And you miss the point too.
I see the terrorists acting like demoniacs
And you miss the point too.
There are sick people around, and I am not referring to the people in the photos.
Genetically inferior... :think: well maybe they can all be rounded up and put into camps and starved, tortured and experimented on. And last but not least, exterminate them. You know, like Hitler did, problem solved.lain:
I don't think you were referring to everyone alive today in the OP. That's quite evident. But at least you said there's "no point" in doing the same thing that Hitler did to those he considered to be genetically inferior. So that's good to hear.No point. Everyone alive today is genetically damaged.
You haven't got enough genetic material to put together a single normal person.
The best thing the survivors of the last 2,000 years of genetic destruction can do is prepare to meet thy God.
Genetic superiority.
It's a full-on racial supremacy thread. Nazaroo's boldly led TOL to a new low.
Genetic superiority.
It's a full-on racial supremacy thread. Nazaroo's boldly led TOL to a new low.
Theophilus, you make it sound as though there would not have been any abortions if Roe v Wade had never happened . You're a typical deluded anti-choicer .
And you shouldn't call a fetus aborted a two to four weeks a "baby ".
It's a FETUS . Baby is such a loaded, manipulative , emotion-laden term used to fan the flames of anti-choice frenzy .
There were countless illegal abortions before Roe and there still would have been countless ones even if it had never happened . And if our government is ever stupid enough to make abortion illegal again, the abortion rate will actually INCREASE .
Abortion has been common all over the world for thousands of years and will always happen ,like it or not . Trying to stop it by making it illegal is like trying to stop a forest fire by pouring gasoline on it .
Genetic superiority.
It's a full-on racial supremacy thread. Nazaroo's boldly led TOL to a new low.
The media is notorious for spreading this kind of mentality.If you've noticed this kind of thing's getting more and more acceptable in public.
The media is notorious for spreading this kind of mentality.
If you've noticed this kind of thing's getting more and more acceptable in public.
it's called freedom of speech, you jack-booted thug
It is really called Ill bred, ill mannered, uncivil, self-serving thugs, Inc.
Ever notice that the yahoos who go loud and long about "free speech" usually are the ones with the least to actually say?
Theophilus, you make it sound as though there would not have been any abortions if Roe v Wade had never happened . You're a typical deluded anti-choicer .
And you shouldn't call a fetus aborted a two to four weeks a "baby ".
It's a FETUS . Baby is such a loaded, manipulative , emotion-laden term used to fan the flames of anti-choice frenzy .
There were countless illegal abortions before Roe and there still would have been countless ones even if it had never happened .
And if our government is ever stupid enough to make abortion illegal again, the abortion rate will actually INCREASE .
Abortion has been common all over the world for thousands of years and will always happen ,like it or not . Trying to stop it by making it illegal is like trying to stop a forest fire by pouring gasoline on it .
My question is:
Why does the world (and America more specifically) burst into flame when Americans are killed by jihadists but only a few anyone's burst into flame when Americans have killed millions of babies?
And if you're a full-term infant and you are being birthed, why is it acceptable for a physician (I say that loosely) to jam a pair of scissors into you brain with the intent of disrupting enough tissue to kill you?
Whatever happened to "Thou shalt not commit murder?
Why aren't more Americans squawking about THAT?
Seems to me we need to clean our own house before we fuss about other's killing us. Specifically, if we as a nation do not value our innocent children why fuss about killing the rest of us?
Ever notice that the yahoos who go loud and long about "free speech" usually are the ones with the least to actually say?
You'd think such high caliber, righteous paragons of humanity would have something better to do than sit on an internet forum all day heckling other folks like an idiot, but no they don't.
vile racists
They're stupid
Someday, the moderates and non-ideologues won't pity them anymore.
of course, you're above heckling or feeling self-righteous, right?
never mind
we don't need your pity
we have the guns :banana: