Watch out, do not be deceived.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
No, I don't. The desire of the Israelite women was to be the mother of the Messiah.

If true, how will the anti-Christ manifest this ancient, but rather important, characteristic to us of not regarding the desire of women to be the mother of the Messiah?

Or, to put it another way; there are two traits that, in this verse, describe the anti-Christ. He will not regard (1) the God of his fathers, and (2) the Jewish desire of their women to be the mother of the Messiah. By linking these two traits together it would seem that Daniel is saying this anti-Christ will have Jewish heritage which he will reject. How will these characteristics be manifested to Christians who have known for thousands of years that Mary was the mother of the Messiah?


Well-known member
If true, how will the anti-Christ manifest this ancient, but rather important, characteristic to us of not regarding the desire of women to be the mother of the Messiah?

Or, to put it another way; there are two traits that, in this verse, describe the anti-Christ. He will not regard (1) the God of his fathers, and (2) the Jewish desire of their women to be the mother of the Messiah. By linking these two traits together it would seem that Daniel is saying this anti-Christ will have Jewish heritage which he will reject. How will these characteristics be manifested to Christians who have known for thousands of years that Mary was the mother of the Messiah?

Because the AC will be Muslim. The AC will be the Muslim Mahdi that the Satanic Quranic Hadith prophesies. These state that Jesus will come to Earth by descending to Damascus flanked by two angels. Then this (fake) Jesus will select the Mahdi. This fake Jesus will really be Satan posing as Jesus in his greatest ever deception.

The AC will worship this fake Jesus just as Revelation says and so will worship a god unknown to his fathers. Muslim also do not worship Jesus; the desire of women.

Right Divider

Body part
Because the AC will be Muslim. The AC will be the Muslim Mahdi that the Satanic Quranic Hadith prophesies. These state that Jesus will come to Earth by descending to Damascus flanked by two angels. Then this (fake) Jesus will select the Mahdi. This fake Jesus will really be Satan posing as Jesus in his greatest ever deception.

The AC will worship this fake Jesus just as Revelation says and so will worship a god unknown to his fathers. Muslim also do not worship Jesus; the desire of women.
Why do you believe prophecies from a FAKE source?


New member
Because the AC will be Muslim. The AC will be the Muslim Mahdi that the Satanic Quranic Hadith prophesies. These state that Jesus will come to Earth by descending to Damascus flanked by two angels. Then this (fake) Jesus will select the Mahdi. This fake Jesus will really be Satan posing as Jesus in his greatest ever deception.

The AC will worship this fake Jesus just as Revelation says and so will worship a god unknown to his fathers. Muslim also do not worship Jesus; the desire of women.

That's not what Jesus said..

John 17:12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.

He was speaking about Judas.. Antichrist will have the same profile.



Well-known member
Why do you believe prophecies from a FAKE source?

Depends on your POV. The Quran and Hadith prophesy's are the mirror image of Biblical prophesy, which swaps the bad guys for the good guys. Simple satanic deception. What better way to get people (Muslims) to die fighting for something, by making it a belief, that's how.

The Quran was dictated to Muhammad by Satan.


Well-known member
That's not what Jesus said..

John 17:12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.

He was speaking about Judas.. Antichrist will have the same profile.


I'm talking about Satan's end times deception that he set Islam up to do his bidding. Muslims believe in Jesus but only as a prophet, they deny He is God's Son or that He resurrected, but they believe he is coming back. Satan will pose as Jesus and return to Earth but will claim to be a god and will look just like Jesus. He will say that the Christian history of him is wrong while the Muslim history is true and that he is called Isa, the Muslim name for Jesus. This will very quickly cause the great falling away of the Christian Church that Paul spoke of in 2 Thessalonians. Then Satan will go to Damascus to select the Muslim Mahdi in accordance with Quranic prophecy, however this will really be the Anti-Christ of Biblical prophecy.

2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,

Right Divider

Body part
Depends on your POV. The Quran and Hadith prophesy's are the mirror image of Biblical prophesy, which swaps the bad guys for the good guys. Simple satanic deception.
So, in other words, the prophecies are NOT TRUE.

What better way to get people (Muslims) to die fighting for something, by making it a belief, that's how.

The Quran was dictated to Muhammad by Satan.
So why do you believe the FAKE prophecies contained within it?


Well-known member
So, in other words, the prophecies are NOT TRUE.

So why do you believe the FAKE prophecies contained within it?

I'm trying to explain:

Bible prophesy = True

Quranic prophesy's = Fake but written by Satan so that the Satanic religion of Islam has a belief that the Mahdi is the good guy rather that the bad guy, which the Bible say he is. i.e. The Anti-Christ.

