ECT What gospel was Paul saved under?

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TOL Subscriber
So quit doing just that - Christ IS the gospel of Christ in BOTH Prophecy AND The Mystery.

Within EACH of those TWO within this TWO Fold PURPOSE OF GOD...

Of Who - OF GOD...

CHRIST IS the power OF GOD for salvation to everyone that believeth.

YOU are GROSSLY OVER simplifiying certain words, phrases and passages, at the expense of other passages.

Talk about a little leaven; you've gone on to open a bakery :chuckle:

I don't have time to address everything in your post as you ramble on constantly, but these things must be addressed!I do not pervert the gospel of Christ. Show where I have ever put anything in front of the gospel of Christ as a stumbling block like the religious, but lost with their repent and forsake your sins, confess this or that, do this or do that...You can't!

And your biggest of all your blunders to date: Christ is not the gospel of Christ as you say! Christ is not an IT!

The truth: What Christ did on the cross in our stead/the WHY of the cross is the good news of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV that is the power of God unto salvation to very one that believeth! That is what saith the scripture! Why did you change what saith the scripture below?

CHRIST IS the power OF GOD for salvation to everyone that believeth.

It says this:

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

And as to

YOU are GROSSLY OVER simplifiying certain words, phrases and passages, at the expense of other passages.
I'm not the one changing what saith the scripture above!
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New member
I'd love to see a two column "right" and "wrong" describing the issues.

It is the principle being practiced that is the core issue.

Focus on the supposed right and or wrong the principle is actually the origin of, and what actually needs to be seen - the principle - is too often missed.

We MADs deal with this very distinction between example and principle, all the time - with those not MAD.

And what do they end up focusing on?

The supposed right and or wrong - as, off they go to search out more passages - oblivious to the very principle we MADs had actually been attempting to point out.

Well, MADs are not immune to this either.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Nick is another favorite - and he can be as one way or the highway as our FELLOW MAD sister, heir, lol


13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.

Even thought he was preaching to the Isralites about faith plus works, it applies to me. There is no alternate route, unlike the claims of some like Joel Frosteen.


New member
Yes sir, I need to drop from 222.22 pounds to a more Whalenesque 192.22 pounds.

We have missed each other's point.

It will have to be as it has been.

Two different manners of perception.

I am fine with that; I find these distinctions in perception between people much more fascinating then the limit on perception that is the conclusion of one towards another - the conclusion of "no, you are the one wrong."

Yours, bro - both you, and yours - my fellow MADs - IN Him :)

Eph. 4:16


New member
Did someone notify the mods that there is a technical problem on TOL,i.e., I know Danoh mentioned my greatness in the above list, more than once, but it was not in the post, when he pressed "Post Quick Reply."

Lol, it was on my know in our hearts you are TOL/The MADs "cat's meow" brother :)

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I see more than one transition in Acts of the Apostles.

36 “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.”

17 If therefore God gave them the same gift as He gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could withstand God?”

11 But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved in the same manner as they.”

29 Then he called for a light, ran in, and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. 30 And he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”

31 So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.

31 preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him.

Right Divider

Body part
It is the principle being practiced that is the core issue.

Focus on the supposed right and or wrong the principle is actually the origin of, and what actually needs to be seen - the principle - is too often missed.

We MADs deal with this very distinction between example and principle, all the time - with those not MAD.

And what do they end up focusing on?

The supposed right and or wrong - as, off they go to search out more passages - oblivious to the very principle we MADs had actually been attempting to point out.

Well, MADs are not immune to this either.
I understand the concept of wrong conclusions based on wrong principles. I just wanted a few examples of the wrong conclusion that I would see what the deal was.

Even after reading many of your posts, I'm not completely clear on the actual principle that is being violated.


Good news = GRACE so like anyone who is saved they are saved by GRACE.

That's right. Men have always been saved by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-9). Judaizers think they can go to heaven by keeping the law. :eek:linger: On the other side is the greasy gracer
(or extreme gracer) who has turned God's grace into a license to sin. :banana: They say things like: What sin? 1 Jn 1:10 Or,
That wasn't written to me. :listen: 1 John was written to the believer.

You don't confess your sin just once. :dizzy: When you sin, you confess it to the Lord (1 Jn 1:9). This is called a relationship.

Neither the law-keeper nor the greasy gracer are going in the rapture. Their only hope will be to: lose their head, starve to death, endure the rape gangs--anything to avoid taking the mark of the beast.

If your child is born during that time you might be given the choice of watching him lose his fingers one by one or take the mark of the beast. Islam won't be much of an issue--they'll mostly be dead. Mostly.

If you take the mark of the beast, you will be forever changed. You will have no hope of ever going to heaven. You will become a beast (Ge 10:9).

Leave some food, silver, a gun for your law-keeping or greasy gracer friend. Leave notes--words of encouragement. He's going to need it.

If you take the mark of the beast, it's lights out. But I don't need to tell you that. An angel will tell you that (Re 14:9-10). :rapture:


Has the Law has been done away with?
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And you are complete in him (Jesus Christ) Colossians 2:10

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
a more Whalenesque 192.22 pounds

192.22 isn't Whalenesque, but it is more Whalenesque than 222.22!!!

Oh, now you are TOL's resident "Ms Landers," eh squirt? Why don't you start a thread on TOL, call it "Wally Cleaver's Lessons Gleaned from State College," and charge $200 per day, plus expenses, wise guy? You Eddie Haskell/propozon types are real cards.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Oh, now you are TOL's resident "Ms Landers," eh squirt? Why don't you start a thread on TOL, call it "Wally Cleaver's Lessons Gleaned from State College," and charge $200 per day, plus expenses, wise guy? You Eddie Haskell/propozon types are real cards.

I would like to find out why Ward wore his dress slacks to "work in the garage" on Saturdays.
Didn't he know that he would dirty them, and make a moulage out of them?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I would like to find out why Ward wore his dress slacks to "work in the garage" on Saturdays.
Didn't he know that he would dirty them, and make a moulage out of them?

And why he wore his "office" suit at dinner, every night? When I get home, I put on my Sponge Bob sweat shirt, bunny shirt, my boxers, tube socks, and fire up my "New and Improved George Foreman Grill," and serve it up on my TV dinner tray. He's a mite curious.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
And why he wore his "office" suit at dinner, every night? When I get home, I put on my Sponge Bob sweat shirt, bunny shirt, my boxers, tube socks, and fire up my "New and Improved George Foreman Grill," and serve it up on my TV dinner tray. He's a mite curious.

Yes sir. I suppose he wanted to look fatherly in case Mary Ann Rogers came over to see Wally, or if Richard Rickover came over to see the Beav.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes sir. I suppose he wanted to look fatherly in case Mary Ann Rogers came over to see Wally, or if Richard Rickover came over to see the Beav.

Mary "Ann" Rogers, you quip, Mayor "Gilligan?" Mary Ellen Rogers:

View attachment 24524

Next up: Mary Ann Grace?

Wonder what causes your melt downs, Mayor? Must be a compelsion complex.


There is only one Gospel--the announcement by God that he can accept sinful man because of what Christ accomplished.

That's right.

“Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." Lk 22:31–32

The Lord didn't pray for Satan not to attack Simon. He didn't pray that Satan would leave Simon alone. He didn't pray that Simon was going to have an easy life and go on and do whatever he wants and have a great ministry. He prayed that Simon would keep the faith (Winfrey).

We are in
the Twilight Zone and :listen: he's coming at the midnight hour.

In The Midnight Hour ~ The Roxy Music

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