What Genetically inferior Losers Look Like

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"The Sovereignty of God. What do we mean by this expression? We mean the supremacy of God, the kingship of God, the god-hood of God. To say that God is Sovereign is to declare that God is God. To say that God is Sovereign is to declare that He is the Most High, doing according to His will in the army of Heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, so that none can stay His hand or say unto Him what doest Thou? (Dan. 4:35). To say that God is Sovereign is to declare that He is the Almighty, the Possessor of all power in Heaven and earth, so that none can defeat His counsels, thwart His purpose, or resist His will (Psa. 115:3). To say that God is Sovereign is to declare that He is "The Governor among the nations" (Psa. 22:28), setting up kingdoms, overthrowing empires, and determining the course of dynasties as pleaseth Him best. To say that God is Sovereign is to declare that He is the "Only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords" (1 Tim. 6:15). Such is the God of the Bible." ~A. W. Pink

Apparently you and I define "sovereignty" differently. I like Pink's version just fine.

Apparently. Pink sounds here like a blaring toot on a trumpet signifying nothing.

The underlined above appears to simply empty all meaning for "sovereignty"
and go against what a large number of Christian preachers have claimed.

If all we are asserting is that God is God, that's mere tautology.
Following with a long list of titles historically attributed to God changes nothing tangible.
Seems like a lot of hand-waving with little explanation as to how
God's will works out versus man's will.

But thanks.

Also declaring God to be "the God of the Bible" is worthless unless
we take what God teaches about Himself seriously.
For Jews God identifies Himself with the Ten Commandments,
and for Christians God's nature is revealed in the example and teachings of Jesus.

This is precisely why Islam does not preach the SAME God as the God of
the Bible, even though they openly claim that they do.

Right. A loving father doesn't use floods and wars and Babylonians and radicalized Muslims to judge sin and sinners.

Well, God DOES use floods. Wars are prophesied, not necessarily approved.
and sin is sin. God allows sinners to punish each other because
essentially you LOSE Divine Protection when you are disobedient.

The sins sinners commit against each other are still sins,
and do not necessarily reflect the correct, just, and merciful judgement
that ultimately God intends for each sinner and which will be handed out
on Judgement Day.

Thieves steal from each other stolen goods,
Murderers kill each other.
Johns sometimes abuse prostitutes.
Their actions are not just, merciful or justified by God,
but neither is God taking sides in disputes between those who reject Him.

Scriptural citation for all of that underlined please?

The story in Acts is plain enough.
Paul was knocked off his horse and blinded,
obviously AGAINST his will and purpose,
which was to arrest and execute Christians.

God stopped him by force, violating Paul's free will.
That much should be clear without needing 'proof texts'.

The problem is that while all free will is limited (we can't fly using our free will),
the will of some people is routinely limited far more than others.
For instance, when a man is imprisoned or forced to pay a fine,
his free will is restricted quite significantly,
and thats perfectly fair under the Law of God and even the Laws of secular powers.
Even criminals have codes and armies have rules.

My point was that generally, people arent' automatically under a death sentence
as if that were just.
Death may be certain, and Eternal life may not be assumed,
but neither predicament explains free will or the will of God.

Death is indeed certain until the Return of Christ,
but it is not always just or timely and is often the result of sin,
meaning innocent people have been murdered.
Murder by definition is an unjust death.

Likewise Eternal Life is a new offer through Christ,
who conquered death.
But its not automatically available to everybody,
and its not unconditional.
It requires a New Covenant and repentance.

While you may not deserve death under the law,
you will not be likely to avoid it due to the previous sins of others
and the sinful state of the earth and creation.

While you may deserve Eternal Life,
having never committed a sin worthy of death or chains,
Eternal Life is still conditional upon accepting Jesus and receiving Him
and the Holy Spirit and that means accepting and obeying His teaching and commands.

I'm pretty sure all of the latter fall under "the souls that sins shall die."

And I'm pretty sure that when Christian preachers quote Ezekiel to support
the doctrine that all sin leads to a death sentence, they are completely
misrepresenting the teaching intended in Ezekiel chapter 18.

Many sins DON'T lead to death, for instance stealing.
Stealing a sheep requires paying back 4 sheep, under the Law of God.
Not a death sentence.

