What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
So we will never see the father?

If you see the person of Christ in Jesus, you have seen an exact copy of the Father. The Father is a spirit. You can not see the wind but you can see the effects of the wind, it is the same with the Father.


Well-known member
Okay fair enough. So the the spirit that was in Jesus was the express image of God, Christ. That's your understanding. I haven't come to that understanding. So what is different about the spirit placed in us vs the spirit of Jesus?

For one thing it can not create the Universe. Only the express image was given the fullness of God.


Well-known member
I'm gravitating that Elohim can be imputed to another. Therefore Yahweh is Elohim, and Jesus is Elohim. The word God is a title and has thrown me off because I've always thought of the title as one individual when Elohim is a title of what something is. I'm continuously learning so I haven't come to all conclusions. I believe this statement is what throws everyone into in uproar. Maybe people believe God is one and it's not talking directly about God. It's talking about Yahweh? Jesus is not Yahweh is He?

Deut 6:4
Hear oh Israel, Yahweh our Elohim is one.

Elohim, as I understand it, can mean God, a god, or someone with godlike powers. Moses I think was Elohim.

Thomas said Jesus was Elohim.

I am just learning this stuff now friend, for some reason I did not get into this year's ago.

I suggest you go to this site and check out this translation, I bought it and it is great, full of things to learn.


Well worth your time.


Well-known member

Yes friend, read Heb 1:3 and Col 1:15.

The express image of God is a spirit not a msn, for God is a spirit. Christ is this spirit, it became flesh when it went into Jesus at his snointing. The Dove, remember the Dove.

Acts 20:38 tells us that is when Jesus got his POWER. Christ came with the fullness of the Father.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yes friend, read Heb 1:3 and Col 1:15.

The express image of God is a spirit not a msn, for God is a spirit. Christ is this spirit, it became flesh when it went into Jesus at his snointing. The Dove, remember the Dove.

Acts 20:38 tells us that is when Jesus got his POWER. Christ came with the fullness of the Father.

His birth, remember His birth

Luke 2:11 King James Version (KJV)

11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

His youth, remember His youth. Could He have done these things without the anointing of His Father?

Luke 2:46-52 King James Version (KJV)

46 And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions.

47 And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.

48 And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing.

49 And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?

50 And they understood not the saying which he spake unto them.

51 And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.

52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.


New member
(The Antichrist spent around 1000 hours perhaps more at the university of penn., which he should of been at high school. What was he doing there? If he cannot die by diseases or viruses, and if it is true his blood can resist genetic decay, then does this mean his blood can produce both vaccines and antibiotics? If he boasted and said under 100 grams could cure any aliment know to man, is that a true statement? If that is true, then does this explain the excessive usage of both chemical and electrical treatments by certain groups of members of the public, that cannot receive this benefit? If that is a true statement, is there a higher mortality rate of these people around his relative location, since this is self inflicted/suicide based on what they are doing to him, if this is true)

HEBREWS 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by [his] Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
HEBREWS 1:3 Who being the brightness of [his] glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
HEBREWS 1:4 Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

Jesus is made more excellent then the Angels, because there are no angels in heaven. Jesus is the gateway to heaven, if Jesus was just an Angel, he could not serve as the gateway to heaven. Remember there is a Heavenly Salvation Program. Highlighted in Blue these statements apply to Jesus. ... ... ... ... Jesus does not marvel at his own Glory (Highlighted in Red), that is something satan does, however Satan is not in view. The Antichrist is in view, as a gateway for the full potential or glory of Satan, so that God can justify his judgment against Satan ... ... ... ... like how God uses Jesus to justify his judgment for the souls that are going into Heaven.

EXODUS 34:26 The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.
EXODUS 34:27 And the LORD said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel.

Jesus is the "Image of God", but now God calls Moses the "Tenor of his Word" ... ... ... ... God calls Moses his Express Image.

Jesus Reveals the Express Image of his Person as Moses
EXODUS 34:29 And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down from the mount, that Moses wist not that the skin of his face shone while he talked with him.
MARK 9:3 And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them.
MARK 9:4 And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus.

Jesus Christ is in the only position to serve as a Gateway to Heaven, and as a Gateway to the New Universe. ... ... ... ... Jesus does not choose to serve as a Gateway to the New Universe for several reasons. Jesus does not make himself the subject of the Holy Spirit's Authority, the Antichrist must become the subject of the Holy Spirit's Authority. Jesus does not want to undermine his Heavenly Salvation Program, since he has the souls from the Old Testament and the New Testament still around as witnesses for the process of "faith". It is to exemplify the Process of "Faith", that Moses is chosen as the Antichrist, since is is apart of Reuben, and a representation of Benjamin ... ... ... ... but Jesus made him as a Fallen Angel so that he could remove Reuben and Benjamin from Moses, and put him under the authority of the Holy Spirit, that is under Joseph, where he will reign for 150 days, and the gospel will be completed. God is using this final length of judgment as a method of discernment to complete how Satan is judged in some small part, small but important part.

