Watch out, do not be deceived.


New member
The great tribulation took place when God used the Roman army to conquer the holy city, Jerusalem, in 70 AD and desecrate the temple.

No sense looking for something in the future that has already happened.

It takes too much interpreting of scripture as metaphorical for that to make sense to me.

The tricky thing about prophecy is that things happen that foreshadow the ultimate fulfillment. An Anti-christ did set up an abomination and bring an end to temple sacrifice. But there's too much that didn't happen for it to be the Anti-christ.


Luke 21:8
He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them.

Now I am not saying 'I am He' or that 'the time is near'. I am just a man who believes Jesus will return on the 6000th year.

Amos 3:7 – Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.

And God's plan is that 7 years before Jesus returns the Anti-Christ will appear and will take over the world thus beginning the Tribulation.

Therefore we will know who the real prophets of God are, because they will accurately predict when this happens.

I believe the tribulation begins in 2022.
I disagree with you. Do you want to talk about it?


New member
The great tribulation took place when God used the Roman army to conquer the holy city, Jerusalem, in 70 AD and desecrate the temple.

No sense looking for something in the future that has already happened.

While I think Watchman is wrong and has been disproven, I also think you are wrong. Care to prove your claim?

Lazy afternoon

Some people will know 3 days before Jesus comes to raise the dead 11 but are you sure it was that day which is not known , the Father only.


George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
It takes too much interpreting of scripture as metaphorical for that to make sense to me.

The tricky thing about prophecy is that things happen that foreshadow the ultimate fulfillment. An Anti-christ did set up an abomination and bring an end to temple sacrifice. But there's too much that didn't happen for it to be the Anti-christ.

I understand your 'metaphorical' objection. I applaud all efforts to allow scripture to speak plainly and for itself in context only. But we need to distinguish between metaphors, which are clearly used as teaching aids everywhere in the Bible (Heb 12:29KJV), and fables. Jesus spoke in parables; metaphors. He taught that His kingdom was not of this world and that it did not come by observation. He called Himself the light of the world and the bread of life. He used many opportunities to let His disciples know that His message was spirit/truth as opposed to expecting a physical outcome. Metaphor is not a dirty word.

But you have piqued my curiosity as to why you would think that an anti-Christ set up an abomination and ended the temple sacrifice.
The scribes and Pharisees, Jerusalem, the temple, and the whole Jewish system had nothing about it that was remotely Christian and that is what was targeted. An anti-Christ would surely want to destroy that which was specifically Christian would it not? How could Rome, or its army, be an anti-Christ if it knew nothing about Christianity, or Jesus, and it did not attack Christians?

Is it not possible that God Himself chose Rome as His instrument of abomination to show the world that He had vacated the temple because Jesus was the only sacrifice He would now accept for sin?

In Matthew 23 Jesus specifically pronounced the physical house of God as desolate.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
While I think Watchman is wrong and has been disproven, I also think you are wrong. Care to prove your claim?

Thanks for the invitation. lol

But its not my claim necessarily nor do I think specific "proof" exists for any eschatological system. I respect all views and recognize strengths and weaknesses in them all.

But when I read Matt 24:21KJV in its obvious Judean and immediate context, and compare Matt 24:15KJV with the parallel verses of Mark 13:14KJV and Luke 21:20KJV, then I connect Daniel's abomination of desolation with the Roman army of AD 70.

I also recognize that, while historical loss of life has been greater and will be again perhaps, this was the only time in history that God allowed complete destruction of His chosen people, and left them with no way for forgiveness of sins except by completely denouncing the only way of life they knew, Levitical sacrifice, in favour of Jesus' once and for all death on the cross. The Jews have suffered this punishment for 2000 years and, by and large, cannot escape from it.


Well-known member
Is your view viewed by you as dispensational? I ask because I am an ex-dispensationalist.

People speak of a six thousandth year and a seven year tribulation. Are you saying that you like Jesus do not know the day of His return?

Yes I'm a dispensationalist and believe that Jesus dies on the 4000th year. He will return on the 6000th year at Tabernacles which will be the 24th September 2029 and He will then reign for 1000 years. After this God the Father will then return to His creation.


Yes I'm a dispensationalist and believe that Jesus dies on the 4000th year. He will return on the 6000th year at Tabernacles which will be the 24th September 2029 and He will then reign for 1000 years. After this God the Father will then return to His creation.
I disagree with you. I hope that we can discuss this.


Watchman, surely God tells His prophets before He does something, but you have heard and not believed one of His prophets. So then, what do you do? What does He do? Remember, see Amos 3:7KJV. I say it is extremely soon. You say it is much farther than now, like extremely far. You'll find out when it happens. That's all that I can tell you.


Well-known member
Watchman, surely God tells His prophets before He does something, but you have heard and not believed one of His prophets. So then, what do you do? What does He do? Remember, see Amos 3:7KJV. I say it is extremely soon. You say it is much farther than now, like extremely far. You'll find out when it happens. That's all that I can tell you.

Actually you haven't told me when you think Jesus is returning, you've only said you believe we are in the final 3.5 years of the tribulation but as I have pointed out the Anti-Christ hasn't appeared; taken over the world, issue the mark of the beast or stopped the sacrifices in the temple (that hasn't even been built yet) and the false prophet isn't anywhere to be seen either.

What you have also told me is that you believe 70 year old Uri Geller the 1970's smash hit illusionist is the Anti-Christ and the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem that opened in 2015 is the supposed to be the temple, has Uri Geller ever visited this Museum?
