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God's Truth

New member

I grew up a pacifist and even believed that once a person is saved they will never be judged. But I believe even the forgiven can be punished for what they have done.

The Bible tells us how there are people who deserve the bad that they receive, and how some don't deserve the bad that they receive.

It is always good to work on things we can change.

I am glad that you know that God loves you.


New member
Why would I criticize you? We never communicate.
I would rather we kept it that way. I have nothing to learn from you because you don't seem to want to learn from me and I am only interested in a DIALOGUE not listening to someone else's (your) monologue of just putting others down because you stick them into some sort of box.
But since it is Easter I repent of ever being rude to you and I am sorry and I am apologizing. And repenting means to make a u-turn, to realize you are not right or appropriate or committing sin and to stop because you love Jesus. And because I love Jesus with my entire being, mind, heart and soul I repent and I apologize.

I do not want to continue to sin because I am repenting and when we communicate it always leads to sin of the heart on both our parts. So this will be where I stop.

God bless you Meshak I truly hope that you can accept God who is the Almighty Father, Son and Holy-Spirit and have His life changing, life giving love fill your heart and lead your life. And I hope you can have Him lead your every thought, action and words to others.
I want to celebrate the life giving, sin obliterating blood of my Lord and God Jesus Christ who we remember today as having lived, died and been resurrected to pay the debts of the sins of the entire world and make root in the heart and soul of those who love Him!

Therefore I will pray for you tonight that you can expirience the life changing liberty and joy that this amazing gift from God has given me.
May you go in peace and it is for the best for both of our sakes than we no longer communicate and I ask you to please no longer communicate with me lest you wish to lead my heart to sin... and we both know that Jesus does not wish anyone to sin...and so you will not lead me to sin by rolling up anger and frustration with you and you can leave me alone.
Thank you Meshak


I do not celebrate Easter nor do I encourage or recommend anyone else do so. It is pagan.


New member
Nothing wrong with medication.
GOD provided us with physicians to help us.

You are absolutely right! Without the knowledge God has imparted on doctors and chemists I would be living a miserably painful life. It's always good when others help break those stigmas.

Luke was not only the author of a gospel but he was also a doctor in his time. It is definitely no coincidence :)


New member
I do not celebrate Easter nor do I encourage or recommend anyone else do so. It is pagan.

Well for Christians wedo not celebrate Easter in the way the media and Western Society in general now celebrates Easter.
Christian Easter celebration is NOT about the "Easter bunny" and All that stuff..
Christians, when we celebrate Easter we celebrate the Passover sacrifice that is given to us in Jesus Christ. It usually begins on the Good Friday which is the Friday before Easter day and that is the day that Jesus was hung on the cross when He gave His life to die on the cross for our sins. The final Sacrifical Lamb. but that is not the end. Three days later the tomb was empty and Jesus Christ was resurrected as the first so that we may also be resurrected and have eternal life with God for all eternity!
The Christian Easter celebration is when we celebrate the gift of Jesus and forgiveness of sins that brings unity to God through Jesus Christ.

Things are only "pagan" if you make them pagan. But if you are going thanksgiving and praise and giving glory to God then it is not pagan in fact it is a beautiful celebration given to God! It is the most important celebration and most holy and revered celebration in the Christian tradition. And if Christians are going to celebrate anything it is Easter!


Well for Christians wedo not celebrate Easter in the way the media and Western Society in general now celebrates Easter.
Christian Easter celebration is NOT about the "Easter bunny" and All that stuff..
Christians, when we celebrate Easter we celebrate the Passover sacrifice that is given to us in Jesus Christ. It usually begins on the Good Friday which is the Friday before Easter day and that is the day that Jesus was hung on the cross when He gave His life to die on the cross for our sins. The final Sacrifical Lamb. but that is not the end. Three days later the tomb was empty and Jesus Christ was resurrected as the first so that we may also be resurrected and have eternal life with God for all eternity!
The Christian Easter celebration is when we celebrate the gift of Jesus and forgiveness of sins that brings unity to God through Jesus Christ.

Things are only "pagan" if you make them pagan. But if you are going thanksgiving and praise and giving glory to God then it is not pagan in fact it is a beautiful celebration given to God! It is the most important celebration and most holy and revered celebration in the Christian tradition. And if Christians are going to celebrate anything it is Easter!

You can't make something that is pagan not pagan. You can choose to believe something different.


New member
You can't make something that is pagan not pagan. You can choose to believe something different.

Well the original Easter celebration isdefinitely not pagan It is celebrating the cross of Jesus Christ and His resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins! It was never pagan to begin with.

People now celebrate Easter in a different way but that is RECENT

The TRADITIONAL understanding of Easter was never pagan because it was always about Christ. right from day 1 Easter has always been about Christ.

Christians cannot help that people have made their own holiday from our tradition but that is not our problem because we celebrate what has ALWAYS been celebrated and that is Jesus Christ.

And you say that you believe Jesus is the Messiah right? And you believe that he died for our sins and was resurrected right? If you do then you should definitely celebrate that!!! you should want to celebrate that beautiful act of love and mercy! And that is what Easter is it is the celebration of that exact thing. So to be a Christian and NOT celebrate Easter... well then if a person does not celebrate Easter at least in their hearts then they are not Christian


Well the original Easter celebration isdefinitely not pagan It is celebrating the cross of Jesus Christ and His resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins! It was never pagan to begin with.

People now celebrate Easter in a different way but that is RECENT

The TRADITIONAL understanding of Easter was never pagan because it was always about Christ. right from day 1 Easter has always been about Christ.

Christians cannot help that people have made their own holiday from our tradition but that is not our problem because we celebrate what has ALWAYS been celebrated and that is Jesus Christ.

And you say that you believe Jesus is the Messiah right? And you believe that he died for our sins and was resurrected right? If you do then you should definitely celebrate that!!! you should want to celebrate that beautiful act of love and mercy! And that is what Easter is it is the celebration of that exact thing. So to be a Christian and NOT celebrate Easter... well then if a person does not celebrate Easter at least in their hearts then they are not Christian
You have believed a lie.

God's Truth

New member
You have believed a lie.

The Bible says a person can celebrate a day to the Lord.

Romans 14:6 Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God.


The Bible says a person can celebrate a day to the Lord.

Romans 14:6 Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God.
Not Easter. We are not allowed to celebrate anything pagan. Friday is not even a Biblical day and I do not observe it.


Well-known member
I don't know that I should share any diagnosis. Right now I do not have one and I hope I never do. I don't know that my Dad called the police on me. I believe my parents had it in mind that I may live longer than them and that I needed to learn independent living skills. I had hit my Dad when he accused me of abusing my niece but he has said he meant verbal abuse. My understanding is that abuse carries with it the death penalty, and I have confessed to abusing my sister growing up. There is more to it than that, but I know when to confess that I have done something wrong. She is very valuable in my eyes and to God. Anyhow, maybe I knew that I was being accused wrongly of abuse while being that I have confessed abuse.

The murder would have been outside of the country possibly someone who communicated with me here in the United States of America. After Trump became President I believe. And I heard something electronic in the room next to me while I was staying at Seeley Lake Lodge, which may have related to a mission even though that type of thinking may have been whether or not it was.

I brought up SSDI because I was asked about how my room and meals are paid for. I have claimed before that the SSDI is a form of, well I can't remember the word right now, stealing (set up for me? huh??). Who knows maybe the government wanted to help me and this was the only way, but it is would be lying.

What do you want from TOL? Why do you come here? Can you put it in one sentence?