Was God responsible for Adam's sin?


This topic are Arminian's favorite question, a man made question improperly asked. Only the unregerates ask such question.


New member
Was God responsible for Adam's sin?

It depends on whether Yah Veh Elohim has free will and if He possesses the power to fulfil His will. Is He sovereign over time as He is over eternity ‘’Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’’.

The other question that must be asked is simple. Did Adam frustrate the will and purpose of Elohim? If one man could do this what would the billions of men born in time be able to do. Could each and every one of them also frustrate the will and the perfect purpose of the Eternal Almighty?

No, no and no.

And so, if Adam did not frustrate the Eternal will and purpose, he must have fulfilled the will and purpose. In this case all the children of Adam also fulfil His will and therefore man does not possess free will. The will of man is bound to and subject to the will and purpose of his creator and sustainer.


Well-known member
The other question that must be asked is simple. Did Adam frustrate the will and purpose of Elohim? If one man could do this what would the billions of men born in time be able to do. Could each and every one of them also frustrate the will and the perfect purpose of the Eternal Almighty?

No, no and no.

And so, if Adam did not frustrate the Eternal will and purpose, he must have fulfilled the will and purpose. In this case all the children of Adam also fulfil His will and therefore man does not possess free will. The will of man is bound to and subject to the will and purpose of his creator and sustainer.

So your theology essentially says that mass murderers do the will of God? Why even have laws then if whatsoever you do is the will of God? Cain was also a child of Adam and yet you state in the highlighted portion of your comments that all the children of Adam fulfill the will of God. However the Scripture clearly shows that Cain was warned even before he murdered his brother.

Do all Calvinists believe that Cain fulfilled the will of God? :rotfl:


New member
So your theology essentially says that mass murderers do the will of God? Why even have laws then if whatsoever you do is the will of God? Cain was also a child of Adam and yet you state in the highlighted portion of your comments that all the children of Adam fulfill the will of God. However the Scripture clearly shows that Cain was warned even before he murdered his brother.

Do all Calvinists believe that Cain fulfilled the will of God? :rotfl:

''The king's heart is in the hand of Yah Veh, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.''

Read the Bible and stop making inane statements about ''theology''.

I am not a calvinist.


Well-known member

So your theology essentially says that mass murderers do the will of God?

Thats right ! Rapist do the will of God, child molesters do the Will of God, homosexuals do the Will of God, God predetermined it all for His Glory, and whosoever does not believe this, dont know the True God at all !


Well-known member
''The king's heart is in the hand of Yah Veh, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.''

Read the Bible and stop making inane statements about ''theology''.

I am not a calvinist.

Okay, so you call yourself a "Messianist", but believe it or not that was a serious question. It is already clear from your comments that you believe Cain fulfilled the will of God but I was wondering about the other Calvinists here in this thread. Was it the will of God that Abel be slaughtered like a lamb? :)


Well-known member

Thats right ! Rapist do the will of God, child molesters do the Will of God, homosexuals do the Will of God, God predetermined it all for His Glory, and whosoever does not believe this, dont know the True God at all !

WOW! I truly had no idea this is what Calvinists truly believed, I mean, not to that extent. So you say that if I do not choose to agree with you that God wanted Abel slaughtered like a lamb then I "dont know the 'True God' at all"?

Excuse me, once again, :rotfl:


Already knew the direction of this thread before going to it :chuckle:

There are intellectual dilemmas that some pretend do not exist, and the very existence of the Tree of Knowledge is a good subject to reveal such.

For example, if God is all knowing, then surely He knew that inequity would be found in Satan, who would then tempt Eve, who would then swoon Adam to partake in the Forbidden Fruit.
And yet, He created them anyway, as if their own natures were already established by the will of God.

There was, unarguably, a predestined nature to this entire thing- they had the beatific vision, they were perfect and innocent- so how can any of it be altered otherwise?

John Calvin makes this statement:
Augustine does not disagree with me when he says that it is the faculty of the reason and the will to choose God with the assistance of grace, evil, when grace is absent.


Well-known member
WOW! I truly had no idea this is what Calvinists truly believed, I mean, not to that extent. So you say that if I do not choose to agree with you that God wanted Abel slaughtered like a lamb then I "dont know the 'True God' at all"?

Excuse me, once again, :rotfl:

You read what I said, I didnt stutter !


New member
WOW! I truly had no idea this is what Calvinists truly believed, I mean, not to that extent. So you say that if I do not choose to agree with you that God wanted Abel slaughtered like a lamb then I "dont know the 'True God' at all"?

Excuse me, once again, :rotfl:

Are you not aware that Elohim had His Son slaughtered as a lamb?

''Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of Elohim, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:'' Acts 2:23 KJV

''He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth. Like a lamb led to the slaughter and like a sheep silent before her shearers, He did not open His mouth.''

Your enmity against the Eternal Almighty is obvious.


Well-known member

Thats right ! Rapist do the will of God, child molesters do the Will of God, homosexuals do the Will of God, God predetermined it all for His Glory, and whosoever does not believe this, dont know the True God at all !

Exactly! God's Will determines all others' will Dan. 4:35 KJV ; Job 21:30 KJV, Job 23:13-14 KJV.



New member
Exactly! God's Will determines all others' will Dan. 4:35 KJV ; Job 21:30 KJV, Job 23:13-14 KJV.


If you truly knew the Eternal Almighty and understood His hatred of pride. You wouldn't be following Bel52 around this site fueling his pride by fawning over his every post.


Well-known member
If you truly knew the Eternal Almighty and understood His hatred of pride. You wouldn't be following Bel52 around this site fueling his pride by fawning over his every post.

Your words are the evidence of a wicked heart Jer. 17:9, and all according to God's Will.



Well-known member
Your enmity against the Eternal Almighty is obvious.

Okay, so to recap, you believe Cain fulfilled the will of God and that God wanted Abel murdered. And, although you are not a Calvinist, your associate, "Beloved57", believes and shouts from the roof tops, "Rapist(s) do the will of God, child molesters do the Will of God, homosexuals do the Will of God, God predetermined it all for His Glory, and whosoever does not believe this, dont know the True God at all !", and another steps in and says, "Already knew the direction of this thread before going to it :chuckle: ", (preordained and foreknown I suppose? :chuckle:) then another associate, "Nanja", chimes in with an affirmation of the statement shouted from the roof tops by "Beloved57", ("Rapist(s) do the will of God, child molesters do the Will of God, homosexuals do the Will of God, God predetermined it all for His Glory, and whosoever does not believe this, dont know the True God at all !") saying in response to Beloved57's remarks, "Exactly! God's Will determines all others", and you now say to me, "Your enmity against the Eternal Almighty is obvious"??