Therefore it is also sort of true, if you see what I mean?

Right Divider

Body part
I'm trying to explain:

Bible prophesy = True

Quranic prophesy's = Fake but written by Satan so that the Satanic religion of Islam has a belief that the Mahdi is the good guy rather that the bad guy, which the Bible say he is. i.e. The Anti-Christ.

Therefore it is also sort of true, if you see what I mean?
I see how very confused that you are. Fake prophecies should not be believed.

The anti-Christ will be an Israelite, just like scripture says.


Well-known member
I see how very confused that you are. Fake prophecies should not be believed.

The anti-Christ will be an Israelite, just like scripture says.

Seeing as you are still saying 'fake prophesy', it seems that you still don't understand the premise of what I am explaining and therefore can not make in informed or measured comment.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
I'm trying to explain:

Bible prophesy = True

Quranic prophesy's = Fake but written by Satan so that the Satanic religion of Islam has a belief that the Mahdi is the good guy rather that the bad guy, which the Bible say he is. i.e. The Anti-Christ.

Therefore it is also sort of true, if you see what I mean?

Who's on first?

Sorry, I'm not poking fun.
I just felt like Lou Costello for a moment there.


Well-known member
The only true prophecies are the one's that come from the LORD GOD.

I understand your false premise just fine.

If you understand it then why are you still stating it's false per say. What i am trying to show you is that the Quranic prophesy will come true too, it is the deception within that event that will be fake. Can you see that?

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
I think what RD is pointing out (something that I agree with) is that when we include that which is contrary to God's Word to interpret it, we are opening a can of worms that cannot be contained, let alone agreed with. It sets a precedent that can have unlimited effects.

We know we can believe God when He speaks but we cannot believe the Quran, or any other secular or Satanic derived writings even if they seem to fall in line. The Bible stands on its own and does not need validation or addition from anywhere. In fact, this concept is discouraged.

This is not to say we would agree on the interpretation of Daniel 11, but that God gives us enough inspired information without resorting to uninspired writing.

It's like saying; "I am a follower of Jesus because my Tarot card reader admits that Jesus was a good man."


Well-known member
I think what RD is pointing out (something that I agree with) is that when we include that which is contrary to God's Word to interpret it, we are opening a can of worms that cannot be contained, let alone agreed with. It sets a precedent that can have unlimited effects.

We know we can believe God when He speaks but we cannot believe the Quran, or any other secular or Satanic derived writings even if they seem to fall in line. The Bible stands on its own and does not need validation or addition from anywhere. In fact, this concept is discouraged.

This is not to say we would agree on the interpretation of Daniel 11, but that God gives us enough inspired information without resorting to uninspired writing.

It's like saying; "I am a follower of Jesus because my Tarot card reader admits that Jesus was a good man."

No, you've miss understood what I am explaining. The analogy you give should be;

"I am a follower of Jesus because my Tarot card reader admits that Jesus was a bad man."

Or even better would be:

"I believe a fake Jesus will appear before the real Jesus because my Islamic friends Quran says that Jesus will return to Demascus to select a man who will rule the world."

I believe Satan (not Gabriel) dictated the Quran to Mohammad in order to set up a deception in the end times that will destroy the church and cause people to believe in the false religion of Islam just before Jesus returns.
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Right Divider

Body part
No, you've miss understood what I am explaining. The analogy you give should be;

"I am a follower of Jesus because my Tarot card reader admits that Jesus was a bad man."

Or even better would be:

"I believe a fake Jesus will appear before the real Jesus because my Islamic friends Quran says that Jesus will return to Demascus to select a man who will rule the world."

I believe Satan (not Gabriel) dictated the Quran to Mohammad in order to set up a deception in the end times that will destroy the church and cause people to believe in the false religion of Islam just before Jesus returns.
  • What you believe about satan and the Quran is irrelevant.
  • The Bible does not confirm your belief.
  • Your belief disagrees with what the Bible does say regarding the identity of the anti-Christ.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
I believe Satan (not Gabriel) dictated the Quran to Mohammad in order to set up a deception in the end times that will destroy the church and cause people to believe in the false religion of Islam just before Jesus returns.

Understand that I am not on the side of any of Satan's myriad deceptions, false religions, or attempts to destroy the church.
But please provide me with a verse from the Bible that confirms your statement.

I suggest you encourage yourself in the fact that the destruction of the Lord's church is impossible. We have His word on it. Matt 16:18KJV
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