ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
... statistics show that every time a country has made abortion illegal again after it had been legal, the abortion rate has gone WAY UP !!!!
... statistics show that every time a country has made abortion illegal again after it had been legal, the abortion rate has gone WAY UP !!!!
Long before their bad behaviour and extended drug abuse has caused a lot of the mental damage
on these losers,
its clear from simple visual inspection that they are suffering from genetic damage
and malformation of growth due probably to nutritional problems of the parents,
and probable systemic alcohol abuse by their ancestors.
The deformed and bizzare distortions of facial features reveal
the kinds of freak-effects caused by alcohol and malnutrition.
These queers don't reflect the image of God as God intended in the garden of Eden.
According to Evolutionists, their features reflect throwbacks to ancient ape ancestors.
Only because you let me, by wasting your life as a troll.
Frankly Naz, you may as well live in a tin foil hat. You're one of the must nutty conspiracy theorists on here and need help.
There was a time in history when a man pointed out the genetic inferiority of people. In his eyes, there was only one master race, everybody else useless. This man is responsible for the murders of some 13 million people. Are you proud to be in that company?
The latest in a long line of deformed ugly, DNA-damaged losers who suffer from psychotic mental illness,
and who are a danger to themselves and others.
Suspect A: Deformed nose, 4th stage Syphilis skin condition, probably from child-prostitution. Mild mono-brow, splayed eyes.
Suspect B: Neanderthal forehead, baby-fat pudgy face, eyes too far apart in head,
droopy stoned appearance from heroin or morphine habit, unable to grow full beard
due to infantile underdevelopment.
Both suspects have appearance of sub-mental capacity, probably IQ level = 80-100
The latest in a long line of deformed ugly, DNA-damaged losers who suffer from psychotic mental illness,
and who are a danger to themselves and others.
Suspect A: Deformed nose, 4th stage Syphilis skin condition, probably from child-prostitution. Mild mono-brow, splayed eyes.
Suspect B: Neanderthal forehead, baby-fat pudgy face, eyes too far apart in head,
droopy stoned appearance from heroin or morphine habit, unable to grow full beard
due to infantile underdevelopment.
Both suspects have appearance of sub-mental capacity, probably IQ level = 80-100
Posts like this one seek to excuse wicked murderers on various grounds that, if true, would make their actions not entirely within their control. Genetic throwbacks? Low IQ? Tertiary syphillis brain rot? Fetal alcohol syndrome? Psychotic? Abused as a child? All excuses that would render their actions not entirely within their control.
But if they were simply evil - and they were - then their choice of actions were 100% theirs, and 100% their responsibility. They will answer to God for what they did.
Beware Naz, the clumsy lying stealth lefitst seeking to excuse the wicked and deny the righteous judgment of God.
The latest in a long line of deformed ugly, DNA-damaged losers who suffer from psychotic mental illness,
and who are a danger to themselves and others.
Suspect A: Deformed nose, 4th stage Syphilis skin condition, probably from child-prostitution. Mild mono-brow, splayed eyes.
Suspect B: Neanderthal forehead, baby-fat pudgy face, eyes too far apart in head,
droopy stoned appearance from heroin or morphine habit, unable to grow full beard
due to infantile underdevelopment.
Both suspects have appearance of sub-mental capacity, probably IQ level = 80-100
Is that original or are you quoting Darwin or Sanger? Sounds like it came out of the pages of pro-abortion, Nazi, eugenic propaganda.
Low IQ has nothing to do with criminality. Neither does appearance.
Sad to see such "progressive" thoughts infiltrate the mind of a Christian under the guise of righteous anger.