? And perhaps they may even be worse off: for even Marcion had the Gospel of Luke in his own little "canon" of clippings! :)


New member
Hey Danoh,

EE is so wise that he turned away from trinity believing crowd.

You guys seem jealous of him that he accepted "God and Jesus' love" faith.

I witnessed miracle that trinity believer actually turned to non-trin.

Hello Sister,

I believe God is TriUne and as a TriUnitarian... Which means to me That God is Body, Soul and Mind... or Son, Holy Spirit, Father.... and fully one as well.

If you mean... turned to Love Unitarians equally... you are correct. I still believe Jesus is God...

But.. if I say I believe the Father gave His only begotten Son... we can agree and be in Christian harmony... Which... we are.

God bless you, Sister.

I will also say... Faith without Love is dead.


Hello Sister,

I believe God is TriUne and as a TriUnitarian... Which means to me That God is Body, Soul and Mind... or Son, Holy Spirit, Father.... and fully one as well.

If you mean... turned to Love Unitarians equally... you are correct. I still believe Jesus is God...

But.. if I say I believe the Father gave His only begotten Son... we can agree and be in Christian harmony... Which... we are.

God bless you, Sister.

I will also say... Faith without Love is dead.

Oh, ok. thanks for clarification.

I have no objection for difference in our doctrines.

It is still miracle that you call non-trins your brethren.

blessings brother.:)


What I myself find fascinating is how so many who say that only the writings of Paul apply to themselves will trash someone else who believes all of the scripture except for Paul. Can such ones not see that they themselves are the cauldrons calling the kettles black? That it is they themselves who are doing tenfold worse than those they enjoy lambasting and trashing? That it is they themselves who are the modern-day Marcionites? And perhaps they may even be worse off: for even Marcion had the Gospel of Luke in his own little "canon" of clippings! :)

I believe I am the only one who does not put Paul on the pedestal like most of you. I am just clarifying the fact.

And I accept all verses of Paul and the rest if they harmonize with God and Jesus' love.

So please don't exaggerate or twist the fact of my faith like many of this forum posters do..

thank you.


Well-known member
I believe I am the only one who does not put Paul on the pedestal like most of you. I am just clarifying the fact.

And I accept all verses of Paul and the rest if they harmonize with God and Jesus' love.

So please don't exaggerate or twist the fact of my faith like many of this forum posters do..

thank you.

Doesn't really matter to me either way; I am used to and comfortable even debating and discussing things with people who flat out reject Paul, (from a different forum, ask Danoh, he knows), and yet they still love Messiah and the Father, and I have no problem talking to them, (but I myself am not a Paul rejector, just to be clear). Paul speaks of deep spiritual things, some of which cannot even be taken literally because it would contradict other scripture, which is a tell-tale sign that he is not speaking or walking according to the flesh, (just as he plainly warns the reader in multiple places). However that is okay, I suppose, so long as a person is continually growing because one day, (hopefully), the same person will begin to understand more of what Paul is actually teaching and then start investigating more of what he writes from different new possibilities and perspectives as a person grows in the Word. Perhaps you yourself might be more careful that you are not assuming that just because someone agrees with you on something, or tries to show you some kindness, that it suddenly means they must have "come over to your side" and now believe the way you believe: that really is a product of the "us against them" mentality that is so prevalent in a forum atmosphere such as this. Everyone takes up sides and is ready to start slaughtering anyone who even "thanks" another poster who is considered "the enemy". I thanked an atheist one time for something said that was true and suddenly "daqq is an atheist too because he thanked an atheist!" (lol). Just as above, you can see that I thanked EE for his response to you, but that does not mean I also am now a "TriUnitarian".


Doesn't really matter to me either way; I am used to and comfortable even debating and discussing things with people who flat out reject Paul, (from a different forum, ask Danoh, he knows), and yet they still love Messiah and the Father, and I have no problem talking to them, (but I myself am not a Paul rejector, just to be clear). Paul speaks of deep spiritual things, some of which cannot even be taken literally because it would contradict other scripture, which is a tell-tale sign that he is not speaking or walking according to the flesh, (just as he plainly warns the reader in multiple places). However that is okay, I suppose, so long as a person is continually growing because one day, (hopefully), the same person will begin to understand more of what Paul is actually teaching and then start investigating more of what he writes from different new possibilities and perspectives as a person grows in the Word. Perhaps you yourself might be more careful that you are not assuming that just because someone agrees with you on something, or tries to show you some kindness, that it suddenly means they must have "come over to your side" and now believe the way you believe: that really is a product of the "us against them" mentality that is so prevalent in a forum atmosphere such as this. Everyone takes up sides and is ready to start slaughtering anyone who even "thanks" another poster who is considered "the enemy". I thanked an atheist one time for something said that was true and suddenly "daqq is an atheist too because he thanked an atheist!" (lol). But it works the other way too, you see that I just thanked EE for his response to you, but that does not mean I also am now a "TriUnitarian".

I understand that perfectly.

I also learn from many of trins or non-believers too.

I am here to encourage minority Christians who are abused without good reason. I side with minority most of the time, it does not matter if they agree with my faith or not.

Most non-trins disagree with my faith such as yourself but I don't call them non-believer, unsaved or child of devil and so on...

Do you get my point?


Well-known member
I understand that perfectly.

I also learn from many of trins or non-believers too.

I am here to encourage minority Christians who are abused without good reason. I side with minority most of the time, it does not matter if they agree with my faith or not.

Most non-trins agree with my faith such as yourself but I don't call them non-believer, unsaved or child of devil and so on...

Do you get my point?

Edited out.


Now I am not really sure what you mean. Sorry.
Getting too far off topic for my taste . . .
My point is that we are not saved just because we have correct understanding of the Bible.

Jesus does not care much about our knowledge how much we know.

He cares if we are striving to be like Him, meaning strive to love God and love one another.

Arguing about the doctrines and ostracizing other believers as non-believer, unsaved, child of devil is so unchristian.

That is going on most churches and of course in this site too.