Warning. Dangerous Content. How does a person get help from the United States of Am


So much for your thread exclaiming to everyone how you are going to be nice and kind to everyone... that sure didn't last long lol.

Nice does not mean being a naïve. It says to test the spirit. we cannot do it by being naïve.

I was talking about not being so hasty criticizing anyone.

You were a newbie when I started discussing with you. But I have noticed you sound very familiar with former member in your claims and tactics.

But I gave you the benefit of doubt anyway. But you proved I was right about my instinct about you by your started joining and bashing me with all my naysayers.

That's the time when I put you on ignore.

If you want to discuss our differences. why don't you start a new thread? We can talk about it without worrying about being reported.

can you take the challenge? @Tnkrbl123!



Well-known member
I don't know, you tell me.

I know only one of me.

you seem to know many of meshak.

why don't you spell it out instead of insinuating?

You have been repeating this attack over and over.

Why do you play dumb? It's a form of lying.

You want other members and even a mod to verify when you admitted letting someone else post as you more than once, without them telling us?


Why do you play dumb? It's a form of lying.

You want other members and even a mod to verify when you admitted letting someone else post as you more than once, without them telling us?

I explained that already a few times. why do you repeat the same harassment over and over?

I asked my family members to edit my post to fix my broken English.

But it stopped completely after a few years because they got tired of doing it.

Besides they are all gone to their jobs. It is impossible for them to do.

My son was saying my English is good enough and not everyone speaks perfect English.

You need to stop practicing your hateful spirit.

No one is editing my English anymore, period.

Can you remember this?


BTW, I know sometimes my English is good but sometimes hopelessly broken and I don't know how to fix it.

That's what happens for English for second language people.

this is just common sense. and you keep harassing me for it. You are sick, man.


If you don't understand what I am saying, all you have to do is ask honestly, instead of mocking or harrasing. I will rephrase it so you can understand.

It is no biggy.


Well-known member
I explained that already a few times. why do you repeat the same harassment over and over?

I asked my family members to edit my post to fix my broken English.

Not true. They did not identify themselves. They posted AS you and did not tell us they were someone else (even though we figured it out). And it happened more than once.

But it stopped completely after a few years because they got tired of doing it.

A few years of you and them lying, pretending to be you. You're a liar and now you're trying to excuse it.

Jesus has no room for liars with Him.


Well-known member
Well the original Easter celebration isdefinitely not pagan It is celebrating the cross of Jesus Christ and His resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins! It was never pagan to begin with.

People now celebrate Easter in a different way but that is RECENT

The TRADITIONAL understanding of Easter was never pagan because it was always about Christ. right from day 1 Easter has always been about Christ.

Christians cannot help that people have made their own holiday from our tradition but that is not our problem because we celebrate what has ALWAYS been celebrated and that is Jesus Christ.

And you say that you believe Jesus is the Messiah right? And you believe that he died for our sins and was resurrected right? If you do then you should definitely celebrate that!!! you should want to celebrate that beautiful act of love and mercy! And that is what Easter is it is the celebration of that exact thing. So to be a Christian and NOT celebrate Easter... well then if a person does not celebrate Easter at least in their hearts then they are not Christian

The definition of pagan should be applied to the human sacrifice your belief is built on. Easter is a celebration of Christ awaking in us 1Cor 3:16, portrayed in myriads of symbolic stories Gal 4:24 , beautiful paradoxical stories that are blemished by turning the other cheek to Rome's paganism that flooded the Christian religion since the third century, if we are to judge by fruits then that institution is a thistle of thorns blowing its seeds of genocidal dogma around the globe, and every where those seeds germinated the native blood was shed to appease its coveting spirit fed by the god of the dead letter that kills 2Cor 3:6, Psalms 40:6.


Not true. They did not identify themselves. They posted AS you and did not tell us they were someone else (even though we figured it out). And it happened more than once.

A few years of you and them lying, pretending to be you. You're a liar and now you're trying to excuse it.

Jesus has no room for liars with Him.

So because I honestly tell what I am doing, and someone is editing my broken English I am subject to harassment?

Only sick person come to this kind of hateful conclusion.

They didn't change anything, all they did was fixing my broken English.

they don't know what is going in the forum so they cannot put their own ideas into my statements.

again, this is just simple common sense.

You need to get rid of your hateful mentality since you claim to be saved Christian.

I have a new thread "child like faith."

I hope you participate it.



Everyone, I am from Okinawa, Japan.

So my English is not perfect and sometimes broken. And I know sometimes, it is darn good, if I say so myself.:)

So just becaseu my English pattern is not consistent, it is because of my second language barrier (sp).

But I also know that my points are clear and simple and consistent.

I make my posts short to avoid confusion so I don't get to be used to take advantage of my language barrier.

And even that they have something to complain about. I cannot win.

But that will not stop me to voice my conviction about my simple faith.


New member
This, I would agree with. Easter, as it exists, is just part of "holy" week. 100% Catholic.