As popular as this out of context quote is, you have bungled it.

What God asserts through Ezekiel in these paragraphs is that
the person who commits the mortal sin described (i.e, murder)
is the one who should be or will be punished for it. That is God's will.
No substitutions and no stand-ins for sinners.
Those who push the substitutionary death of Jesus as God's will
have failed to understand this passage.
Jesus may be Redeemer, and Saviour, but he's not a substitutionary sacrifice.
God doesn't allow substitutions for sinners.
If you doubt that, ask the two men crucified beside Jesus
if they were able to escape their punishment, even though
at least one of them was saved in the next life.


Well-known member
James 2:10 - For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all.

What's your point?

I have 10,000 points and when I stand in judgement before El Shaddai my conscience will be 10,000 witnesses.

Hallelujah I am covered in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. I can't wait for Him to say to me..."Well done good and faithful servant. You spent 500,000 hours of your life watching television. Enter into the joy of your Master."



New member
It’s up to you to prove that they or their parents were drug abusers. If you can’t prove it then asserting it is bearing false witness which is wicked and evil.

Opium, Heroin,



Cocaine, Crack


Hashish, Marijuana


More Afghan families turn to cannabis cultivation

High crop prices fuel increase in number of growers, adding to drug-control problems in world leader for opium production


An Afghan farmer smokes hashish Photograph: Mindaugas Kulbis/AP Emma Graham-Harrison in Kabul
Monday 8 October 2012 15.35 BST Last modified on Wednesday 21 May 2014 09.51 BST

The number of Afghan families growing cannabis as a cash crop leapt by more than a third last year, the UN has said.
The increase adds to the drug-control problem in a country that is already the world's top producer of opium.
Prices for the best quality resin have nearly tripled since 2009, to $95 (£60) a kilogramme, adding to the lure of a crop that can earn farmers more than opium poppies. It is also is generally looked on more leniently by authorities targeting drug crops.
As a result, Afghanistan's importance as a source of cannabis resin for world markets may be growing, the report warns, as other producers, such as Morocco, are producing a smaller share.
Afghan farmers were expected to produce around 1,300 tonnes of cannabis in 2011, the Afghanistan cannabis survey estimated. That is a similar amount to the previous two years, but with many more farmers turning to the crop.
Jean-Luc Lemahieu, the head of the UNODC office in Afghanistan, said: "It is clear that while the domestic consumption is very high, it does not nearly cover the 1,300 tons produced during 2011. The export of cannabis is thus a significant economic life line."
Around 65,000 households grew cannabis in 2011, compared with 47,000 the year before, its said. The survey omits "kitchen garden" growers, who cultivate a handful of plants for themselves or to sell locally: these are believed to produce a tiny fraction of the national crop.
"The cannabis price rise has developed in parallel with the opium price hike caused by the opium crop failure in 2010, making its per-hectare income similar to that of opium and thus financially very attractive to farmers," the UN report said.
"But because cannabis cultivation is less labour intensive – less weeding is involved and the extraction of 'garda' (powdered cannabis resin) can be done at home in a matter of weeks with the help of family members instead of hired labour – it is actually more cost-effective than opium."
Unlike opium, which matures rapidly and needs little irrigation, cannabis is a water-intensive crop that needs a long time to grow, prohibiting the planting of another crop. Partly for this reason, farmers tend to grow the plant on a sporadic basis rather than every year.
But the two illicit crops often coexist, with the centre of cannabis cultivation shifting from the north to the opium poppy heartland in the south over the last five years, the report said.
"There is a clear geographical association between opium and cannabis cultivation at the provincial level," the report said. "That association exists at a household level, too, with almost two thirds of cannabis-growing households (58%) also reporting poppy cultivation in the preceding season."
Three-quarters of farmers said they grew the crop because of high sales prices; the 2011 crop was worth around $95m, the UN estimated, although this was less than the 2010 crop. That year, a larger crop was produced, but by fewer households.



Well-known member
Ya' know...

...all of them there third-worlders' wouldn't be growing all of that if American's weren't lining up for it.

God will judge us as a nation for this; before Judgement Day.


New member
James 2:10 - For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all.