Between Exodus 34:29 and Mark 9:3-4, Moses is called the Express Image of God, or the "Gateway to the New Universe", where as Christ is the Image of God or the "Gateway to Heaven". The distinction is made during the 150 days, not before, right now Moses is a picture of the Christ.

(Outside of mental illness, to shamefully see Genetic Dan and Aaron continue their attempts at killing to no avail but to the simply serve as suicide. This is apart of an equation where the Holy Spirit introduces hyperdimensional energies to mitigate their suffering, that don't otherwise belong in this current stage of the judgment program, for those reasons their lives are terminated. "A Portion of Dan and A Portion of Aaron", to allow the "Reconcilation by Fire", then everything is wrapped up except for the last Remnant of Judah ... ... ... ... There motivation is not simply suicide, or the curtailing of the Antichrist's Testimony, it is obtaining something from the Holy Spirit that is not allowed, for this reason their lives must be terminated soon, but this follows the gospel's declarations about ending their lives to protect the potential. We do not have much time left now, until we can see this satisfaction).


New member
Yes friend, read Heb 1:3 and Col 1:15.

The express image of God is a spirit not a msn, for God is a spirit. Christ is this spirit, it became flesh when it went into Jesus at his snointing. The Dove, remember the Dove.

Acts 20:38 tells us that is when Jesus got his POWER. Christ came with the fullness of the Father.
Jesus was a "copy" of the Father because He chose to be. He chose to follow the Father and do everything the Father did.
In other words He was the revelation of the Father of Himself to us.

John 16:25 These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father.

I know you disagree with me here, but as I see it the place you get hooked up in is your insistence that the Father is solely spirit.
Look up "Father of spirits" Keypurr. What does that make us? Spirits. Where does the Bible say God made our spirits?
I pose NOWHERE. Our bodies are made from the dust, but our spirits "return to God who gave them." Ecclesiastes.
Yet He tells us He made us in His image...

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
(The Antichrist spent around 1000 hours perhaps more at the university of penn., which he should of been at high school. What was he doing there? If he cannot die by diseases or viruses, and if it is true his blood can resist genetic decay, then does this mean his blood can produce both vaccines and antibiotics?

What are you talking about?


Well-known member
(The Antichrist spent around 1000 hours perhaps more at the university of penn., which he should of been at high school. What was he doing there? If he cannot die by diseases or viruses, and if it is true his blood can resist genetic decay, then does this mean his blood can produce both vaccines and antibiotics? If he boasted and said under 100 grams could cure any aliment know to man, is that a true statement? If that is true, then does this explain the excessive usage of both chemical and electrical treatments by certain groups of members of the public, that cannot receive this benefit? If that is a true statement, is there a higher mortality rate of these people around his relative location, since this is self inflicted/suicide based on what they are doing to him, if this is true)

HEBREWS 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by [his] Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
HEBREWS 1:3 Who being the brightness of [his] glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
HEBREWS 1:4 Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

Jesus is made more excellent then the Angels, because there are no angels in heaven. Jesus is the gateway to heaven, if Jesus was just an Angel, he could not serve as the gateway to heaven. Remember there is a Heavenly Salvation Program. Highlighted in Blue these statements apply to Jesus. ... ... ... ... Jesus does not marvel at his own Glory (Highlighted in Red), that is something satan does, however Satan is not in view. The Antichrist is in view, as a gateway for the full potential or glory of Satan, so that God can justify his judgment against Satan ... ... ... ... like how God uses Jesus to justify his judgment for the souls that are going into Heaven.

EXODUS 34:26 The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.
EXODUS 34:27 And the LORD said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel.

Jesus is the "Image of God", but now God calls Moses the "Tenor of his Word" ... ... ... ... God calls Moses his Express Image.

Jesus Reveals the Express Image of his Person as Moses
EXODUS 34:29 And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down from the mount, that Moses wist not that the skin of his face shone while he talked with him.
MARK 9:3 And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them.
MARK 9:4 And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus.

Jesus Christ is in the only position to serve as a Gateway to Heaven, and as a Gateway to the New Universe. ... ... ... ... Jesus does not choose to serve as a Gateway to the New Universe for several reasons. Jesus does not make himself the subject of the Holy Spirit's Authority, the Antichrist must become the subject of the Holy Spirit's Authority. Jesus does not want to undermine his Heavenly Salvation Program, since he has the souls from the Old Testament and the New Testament still around as witnesses for the process of "faith". It is to exemplify the Process of "Faith", that Moses is chosen as the Antichrist, since is is apart of Reuben, and a representation of Benjamin ... ... ... ... but Jesus made him as a Fallen Angel so that he could remove Reuben and Benjamin from Moses, and put him under the authority of the Holy Spirit, that is under Joseph, where he will reign for 150 days, and the gospel will be completed. God is using this final length of judgment as a method of discernment to complete how Satan is judged in some small part, small but important part.