Well I used to go to a Catholic church when I was a child but then converted to Baptist Christianity and we always celebrate Easter and take communion together and learn about and give praise and worship to Jesus. And I am not from USA so may be our Christian churches in Canada are a little bit different from yours but we always do an Easter mass and read scripture anx learn about the death and resurre tion of the Lord Jesus, our God and King and to the Father and Holy Spirit for the sacrifice that ended all sacrifices and finally bring that long awaited savI or and forgiveness of sins. And there is absolutely nothing "pagan" about it because it is a day dedicated to remembering the Lord it is beautiful. I know the church culture in many parts of the USA is quite different even though we are not to far away but it might be you are thinking of celebrating it a certain way that another culture and country does and equating it to the same thing? Anyways just wanted to defend my point to give better clarity where my heart comes from on that day


New member
The definition of pagan should be applied to the human sacrifice your belief is built on. Easter is a celebration of Christ awaking in us 1Cor 3:16, portrayed in myriads of symbolic stories Gal 4:24 , beautiful paradoxical stories that are blemished by turning the other cheek to Rome's paganism that flooded the Christian religion since the third century, if we are to judge by fruits then that institution is a thistle of thorns blowing its seeds of genocidal dogma around the globe, and every where those seeds germinated the native blood was shed to appease its coveting spirit fed by the god of the dead letter that kills 2Cor 3:6, Psalms 40:6.

it celebrates his resurrection from the dead :)


Well-known member
it celebrates his resurrection from the dead :)

The scriptural patterns/symbolism Psalms 78:2,Ex 25:40, Acts 17:24, 1Cor 3:16, etc... lost in your extroverted tradition Matt 23:13, unable to transcend higher than the first elements of spiritual development Hebrews 6:1-5, mixing dead symbolism of flesh Jew and Gentile, Male and Female, free nor bond, with spiritual liberty from it all as one new man free of all observational earthly divisions left behind in the tomb of dead letters ritualism Romans 2:28-29, 2Cor 3:6, 2Cor 5:16, Luke 9:60, its hard to leave that flesh reasoning behind Matt 16:22-24, only if Christ be awake in you can that tradition of flesh be put to death Gal 4:1, Gal 3:1-5, before your Easter rising from mortal sleep Eph 5:13-14.

Rome lied to you, and it was a big one Mark 7:13.

God's Truth

New member
The scriptural patterns/symbolism Psalms 78:2,Ex 25:40, Acts 17:24, 1Cor 3:16, etc... lost in your extroverted tradition Matt 23:13, unable to transcend higher than the first elements of spiritual development Hebrews 6:1-5, mixing dead symbolism of flesh Jew and Gentile, Male and Female, free nor bond, with spiritual liberty from it all as one new man free of all observational earthly divisions left behind in the tomb of dead letters ritualism Romans 2:28-29, 2Cor 3:6, 2Cor 5:16, Luke 9:60, its hard to leave that flesh reasoning behind Matt 16:22-24, only if Christ be awake in you can that tradition of flesh be put to death Gal 4:1, Gal 3:1-5, before your Easter rising from mortal sleep Eph 5:13-14.

Rome lied to you, and it was a big one Mark 7:13.

Who cares if it is an exact day of something?


What do you want from TOL? Why do you come here? Can you put it in one sentence?


Today is Sheni, Aviv 17. It is Yom, Day.

I was directed here as a child when I showed interest in the Bible or Torah or Jewish things. I am not sure what it was.




Well-known member
Well I used to go to a Catholic church when I was a child but then converted to Baptist Christianity and we always celebrate Easter and take communion together and learn about and give praise and worship to Jesus. And I am not from USA so may be our Christian churches in Canada are a little bit different from yours but we always do an Easter mass and read scripture anx learn about the death and resurre tion of the Lord Jesus, our God and King and to the Father and Holy Spirit for the sacrifice that ended all sacrifices and finally bring that long awaited savI or and forgiveness of sins. And there is absolutely nothing "pagan" about it because it is a day dedicated to remembering the Lord it is beautiful. I know the church culture in many parts of the USA is quite different even though we are not to far away but it might be you are thinking of celebrating it a certain way that another culture and country does and equating it to the same thing? Anyways just wanted to defend my point to give better clarity where my heart comes from on that day

Not even going to bother getting into the paganism inherent in the celebration.

1. As it exists, it comes from Catholicism, as part of a week of self-righteous works.

2. It's not the correct date.

3. Even if it were the correct date, what's the point of celebrating something for which there's no biblical example or injunction to celebrate on one specific day of the year?

4. A majority, probably, of people who celebrate Easter are on some level seeking to follow and to know Christ after the flesh, something we cannot and should not seek to do (2 Cor 5:16), which again ties back into it being derived from part of a "holy" week where -- let's be blunt about it -- one's participation is composed of self-righteous works which rack up spiritual points with God. THAT'S WHY THE WEEK OF WHICH EASTER IS A PART WAS CREATED IN THE FIRST PLACE.

For the remaining minority, it's just a church tradition that gives warm fuzzies, like Christmas does.

For a relative few, they use it to remember the Resurrection (see point 3).