Again, another hyperbolic exaggeration fueled by mistranslation.

Sorry, but a person who steals a loaf of bread is not guilty of murder.

If that were true, God would be a useless psychopath.

What James (Jacob) meant here is made clearer with a better translation:

'For whoever keeps the whole TORAH COVENANT and yet stumbles on any part,
is guilty of violating the whole Covenant.'
- Jacob to the Twelve Tribes 2:10

That is, the person who for instance keeps other 'laws' but doesn't keep the Sabbath,
no longer remains in the Jewish Covenant between God and Israel.
He is no longer a religious Jew or Torah observant Covenanter.

Violating one commandment doesn't mean he's under a death sentence or cannot be restored
to Covenant status.

Only that failure to continue walking in the O.T. Covenant for Israel
is a violation of both an obligation and a birthright.

Some Christians were teaching that Jews were no longer under Torah obligations.

That somehow Jesus' Advent meant they no longer should or had to keep
Covenant laws or identify as Jews.

James (Jacob) points out that no, Jews must continue under Covenant Law,
and Torah Covenant commitment.
Redemption and Salvation under Jesus did not mean they were no longer Jews,
or no longer had any obligations to continue living religious lives under Torah instructions.

The Torah is our teacher to bring us to Messiah, but we don't abandon it
once we get there.


New member

Do you get as bent over abortion as you do Islam?

yes. It is quite obviously murder if not sanctioned or commanded by God Himself.
Have you ever heard an abortionist claim God told him to kill?
Seems like an automatic guilty plea right there - saves trial costs.

For instance,
killing someone on your own is murder,
but an appointed officer of the court of Israel executing someone is not murder.
Its an obligation under the Laws of God and Covenant.

Recently, Mathusians and Eugenicists have used abortion to
attempt to exterminate certain ethnic groups (along with using other dirty tricks).

Obviously genocide without God's approval is also murder.


Well-known member
I just find it peculiar that "the whole world" is flipping out over ISIS but few are flipping out about the USA killing over 60 million innocent babies.

Methinks WE are the superlative killers.


New member
I just find it peculiar that "the whole world" is flipping out over ISIS but few are flipping out about the USA killing over 60 million innocent babies.

Methinks WE are the superlative killers.

Why say "we" when its American Liberal-Atheist corporate uber-rich Eugenicists
who finance it and control the government?

Can't hold hillbillies responsible for what sleazy homosexual pedophile lawyers do.

hillbillies may be guilty of incest but not genocide.


Well-known member
I say "we" corporately.

Like Daniel and his friends getting hauled off to Babylon.

God will judge this nation the same way He judged Israel.

Only the poor in the land were left.

Thank God for remnants.



Long before their bad behaviour and extended drug abuse has caused a lot of the mental damage
on these losers,
its clear from simple visual inspection that they are suffering from genetic damage
and malformation of growth due probably to nutritional problems of the parents,
and probable systemic alcohol abuse by their ancestors.

The deformed and bizzare distortions of facial features reveal
the kinds of freak-effects caused by alcohol and malnutrition.

These queers don't reflect the image of God as God intended in the garden of Eden.


According to Evolutionists, their features reflect throwbacks to ancient ape ancestors.



Is THIS (below) really fair?



Is this fairer?



No, it isn’t.

In our world, cartoons and opinions from ANY source masquerade as reality.

Political cartoons and pundits’ opinions are a bit like theology. They exist to demonstrate the artist’s interpretations of reality, not reality itself.

This is because actual reality is very complex and nuanced. It can only be partially described.

The Horn

Theophilus, you make it sound as though there would not have been any abortions if Roe v Wade had never happened . You're a typical deluded anti-choicer .
And you shouldn't call a fetus aborted a two to four weeks a "baby ".
It's a FETUS . Baby is such a loaded, manipulative , emotion-laden term used to fan the flames of anti-choice frenzy .
There were countless illegal abortions before Roe and there still would have been countless ones even if it had never happened . And if our government is ever stupid enough to make abortion illegal again, the abortion rate will actually INCREASE .
Abortion has been common all over the world for thousands of years and will always happen ,like it or not . Trying to stop it by making it illegal is like trying to stop a forest fire by pouring gasoline on it .
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