Between Exodus 34:29 and Mark 9:3-4, Moses is called the Express Image of God, or the "Gateway to the New Universe", where as Christ is the Image of God or the "Gateway to Heaven". The distinction is made during the 150 days, not before, right now Moses is a picture of the Christ.

(Outside of mental illness, to shamefully see Genetic Dan and Aaron continue their attempts at killing to no avail but to the simply serve as suicide. This is apart of an equation where the Holy Spirit introduces hyperdimensional energies to mitigate their suffering, that don't otherwise belong in this current stage of the judgment program, for those reasons their lives are terminated. "A Portion of Dan and A Portion of Aaron", to allow the "Reconcilation by Fire", then everything is wrapped up except for the last Remnant of Judah ... ... ... ... There motivation is not simply suicide, or the curtailing of the Antichrist's Testimony, it is obtaining something from the Holy Spirit that is not allowed, for this reason their lives must be terminated soon, but this follows the gospel's declarations about ending their lives to protect the potential. We do not have much time left now, until we can see this satisfaction).

I disagree, Moses is not said to be the express image of God. Your assuming and adding to what is written. The express image is a spirit that has the fullness of the Father.


Well-known member
Jesus was a "copy" of the Father because He chose to be. He chose to follow the Father and do everything the Father did.
In other words He was the revelation of the Father of Himself to us.

John 16:25 These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father.

I know you disagree with me here, but as I see it the place you get hooked up in is your insistence that the Father is solely spirit.
Look up "Father of spirits" Keypurr. What does that make us? Spirits. Where does the Bible say God made our spirits?
I pose NOWHERE. Our bodies are made from the dust, but our spirits "return to God who gave them." Ecclesiastes.
Yet He tells us He made us in His image...

Jesus Christ told us that his Father is a spirit. Christ is the exact copy of him, not Jesus who was a man. Flesh is flesh, spirit is spirit, but the spirit Christ became flesh. That is my thoughts RT


New member
I disagree, Moses is not said to be the express image of God. Your assuming and adding to what is written. The express image is a spirit that has the fullness of the Father.

Jesus revealed the "Express Image of Himself", when he revealed "Moses and Elias (God)". I agree there is a problem with that argument, perhaps we can substitute, "Moses and Elias (God)", for "Moses and the Rock". Then if Moses is the Antichrist, and God pours out Water from the Rock in Revelation to "Heal the Nations", like God poured our Water from the Rock that Moses struck (Num 20:11).

Then Jesus declared that he did not want to stand under the Cloud, or under the Rock to bring forth water from it. So he appointed Moses to do this, to bring out Star Wormwood.

If Moses is the "Express Image of Jesus", for the purpose of coming under the authority of the Holy Spirit, something Jesus can otherwise only do. Then, God would of had to create Moses as a spiritual being from the beginning, before creation, for this purpose. Similar to how Jesus was created, but in no way as dominant as Jesus. If Moses's Salvation was never threatened, then you may ask, why then did Moses abstain from Sin? Not just Moses abstained from sin, because sin is unnatural and uncomely and unprofitable. All the Hebrews also abstained from sin, because as beings with freewill they have the right to choose to be faithful, just like other people have the right to promote suicide.

(Star Wormwood is not in some distant and remote place in the universe, if the Antichrist is here and now, then Star Wormwood is also here and now)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Jesus revealed the "Express Image of Himself", when he revealed "Moses and Elias (God)". I agree there is a problem with that argument, perhaps we can substitute, "Moses and Elias (God)", for "Moses and the Rock". Then if Moses is the Antichrist, and God pours out Water from the Rock in Revelation to "Heal the Nations", like God poured our Water from the Rock that Moses struck (Num 20:11).

Then Jesus declared that he did not want to stand under the Cloud, or under the Rock to bring forth water from it. So he appointed Moses to do this, to bring out Star Wormwood.

If Moses is the "Express Image of Jesus", for the purpose of coming under the authority of the Holy Spirit, something Jesus can otherwise only do. Then, God would of had to create Moses as a spiritual being from the beginning, before creation, for this purpose. Similar to how Jesus was created, but in no way as dominant as Jesus. If Moses's Salvation was never threatened, then you may ask, why then did Moses abstain from Sin? Not just Moses abstained from sin, because sin is unnatural and uncomely and unprofitable. All the Hebrews also abstained from sin, because as beings with freewill they have the right to choose to be faithful, just like other people have the right to promote suicide.

Are you seeing a Psychiatrist at this time?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Jesus revealed the "Express Image of Himself", when he revealed "Moses and Elias (God)". I agree there is a problem with that argument, perhaps we can substitute, "Moses and Elias (God)", for "Moses and the Rock". Then if Moses is the Antichrist, and God pours out Water from the Rock in Revelation to "Heal the Nations", like God poured our Water from the Rock that Moses struck (Num 20:11).

Then Jesus declared that he did not want to stand under the Cloud, or under the Rock to bring forth water from it. So he appointed Moses to do this, to bring out Star Wormwood.

If Moses is the "Express Image of Jesus", for the purpose of coming under the authority of the Holy Spirit, something Jesus can otherwise only do. Then, God would of had to create Moses as a spiritual being from the beginning, before creation, for this purpose. Similar to how Jesus was created, but in no way as dominant as Jesus. If Moses's Salvation was never threatened, then you may ask, why then did Moses abstain from Sin? Not just Moses abstained from sin, because sin is unnatural and uncomely and unprofitable. All the Hebrews also abstained from sin, because as beings with freewill they have the right to choose to be faithful, just like other people have the right to promote suicide.

(Star Wormwood is not in some distant and remote place in the universe, if the Antichrist is here and now, then Star Wormwood is also here and now)

Do you belong to a "Cult?"


New member
Are you seeing a Psychiatrist at this time?

The Cure and Vaccination to Ebola was produced in a record time, considering the fact that its complexity has eliminated this possibility previously. The Antichrist was recovering from the effects of one of the radioactive elements, shortly before being subjected to ebola, so I don't know what solution their using, or if it will cause adverse effect. God killed Moses at 120 years, took him and put his spiritual essence into the earth, simply because God declared that Man will not live for more then 120 years. That being said, Moses if he is the antichrist is designed to operate in the flesh, no differently then he had operated 3500 or so years ago. At some point his biology will see "age" as an illness and it will attempt to eliminate it. The Antichrist if the gospel decares he will live for 12,000 days ... there is no way he will live to be 120 or more years, so we don't know how his biology will be modified at that time. At best we've gained a few solutions to all the major illnesses ... including cancer, but this solution cannot be used on all forms of genetic expression. (hypothetically speaking, and it would be good if credibility was not added to any of these statements).

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Cure and Vaccination to Ebola was produced in a record time, considering the fact that its complexity has eliminated this possibility previously. The Antichrist was recovering from the effects of one of the radioactive elements, shortly before being subjected to ebola, so I don't know what solution their using, or if it will cause adverse effect. God killed Moses at 120 years, took him and put his spiritual essence into the earth, simply because God declared that Man will not live for more then 120 years. That being said, Moses if he is the antichrist is designed to operate in the flesh, no differently then he had operated 3500 or so years ago. At some point his biology will see "age" as an illness and it will attempt to eliminate it. The Antichrist if the gospel decares he will live for 12,000 days ... there is no way he will live to be 120 or more years, so we don't know how his biology will be modified at that time. At best we've gained a few solutions to all the major illnesses ... including cancer, but this solution cannot be used on all forms of genetic expression. (hypothetically speaking, and it would be good if credibility was not added to any of these statements).

I see you have a difficult time trying to articulate sanity. So, you
choose to make insane comments.


Well-known member
Jesus revealed the "Express Image of Himself", when he revealed "Moses and Elias (God)". I agree there is a problem with that argument, perhaps we can substitute, "Moses and Elias (God)", for "Moses and the Rock". Then if Moses is the Antichrist, and God pours out Water from the Rock in Revelation to "Heal the Nations", like God poured our Water from the Rock that Moses struck (Num 20:11).

Then Jesus declared that he did not want to stand under the Cloud, or under the Rock to bring forth water from it. So he appointed Moses to do this, to bring out Star Wormwood.

If Moses is the "Express Image of Jesus", for the purpose of coming under the authority of the Holy Spirit, something Jesus can otherwise only do. Then, God would of had to create Moses as a spiritual being from the beginning, before creation, for this purpose. Similar to how Jesus was created, but in no way as dominant as Jesus. If Moses's Salvation was never threatened, then you may ask, why then did Moses abstain from Sin? Not just Moses abstained from sin, because sin is unnatural and uncomely and unprofitable. All the Hebrews also abstained from sin, because as beings with freewill they have the right to choose to be faithful, just like other people have the right to promote suicide.

(Star Wormwood is not in some distant and remote place in the universe, if the Antichrist is here and now, then Star Wormwood is also here and now)

Your mixed up a bit friend. You are crazier than me, and most folks think I am way out in space someplace. But I will enjoy your company. The scriptures mention only one "express image", the one in Heb 1:3. It has nothing to do with Moses. But I am glad that your at least thinking about what could be.

The express image of God is not Jesus for Jesus is a man and God is a spirit. English translations from the Greek can be misleading.