Theophilus, you make it sound as though there would not have been any abortions if Roe v Wade had never happened . You're a typical deluded anti-choicer .
And you shouldn't call a fetus aborted a two to four weeks a "baby ".
It's a FETUS . Baby is such a loaded, manipulative , emotion-laden term used to fan the flames of anti-choice frenzy .
There were countless illegal abortions before Roe and there still would have been countless ones even if it had never happened . And if our government is ever stupid enough to make abortion illegal again, the abortion rate will actually INCREASE .
Abortion has been common all over the world for thousands of years and will always happen ,like it or not . Trying to stop it by making it illegal is like trying to stop a forest fire by pouring gasoline on it .
What do you prefer Naz? Blonde hair, blue eyed white people?
The only race is the human race.Before you accuse me of "brazen racism",
what 'race' are these guys?
[/QUOTE]Looks like one of those humans that were created by another human.... where on earth did this image come from?
Hilarious Quincy.
Do you think I should reveal my own "race" on the internet? Whats yours?
What if my preference isn't my own race or gender?
What if my preferences change over time?
I think this week I prefer redheads with green eyes - you think thats ok?
But only people over 30 need apply.
Long before their bad behaviour and extended drug abuse has caused a lot of the mental damage
on these losers,
its clear from simple visual inspection that they are suffering from genetic damage
and malformation of growth due probably to nutritional problems of the parents,
and probable systemic alcohol abuse by their ancestors.
The deformed and bizzare distortions of facial features reveal
the kinds of freak-effects caused by alcohol and malnutrition.
These queers don't reflect the image of God as God intended in the garden of Eden.
According to Evolutionists, their features reflect throwbacks to ancient ape ancestors.
What do you prefer Naz? Blonde hair, blue eyed white people?
The first step in going to war. Dehumanize the enemy to make them easy to kill.
The first step in going to war. Dehumanize the enemy to make them easy to kill.
Got that right. O wait they did that first
No and I have no desire to.Ever kill anyone? Its not easy.
Dehumanizing propaganda of the type you posted is how you get a great many people to see another group if people as less than human. It is hard to kill a human, it is easier to kill a "rag head".Every soldier remembers his first kill. It can be fairly traumatic.
On the other hand, some people don't care at all, ever.
It has nothing to do with 'dehumanizing propaganda'. They're already efficient killers.
It is a tactic used by both sides in any war.
But who cares?
Propaganda works about as well as advertising does.
Its amusing and distracting, until something important comes along.
Look how well the Nazi propaganda machine worked on the rest of the Allies.
I think in fact the propaganda was ignored until the war was over,
when people had time to ponder it.
Nobody thought the Germans were "ragheads" in WW1 or WW2.
If anything they feared and admired their efficiency and scientific acumen.
In fact, as I recall, 150,000 German technicians were pardoned and given the best jobs in the USA.
The 'victors' cared more for acquiring technology than justice.
And the point soars right over your head.