Well, That's That

Jose Fly

New member
Not true. Marriage rights don't automatically grant non-discrimination status. Only some states have non-discrimination laws.

And anti-discrimination laws only apply to issues of public accommodation, not private activities, e.g., churches.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Faggots are not married, even if the state perverts the Bible and says it is.


Well-known member
Good for them. There is simply no reason to deny homosexuals the right to marriage in a secular society. Although, I do not see any good reason to deny them marriage in the church either, but that should be (and is) up to each religious group.

I do find it interesting that gay marriage is what conservative Christians fight against though. Given the amount of actual problems in the world today, spending resources on such a non-issue is alarming to say the least. Gay marriage hasn't brought anyone to ruin. Poverty, destruction of our livelihood through environmental abuse and disease has.


New member
Not true. Marriage rights don't automatically grant non-discrimination status. Only some states have non-discrimination laws.

we seem to be going in circles, Tax exempt status is a federal issue which can be enforced regardless on what the current sentiment is in a current state, like the case against Bob Jones U.

Jose Fly

New member
how exactly is a Christian university exempt. you seem to be ignoring the case against Bob Jones U

The SCOTUS ruling in that case specifically stated that it only applied to educational institutions, not "churches or other purely religious institutions". So yeah, I can see this ruling affecting places like Bob Jones in a similar way.

EDIT: However, after reading more about that case, today's ruling will only affect places like Bob Jones U. after discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation becomes federally illegal.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
And those reasons are?
It's not OK to be gay

Like 2000 years?? :noid:...without the consent of three married gay couples? ... :chuckle:
make you should look up the definition of public accommodation

You Christians need to harden up. The issue is homosexuality is not OK. Arguing about housing regulations is stupid. It's like that other thread where the right got sucked into a meaningless debate over a flag when the issue was nine people getting murdered.

Repeat after me: It's not OK to be gay.


New member
The SCOTUS ruling in that case specifically stated that it only applied to educational institutions, not "churches or other purely religious institutions". So yeah, I can see this ruling affecting places like Bob Jones in a similar way.

then why are you disagreeing with me? I even made a clarification in one my posts that churches would be excluded.


New member
EDIT: However, after reading more about that case, today's ruling will only affect places like Bob Jones U. after discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation becomes federally illegal.
It already is federally illegal as Obama has made it a point on trying to enforce that and secondly the supreme court raised it to a civil rights violation to discriminate based on "gay marriage".

Jose Fly

New member
It already is federally illegal as Obama has made it a point on trying to enforce that and secondly the supreme court raised it to a civil rights violation to discriminate based on "gay marriage".

No, there's no federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. There likely will be some day, but not currently.