What would the Hebrew have meant of it said "in" the face?
It doesn't say flying in/across the face of the heaven. It's across the face of the firmament (of the heavens).
I'm pretty sure we're all in full agreement that there is an atmosphere.lain:
Sorry. I think I misread your analysis of my assumptions.
"Tidal waves," actually tsunami, do very little to the ground they run over. Some superficial erosion when they hit the shore. That's relative, of course. They can destroy towns, but they don't cause "massive geological upheaval."
I think we're mostly on the same page, except you seem to place a lot of stock in rainfall as a source of water and destruction, while I think the fountains provided all the water and led to all the destabilization of the planet.
Is that fair?
We are in general agreement. You've misinterpreted a lot of what I've said though. My comments on the amount of rain come from pointing out that world wide rain of the amount that happened during the flood is beyond what our atmosphere could now hold. It goes to what Moses said about separating the waters of the deep from the waters above the firmament. The earth's climate and atmosphere before the flood was completely different. As evidence I point out that there was no rain prior to the flood. The earth was watered by dew. No irrigation needed for crops. The dew was heavy enough, frequent enough, and consistent enough to take the place of rain. That points to a much different atmosphere and climate than we now have.
Genesis 1:6-8 point this out. That the firmament was between bodies of water. In other words the earth was a type of greenhouse with a device for filtering out radiation, ultraviolet light, etc... all of which are harmful to us and shorten our life spans. Remember the lifespans of the antedeluvians? Breaking that upper body of water up would account for the massive rainfall amounts that occurred. Now we get rain only in parts of the earth at a time. During the flood it rained for 40 days and 40 nights over the entire earth at the same time.
Remember the ooparts thread? One of the ooparts that was found deep underground is a piece of brass that could only have been created in an atmosphere without ultraviolet light. We can't, even today, manufacture anything like it as our environment is full of ultraviolet light. It, once again, points to a time on earth where ultraviolet light was not a part of our environment.